Philip Morgan – The Positioning Course


Download available within 1-2 hours. The goal is to help you move from a generalist position to focused specialist with minimum risk, maximum speed, and more structure, support, and accountability than my book is able to offer. And with less cost than my Positioning Accelerator Program involves.

Philip Morgan – The Positioning Course


The Positioning Course

I’ve built an online positioning course for you. The goal is to help you move from a generalist position to focused specialist with minimum risk, maximum speed, and more structure, support, and accountability than my book is able to offer. And with less cost than my Positioning Accelerator Program involves.

The price is $399.
The course uses a combination of video lessons, assessments, and hands-on work to help you improve your market position.
This course has two forms of support:

A Slack group for asynchronous questions
Short video calls with me (lightning coaching sessions) to troubleshoot specific issues

This course has lots of structure to help you succeed:

A single, specific, easy process for moving from generalist to specialist
Easy procedures for reducing overwhelm and making a good choice about narrowing your focus
Troubleshooting exercises to help you get unstuck if you get stuck
An automated, personalized email nag-bot to nag you into making progress if you get distracted, lose momentum, etc.

Before I’ll let you buy the course you’ll have to fill out a brief application form (below). I want to make sure this course is right for you, so I’ll ask a few questions about your background and goals to make sure it is.

Course Outline

Module 1 Academic

Results of positioning
Classical definition
More useful understanding
Moving market positions
What positioning is NOT

Module 1 Practicum

Why positioning matters, from a practical perspective

Module 2 Academic

Criteria of a strong market position
Troubleshooting niche selection
Positioning statement format options
Understanding differentiation
Common market positions & examples
Developing your positioning statement

Module 2 Practicum

Create a shortlist of 2 or 3 market verticals you could focus on. If you have 1 clear best choice, skip the next step.
Stress-test your market vertical options.
Draft multiple positioning statement options using provided templates.

Module 3 Academic

Why research?
Research tools
Research procedures
The right questions to ask
Analyzing and beginning to apply your findings

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Module 3 Practicum

Build a market research outreach list
Construct email sequence to arrange research interviews
Conduct 5 or more market research interviews
Iterate positioning statement based on research findings

Module 4 Academic

What is the goal of your website?
Recommended approach for lead generation
Phased approach to creating website content
Site creation mistakes
Copywriting mistakes to avoid
How to approach copywriting instead
About proof elements
Useful CTAs

Module 4 Practicum

Build out lead-generating website content using a very prescriptive, helpful template

Getting Started
I will be delighted to take your money for this course after you’ve verified that it will be a good fit for you with the simple 3-question checklist below.
You used to have to fill out an actual form to determine if you’d be shown the Buy Button, but there were caching issues with that form and my host, so it’s now it’s the static checklist you see below.
The reason I have this checklist is not fake scarcity bullshit, it’s simply to make sure that the course is right for you. Based on my experience, about 80% of self-employed, generalist freelancers will be a good fit, and about 20% will not.
This course will be a good fit for you if you can honestly answer NO to all of the 3 questions below:
1) Have you invented anything that you use in your client work?
Examples of the kind of inventions I’m talking about:
* Code libraries or frameworks

* Proprietary methodologies for diagnosing or prescribing

* Proprietary datasets

* Proprietary concepts, processes, or systems you use to produce results for your clients

* Other things you’ve created that are unique to you/your business. The word proprietary shows up a lot above, but these inventions don’t have to be secret (ex:, they just have to be yours or closely associated with a small group of which you’re a member (ex: the Agile Manifesto which has 17 now-famous signatories, one of who lives on a goat farm in rural Oregon and remotely coaches Facebook developers for what I’m sure is a PRIMO rate).
2) Do you apply world class expertise to your client work? (That means there are maybe 0 to 6 others in the world who can do what you can)
3) Would you prefer to develop a new market position slowly but with incredible precision (instead of rapidly but with some compromises)?
If you’ve answered NO to all of these questions, please go ahead and buy the course using the button below and then check your inbox. That’s where I’ll send the course lessons.
BUY NOW – $399
If you answered NO to one or more of those checklist questions but you believe the course might be a good fit anyway, please contact me ([email protected]) and we’ll discuss it from there.

