Kate Freeman – Heart Of Releasing – A Conversation About Our Differences


(This course is available for immediate delivery) Kate has been exploring white privilege and would love to help all of us share our pain, our joy and our love of others.

Kate Freeman – Heart Of Releasing – A Conversation About Our Differences


A Conversation About Our Differences

This is a very special conversation about our differences – race, gender, sexuality, culture, disabilities, etc.By discussing our experiences and Releasing, the intent is to open to deeper sharing and to open to greater Oneness everywhere.
Kate has been exploring white privilege and would love to help all of us share our pain, our joy and our love of others.
By talking about our own experiences, we can begin to heal all our separations through Releasing our unconscious bias.
Please come and let’s find our deep Oneness.
Come and begin to explore how we sometimes reject, judge and suppress those who are different.
We are asking for just a donation; whatever you feel called to give from your heart. You will then receive the recording and the downloadable workbook.
Get immediately download Kate Freeman – Heart Of Releasing – A Conversation About Our Differences


Kate Freeman is Co-Founder of the Center for Releasing. She has been facilitating Releasing courses, retreats and coaching sessions for almost 35 years.Her first mentor, Lester Levenson, was a treasured teacher, as was the great American sage, Robert Adams. The wisdom they shared is an integral part of her teaching.
Kate brings a tender but knowing attention to her work with clients, often facilitating life changing shifts with the gentleness of a whisper.
Her focus is in mirroring true presence so that students and clients can feel very safe and grounded while delving into their next challenge and letting it go very quickly.
Kate’s ability to help them drop anything in the way of their pure Unlimitedness is profound. She facilitates retreats, courses and coaching worldwide.
Kate lives in Washington State near her three wonderful children and many grandchildren. She loves to spend family time with them and also hike and kayak in the beauty of the Northwest.
Here’s What You’ll Get in Kate Freeman – Heart Of Releasing – A Conversation About Our Differences