The Complete SQL Masterclass for Data Analytics


(This course is also available for PostgreSQL delivers immediately for MySQL is a faster database application than traditional databases. for Web-based applications. File size: 2.85GB

The Complete SQL Masterclass for Data Analytics

What you’ll learn
All the essentials SQL Commands

Become proficient in SQL Tools like GROUP BY and JOINS as well as Subqueries

Learn how to use filtering and sorting commands. SQL

Master SQLThe most used string, mathematical, and date-time functions

Using Views and Indexes to improve the performance of your Database

You can increase your productivity by learning the best writing techniques SQL queries

Relevant theoretical concepts are also covered in order to excel in BI Job interviews or Vivas

Solid understanding SQL
Only a computer with any web browser
6 reasons why you should choose this SQL Course
You will learn everything you need with a carefully designed curriculum SQL These are the things you’ll need for Data Analysis in businesses
Comprehensive – covers basics, advanced SQL Also, statements, interview tips, performance tuning tips and more
Examples and case studies in business
You can do a lot of practice exercises. SQL requires practice
Downloadable resources
The Instructor will respond to your questions
All students who complete this course receive a Verifiable Certificate Of Completion. SQL course.
Why should you choose this course instead?
This tutorial will cover everything you need to know about SQL This can be done in one weekend. SQL This is the most sought-after skill for Data All companies have analysis roles. This course will help you to become a data scientist, or to improve your data analysis skills.
What makes us qualified for teaching you?
The Pukhraj and Abhishek teach the course. Instructors have been teaching the course for many years. Data Science and Machine Learning for over a decade.
We are also the founders of some of most popular online courses, with over 150,000 enrollees and thousands upon thousands of 5-star ratings like these.
It was an amazing experience. It allowed me to expand my knowledge on the power use of SQL As an analytical tool. Kudos, instructor! – Sikiru
It was very informative. I learned some great tricks and enough detail to keep it in my mind. Armand
Our Promise
Teaching our students is our job, and we are dedicated to it. You can ask questions about the course content, the practice sheet, or any topic related to the course.
Download Practice files, take Quizzes and complete Assignments
A practice sheet is included with each lecture for Follow along. You can also take quizzes in order to test your understanding. Each section has a practice assignment. for You will be able to put your learning into practice. Also, the Solution to Assignment is shared so you can assess your performance.
You will feel more confident using this course by the end SQL Your sales will soar. You’ll be able to understand how to use it. SQL for Data Analytics as a career possibility.
Click the button to enroll and I’ll be waiting for you in lesson 1.
Start-Tech Academy
Why not learn SQL?
SQL It is the most common and universal database language. SQL Server, SQLite, MySQL. Simply put, if you want to access databases, then you must know SQLite, MySQL, and Server. SQL.
Download immediately The Complete SQL Masterclass for Data Analytics
It’s not difficult to learn. SQL. SQL is not a programming language, it’s a query language. The Where is the primary objective? SQL It was created to allow common people to access data from a database. It can also be written in English, so anyone can understand basic English. SQL Simply ask.
SQL Employers consider this one of the most desirable skills.
You can make a lot of money.
How long does it take to learn? SQL?
SQL Although it is easy, no one can predict the time it will take to learn. It all depends on you. The Method we used to help you learn SQL It takes only minutes to learn the basics, and then you can move quickly to advanced level in just a few hours. Although you can follow the same path, practice is key. Learning is only possible through practice. SQL quickly.
What are the steps I should take to learn more? SQL?
Learn the basics and get started. SQL. The The first 10 sections of this course will cover the basics.
Once you’re done with the basics, get into advanced SQL. The next 10 sections will cover advanced topics
The next sections will help you with interviews, Vivas, and other topics.
Use the exercises in each section to practice your learning.
What’s the difference? SQL PostgreSQL and What is it?
SQL Language. The language is specifically the “Structured Query Language”
PostgreSQL can be described as one of many database systems or RDMS (Relational Database Management System). PostgresSQL, among others, is one of several RDMSs.
All of these RDMSs are used SQL as their language. Each has minor variations in the “dialect” This is SQL They use, but it’s all still SQL.
Which is better, PostgreSQL oder MySQL?
Both are excellent products, with distinct strengths. The choice is often personal.
PostgreSQL provides a variety of features for MySQL is a faster database application than traditional databases. for Web-based applications.
Open source development will bring additional features to the next releases of both databases.
Who has access to these databases?
Here are a few examples from companies that use PostgreSQL.
What is special about this course?
The Courses are created on the basis three pillars:
Learn (Study).
Do (Practice).
Review (Self-feedback)
Be informed
We have created a collection of concise, comprehensive videos to help you learn all about the subject. SQL You will need these skills in your professional career.
To complement the lecture video’s learning, we offer exercises. These exercises are carefully designed to help you understand the concepts and apply them to real-world problems.
You can test if you have understood the concepts by running your code and analysing the results. If you have any difficulties, ask questions in the discussion forum.
Bonus Lectures
There is also a bonus section that covers important topics, such as job interviews and Vivas.
The This course is authored by corporate professionals who have years of experience. The course material has been curated keeping in mind the needs of the participants. SQL In today’s corporate world.

Who is this course for? for:
Beginning their career as a working professional Data journey

Anyone who is interested in mastering SQL In a short time, you can go from beginner to advanced.

Students are about to start their first corporate job
Here’s what you can expect in the new book The Complete SQL Masterclass for Data Analytics