Society and education is focused on weakening, by feminizing the crap out of young guys while shifting the norm to basically normalize weakness. Format File: 1 PDF

Primal Thrive – Primal Spartan

There is No Excuse to Stay Weak ⚔️
It is not a sin if you are weak, it is a sin when you don’t do anything about it. The tools and knowledge provided in Primal Spartan will set you way ahead than most of your peers, especially if you are a young men in his 20’s.
Society and education is focused on weakening, by feminizing the crap out of young guys while shifting the norm to basically normalize weakness. 
What Makes Men Weak?

Malnutrition and wrong diets
Plastics, xenoestrogens and body care products
Social Media and Media in general
Degenerative Culture
Any kind of Addiction: cigarettes, booze, fast food and porn

The weaknesses that I just summoned up can be transmuted into strengths. You can establish the RIGHT mental mindset and boundaries to protect your future selves. Especially when you are young, you didn’t receive the ‘education’ and knowledge you should have had. 
This is why I wrote Primal Spartan, to set you on the right track by the means of 3 main pillars:

Mental toughness cultivation
Physical training
The High Thumos Diet

Get immediately download Primal Thrive – Primal Spartan
This is a Guide that will teach you ancient principles to heal the mind, body and soul and to set yourself on the righteous trajectory!
Primal Spartan is the first course of the Ancient Series that has the purpose of ameliorating men’s physique.
You will learn:

Becomeaddiction FREE
Cultivate mental toughness + discipline 
How you can feed your constitution to become strong in both mind and body
Introduction tofasting & feasting, and how to break a fast properly
The exact diet that the Spartans ate and how you can optimize it
Guide to Neck Training + Proper Jaw Development
High Thumos foods and ancient nutritional principles
How exercise looked like in ancient Sparta & how you can train like the ancients without the T lowering aspects of the past
Get a training regimen where you will train 6 out of 7 
Tools for recovery
Training for testosterone
BONUS: includes Barbarian Neck Training

& more
Choose your option, and click the I Want This button to get your desired package.
Here’s What You’ll Get in Primal Thrive – Primal Spartan