Who is this course ideal for?
If you’re a self-employed generalist who is ready to implement the simplest, lowest-risk possible version of narrowing your focus and take the first step to integrate that narrowed focus into your marketing, then this course will help you.
If you want to do deep market research that takes 4 to 6 months to discover a hyper-narrow expensive problem that you can position your business as the solution to, this course is not your bag, but my Positioning Accelerator Program might be. Email me for more info.
Will this course actually… work?
Probably. Ain’t no guarantees in the world of marketing, but most people will get a ridiculously good ROI on the price of this course and the time you’ll have to invest.
Oh yes… this is not magic fairy dust I sprinkle on your business to increase demand for your services and your rates overnight. But… it works if you work it.
I’ll give you proven methods for choosing a strong market position, and I’ll help you develop that positioning into a basic website message. With time and followthrough on your part, this will improve your business significantly.
Here are the things that will cause this course experience to not work for you:

If you don’t watch the video lessons, don’t do the homework, or generally don’t invest your time and effort into the course.
If you are completely risk-averse. No judgement, but if you’re very risk averse this course will push a lot of buttons for you (“what? say no to potential clients!?!?!”) and I’d recommend you avoid it.
If you’re brand spanking new to self-employment. I like to see my course students have a year or two of experience working for themselves before they take this course. I can make exceptions, though, if you have a compelling reason why I should. Just email me if you do.
If you don’t believe that by narrowing your focus you can benefit your business. If that’s you, just remain on my email list and I’ll bring you around to the truth. ?

Do I need to be a good writer or a creative marketer?
Absolutely not. That’s a large part of why I’m doing this course: I believe I can provide you with the right templates, processes, and structure to help you develop an improved market position for your business without you having to be a strong writer or clever marketer. Yes, need to have something of value to offer clients, but that’s it.
What’s the deal with those lightning coaching sessions?
If you need the support I will legit get on a Zoom video call with you and help you realtime. The sessions are 15 minutes long and there are only 6 of them per week (currently on Wednesdays, 9am to 10:30am Pacific time), so we’ll have to keep things focused, but you’ll get the same kind of help I charge individuals $300/hr for as a part of this course if you need it.
If you don’t need coaching, that’s fine too. You can just move through the course at maximum speed on your own. ?
What are the technical requirements to participate?
You’ll need the same stuff you’d need for a Skype video call: computer, webcam, headphones with microphone (like Apple earbuds, for example), and a solid, fast internet connection.
What if I hate it, think it sucks, or am dissatisfied?
If that’s the case, I will be refunding you in full faster than my dog Malcolm sits down when I pull a treat out of my pocket. Your refund will be contingent on you providing me feedback so I can improve future iterations of this thing.
But please do us both a favor… if you have any questions about this, please email me and ask before signing up. If you know about this course, you are almost certainly on my email list, so just find any email from me, hit REPLY, and tell me what’s on your mind. I want this to be the right decision for you.
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Will my business or life get better overnight?
No. This is not magic, but I am applying every “make things better rapidly” best practice I know of, so you’ve got a good shot at seeing significant improvement in 4 to 6 months. You’ll need to maintain what we’ve set in motion for some time after the course.
Will you make me torch my existing market position and replace it with some hastily-constructed replacement?
No, we will be developing a new market position that you can roll out publicly as/when you see fit. I’ll help you articulate this position into basic website messaging so you’re not just left with a positioning statement but no idea of how to move forward from there.
The inertia of your old market position and referral momentum from old clients will naturally slow down over the 4 to 6 months it’ll take for your new market position to pick up steam, sort of like handing off the baton in a relay race except slower.
Have you ever done this before?
I have helped hundreds of people like you research, define, validate, or dominate a profitable, desirable market position. You will get the full benefit of my experience during this course.
Who should not sign up for this?

If the cost of the course will make or break your monthly budget, please don’t do it. Enjoy my free stuff, buy my book, but do not overextend yourself financially to do this course. Despite the hype you may see some marketers using, very few marketing investments actually pay immediate returns, and this one is no different. I’m confident you will get a strong return on your investment in this course, but it will take some time to materialize.
If you are completely or mostly risk intolerant, this event will push every button there is for you, and you might consider something with less of a “move fast and break things” kind of ethos. If that’s you, my mentoring program would be a better fit because we really emphasize market research and validation there.
If you’re not open to the idea of narrowing down your market position, then this course won’t make sense to you.