MarketingSherpa – 2011 Email Marketing Benchmark Report


Download available within 1-2 hours. The 198-page 2011 Email Marketing Benchmark Report includes a broad range of all components of email marketing with details on the significant new obstacles to email marketing success, email budgets and bottom lines

MarketingSherpa – 2011 Email Marketing Benchmark Report

Research Reveals: Marketers Face Significant Obstacles to Email Marketing Success in 2011
Email plays a vital role in achieving a wide range of marketing objectives. When integrated with emerging marketing channels such as social media, email appears to have unlimited potential especially when combined with multiple improvement tactics. The purpose of this report is to help you understand which email marketing tactics will be most effective in helping you overcome significant obstacles for 2011 in email marketing such as: relevancy, quantifying ROI, deliverability, opt-ins, and a lack of an effective marketing strategy.
The all-new 2011 Email Marketing Benchmark Report provides the most up-to-date research, benchmark data, and analysis on new email marketing tactics, email marketing maturity, and the state of email from a strategic standpoint. In this report you’ll also gain a deeper knowledge of the key issues from the most comprehensive study on email marketing available including:

Impact of email marketing maturity
Three dimensional views of email tactics
All new metrics and benchmarks

The 198-page 2011 Email Marketing Benchmark Report includes a broad range of all components of email marketing with details on the significant new obstacles to email marketing success, email budgets and bottom lines, and top tactics for delivering relevant content, email list growth, and social media.
In short, this comprehensive study provides insight on what works – and what doesn’t – in email marketing today.
2011 Email Marketing Benchmark Report (Excerpt)
Top 10 Questions Answered in the 2011 Email Marketing Benchmark Report

What are the new significant obstacles to email marketing success?
What are email marketers really trying to achieve?
What are the three phases of email marketing maturity?
What is an effective method for quantifying ROI?
What are the top tactics for delivering relevant content?
How does email personalization tactics increase conversions?
How is social media being used as list growth tactic?
What are the new key performance metrics for email?
What is the new benchmark date for email newsletter performance?
What are the methods typically used to test email campaigns?

In the 2011 Email Marketing Benchmark Report, you’ll receive all the benchmark data you need to make informed campaign decisions, face new challenges with real research and marketing insight, and forecast email budgets for the upcoming year. Highlights from the new report include:

Primary research survey results, providing the collective wisdom of 1100 email marketers
152 charts and tables with analytical commentary
50 benchmarks on Email marketing tactics, research, budgets, and ROI
7 marketing sections with hundreds of insights from your peers on email challenges, relevancy, list growth and more

Special Sections: Highlighting Email Marketing Insights, Tactics, and Charts
The 2011 Email Marketing Benchmark Report is more than just data. This all-new report gives you analysis and insight on topics critical to the future success of email marketers:

Most difficult email challenges, objectives, tactics for the upcoming year
Email marketing maturity – a key indicator of success
Changing marketing budget landscape for 2011
The time, effort, and expense required of relevancy tactics
Top tactics for driving email list growth
Solutions and providers for sending house email list
Effectiveness of deliverability tactics and trends
Using metrics to improve email performance
New email testing and optimizing methods for 2011

3 Dimensional Views of Email Tactics
In the 2011 Email Marketing Benchmark Report, we found that marketers are more likely to use fast and easy to implement email tactics, instead of those which are most effective. The three dimensional views are:


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By incorporating and analyzing the three sets of data above from the study on some of email marketing’s most significant challenges, marketers are able to correct their course of actions and improve performance.
What Others Have Said about MarketingSherpa’s Email Marketing Benchmark Report?
“Year after year, MarketingSherpa’s Email Benchmark Report proves to be an amazing source of insight, inspiration, and ideas for email marketing professionals. The new Report is no exception as it documents, yet again, that there’s still plenty of ROI gold in email marketing’s hills for those who eschew “burn & churn” tactics in favor of efforts that facilitate long-term, mutually-beneficial relationships with customers and prospects.”
-Jeffrey K. Rohrs, VP Marketing, Exact Target
“”The Email Marketing Benchmark Report has been extremely helpful to my electronic marketing staff. It helped us pinpoint areas that needed improvement because we were able to see the results from other B-2-B and B-2-C marketers. I’m sure our campaigns will be much more effective because of what we learned.” “
-Denise Elliott, Vice President, Sales and Marketing, Kiplinger
“MarketingSherpa’s Email Benchmark Report is one of the best resources out there for email marketers. I especially like the fact that it is full of stats and charts that I can use to compare my own results with. The insights that you get from this guide are very useful in the day-to-day life of an email marketer.”
-Tamara Gielen, OgilvyOne
“If your email marketing program is moderate to aggressive, this is a “must have.” The amount of quality data contained in this report will eliminate any time spent searching the web for that exact statistic needed. Purchasing this guide will give you access to what others are doing, specific statistics for various industries, and much, much more!”
-Erica DeWolf, CEO & eMarketing Strategist, DeWolf eMarketing & Design
2011 Email Marketing Benchmark Report Summary Table of Contents:
Chapter 1: The State of Email Marketing (p. 9-31)

Facing significant new obstacles to email marketing success
Marketer insights on their most difficult email marketing challenge
What email marketers are really trying to achieve
Marketer insights on their most important objectives for the coming year
Objectives email marketers are achieving most effectively
Email marketing maturity – a key indicator of success

Chapter 2: Email Budgets and Bottom lines (p. 32-58)

The perception of ROI drives email marketing investment
A method for quantifying ROI
Email marketing ROI benchmarks
The changing marketing budget landscape
Online’s share of the marketing budget
Email’s share of the online marketing budget
Substantial email marketing budget increases projected for 2011

Chapter 3: Getting Relevant by Being Personal (p. 59-83)

Top tactics for delivering relevant content
Relevancy tactics used
The time, effort and expense required of relevancy tactics
The effectiveness of relevancy tactics
Marketer insights on the most effective relevancy and personalization tactics
Satisfying subscriber preferences
What it takes to personalize email
Case briefing: Personalization tactics increase conversions

Chapter 4: Driving Email List Growth (p. 84-111)

Top tactics for increasing subscriber lists
Email list growth tactics used
The time, effort and expense required of list growth tactics
The effectiveness of list growth tactics
Marketer insights on their most effective list growth tactics
Social media as a list growth tactic
Trends in email list growth
Case briefing:
Solutions and providers for sending house email list

Chapter 5: Making it Into the Inbox (p. 112-127)

Top tactics for improving email deliverability
Deliverability tactics used
The time, effort and expense required of deliverability tactics
The effectiveness of deliverability tactics
Trends in deliverability issues
Marketer insights on the state of deliverability and tactics for improving it

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Chapter 6: Metrics that Matter Most (p. 128-163)

Measuring email marketing performance
A year of change in key performance metric
Marketer insights on using metrics to improve email performance
How marketers measure emails delivered
How marketers measure emails opened
How marketers measure emails converted
Benchmarking email newsletter performance
Benchmarking email (other than newsletter) performance

Chapter 7: Putting Email to the Test (p. 164-174)

Testing and optimizing email marketing performance
Campaign elements tested
Marketer insights on methods typically used to test email campaigns
Methodology for email testing and optimization

Appendix: Benchmark Survey Demographics (p. 175-198)

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