HighExistence – MemoryCraft


Outlining the course’s philosophical approach to learning based on social brain theory while unpacking scientific models to 10X your learning retention. Format File: [WebRip – 149 ts] File Size: 4,986 GB

HighExistence – MemoryCraft



20+ hours intensive course content

1 full live online weekend experience

Exclusive rapid learning bonus bundle

30 day accountability challenge

5-phase formula for learning anything

Direct access to the HighExistence team


Have the confidence to start and learn anything

Become adaptable in an ever-changing world

Self-author your future and design the life you want

Gain a tribe of lifelong learners and doers

Build the skills to advance your career

Inspire others to take action towards their dreams

The War on Learning and Winning The Battle For Your Own Mind

In many ways, our education system is not designed for learning.

It’s designed for a breed of “schooling” that indoctrinates us into specific world-views and often crushes an innate love for learning.

People are forced into pre-defined tracks and made to take standardized tests where they are simply regurgitating information.

(How much do you remember from those tests, by the way?)

Our education institutions should be gardens for human potential. Unfortunately, they are not.

People enter the system as children with a wild and unending fascination with the world…

And they often leave with their natural curiosity crushed, now “grown up” and ready to join the work force.

Maybe you can vaguely remember this vivid sense of wonder you had as a child?

Maybe you’re one of the few who made it through the system with the love for learning.

Most people don’t and it’s a tragedy.
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But it doesn’t end there.

The New Era of Learning

We live in a time where the internet has given us access to a tremendous river of information.

It has never been easier to read, watch, and listen to people who have valuable things to share.

But Tech giants using cutting edge psychology to hijack your attention and keep you distracted.

Facebook. Twitter. Instagram. Whatever is your distraction platform of choice, in the end, they all do the same thing: kill your attention span and inhibit your ability to digest real information.

So we have old education institutions forcing us into boxes and new technology keeping us distracted.

The War on Learning is real and it’s never been more pronounced.

And there are many casualties.

So much of humanity’s potential lies dormant. This keeps people from feeling fully capable and confident in the world.

It causes them to feel less meaning and purpose. The days become more monotone. Life feels less like an adventure.

So how do you win the battle for your own mind?

The Ultimate Skill

​The answer is this..

Regain contact with the Learning Impulse: the innate drive for exploration, discovery, and mastery.

Within you, there are powerful forces of curiosity, pattern recognition, and adaption.

When our learning impulse is online, we see tremendous opportunity and possibility. Obstacles become staircases.

A better career. A promotion. A thriving relationship. A healthy body.

It all becomes within reach.

Learning is the key. It turns impossible dreams into reality.

When you unlock your capacity to learn, you build the confidence to pursue things that would previously feel completely beyond you.

“I can’t do it.” becomes “I can’t do it YET.”

Our days become enriched with the intoxicating sense of progress, the realization that we’re moving towards our dreams.

And the momentum inspires others along the way as they begin to see you transform. They’ll start asking themselves: what am I capable of?

But how do we activate this learning impulse to experience greater meaning and purpose? How do you flip the switch?

The answers lie in a fusion of unconventional information processing protocols, mental models for rapid wisdom absorption, community education experiences, and a clear step-by-step process of the path to mastery.

This is the Accelerated Learning Experience.

It’s designed to activate the learning impulse in an assembly of rebellious leaders and devoted change makers.

Will you join us?
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The Foundational Course lays the groundwork for your learning journey. It’s a series of fast-paced HD video lessons paired with reflection questions to make the teachings stick and audio tracks to gain a deeper perspective. It all happens on our custom built community platform.


Course Introduction

A primer to set you up for success. You’ll learn some uncommon metaphors and useful scientific theories to learn more in less time by building stronger neural connections.


The Approach To Learning

Outlining the course’s philosophical approach to learning based on social brain theory while unpacking scientific models to 10X your learning retention.


The Approach To Habit Change

Harness the Iceberg Model of Behavior Change to create positive habit formation without having to rely on self-discipline or willpower.


Theories & Recommendations

The 5 scientific theories that undergird the accelerated learning principles you will apply throughout the course that will lead to the cultivation of an integrated, holistic mind.


Overview of The Formula

An overview of the 5-phase process that makes up the learning journey ahead. The framework outlines the key stages of learning so you can make significant progress in a short amount of time.


Step 1 – Perception

Increase your understanding of what shapes your beliefs so you can transform self-sabotaging perceptions (like imposter syndrome) and replace them with more empowering perspectives.


Step 2 – Patterning

Discover how to harnessing what you’ve learned in the past to empower your learning in the present by lightening the cognitive load through pattern recognition.


Step 3 – Deep Processing

The “meat & potatoes” of the learning stages, deep processing gives you a playbook for arriving at meaningful understanding of a subject and thus moving you way beyond simple repetition and regurgitation.


Step 4 – Rehearsal

Leverage the 3 factors of rehearsal to practice new skills most effectively by strengthening your working memory using the “Popcorn & Spaghetti” distinction.


Step 5 – Feedback

The critical ingredient to rapid improvement with laser-targeted feedback. Learn the science and strategies for soliciting and receiving effective feedback so you can dramatically accelerate the acquisition of new skills.


Subtleties of The Sequence

Unpack 5 subtleties that will debunk common myths and help you apply the 5-phase process to anything you’re trying to learn.

Rapid Learning Bonus Bundle

Scroll below to check out the hand-picked bonus bundle designed to enhance your Accelerated Learning Experience.
Archive: https://archive.is/yEW81
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