Lucas Lepri – Precise Side Control & Knee On Belly Attacks


Although Lucas Lepri has an extremely well-developed overall BJJ game, he is known for his incredible skills from the Top. Whether it’s guard passing, knee on belly, or side control Lucas has made a career by punishing the opposition from the Top position! File Size: 2.13 GB

Lucas Lepri – Precise Side Control & Knee On Belly Attacks


Force your opponent to react in predictable ways so you can be ready with fight ending submissions.

Blend your Side Control attacks with Knee On Belly to create nonstop submission sequences.
Lucas covers concepts of control that keep you on top with slick transitions and unbreakable grips.
Revitalize your Knee On Belly position with Lepri’s game plan that forces your opponent to make mistakes.
Take advantage of those mistakes with lighting fast submissions that Lucas Lepri has used at the highest levels of competition.
Master Lepri’s favorite submissions like the baseball bat, Canto, and Paper Cutter choke variations!

Course Content
Volume 1

Introduction 0:00 – 0:48

Knee on belly concepts 0:48 – 6:22

Triangle from knee on belly 6:22 – 12:46

Baseball choke from knee on belly 12:46 – 17:36

Canto choke from side control 17:36 – 24:38

Monoplata/Armbar from side control 24:38
Volume 2

Modified Paper cutter choke 0:00 – 6:46

Taking the back from side control 6:46 – 13:04

North south lapel choke (pinning the arm) 13:04 – 18:59

North south lapel choke (Double lapel) 18:59 – 23:35

Reverse triangle submission variations 23:35
Volume 3

Mount transition to armbar finish 0:00 – 5:55

Armbar from side control 5:55 – 10:36

Brabo choke variations 10:36 – 18:17

Taking the back when your opponent bridges into you 18:17 – 25:11

Taking the back when your opponent goes for the single leg 25:11
Volume 4

Monoplata when your opponent applies the underhook 0:00 – 5:58

Scarf choke 5:58 – 11:14

Baseball choke using your opponents lapel 11:14 – 15:50

Double attack: Reverse armbar to rolling armbar 15:50 – 20:39

Double attack: Reverse armbar to kimura trap 20:39 – 24:17

Side control concepts 24:17 – 27:48

Conclusion 27:48
Get immediately download Lucas Lepri – Precise Side Control & Knee On Belly Attacks
What Will You Learn?
Although Lucas Lepri has an extremely well-developed overall BJJ game, he is known for his incredible skills from the Top. Whether it’s guard passing, knee on belly, or side control Lucas has made a career by punishing the opposition from the Top position! In his latest instructional, Precise Side Control & Knee On Belly Attacks, Lucas sets his sights on giving you a blueprint to find success from the top.
This 4-part series not only covers very effective submissions, but how to systematically apply them once you establish position. Knee On Belly and Side Control should be a hostile environment for your opponent, and this series teaches you how to create that! Lucas shares his best tips on using dominant grips and transitions to not only control your opponent, but force them to make mistakes!

In BJJ knowing is half the battle! If you can find repeatable sequences where your opponent reacts in a predictable way you can set traps for them. Precise Side Control & Knee On Belly Attacks covers common reactions you will see from both Side Control and Knee On Belly. Here Lucas shares insider tips on how to utilize your controls to “funnel” your opponent into a trap that is waiting to be sprung!
Precise Side Control & Knee On Belly Attacks also covers how to transition in between Knee On Belly and Side Control. As you apply pressure from either position, a typical reaction from an opponent is to attempt to escape and remove that pressure. This provides opportunities to transition from Side Control to Knee On Belly and vice versa. If your opponent manages to escape from one position you’ll be ready with the next! Check out the complete technique list from this 4-part series below!
North South Lapel Choke
So, What Exactly Do You Get?
Part 1:

Knee on belly concepts
Triangle from knee on belly
Baseball choke from knee on belly
Canto choke from side control
Monoplata/Armbar from side control

Part 2:

Modified Paper cutter choke
Taking the back from side control
North south lapel choke (pinning the arm)
North south lapel choke (Double lapel)
Reverse triangle submission variations

Get immediately download Lucas Lepri – Precise Side Control & Knee On Belly Attacks
Part 3:

Mount transition to armbar finish
Armbar from side control
Brabo choke variations
Taking the back when your opponent bridges into you
Taking the back when your opponent goes for the single leg

Part 4:

Monoplata when your opponent applies the underhook
Scarf choke
Baseball choke using your opponents lapel
Double attack: Reverse armbar to rolling armbar
Double attack: Reverse armbar to kimura trap
Side control concepts

Side Control Conceptscise Side Control