iPhone Video Hero – Video Training


Download available within 1-2 hours. Win more business by shooting attention grabbing customer testimonials. See how I help a fitness trainer shoot a testimonial. (You also get my cheat sheet – the questions you MUST ask your clients!)

iPhone Video Hero – Video Training


Inside iPhone Video Hero …
Pro Quality

How to get $2,000 quality out of your iPhone’s Video Camera so your Videos shine on screen! (Hold off on that heavyweight Pro-cam!)
Get Steady

How to keep your iPhone rock steady even when you are handholding.

Lighting can make or break your videos – I’ll show you the best low cost solutions. You’ll be able to add sparkle to your Videos by learning step by step from my own setup.
Sell More

Want to make clean looking sales and blog videos? Create that famous Apple white background look with your iPhone! (Download my own lighting plan)
Filming Yourself

No flip-out screen – No problem! You’ll find out how to film yourself and see how good you look at the same time

Revealed: The little known accessories that will allow you to capture crisp audio on your iPhone using an external microphone.
Video testimonials

Win more business by shooting attention grabbing customer testimonials. See how I help a fitness trainer shoot a testimonial. (You also get my cheat sheet – the questions you MUST ask your clients!)
Up Close

Up Close & Personal. How to film a small physical product. Perfect if you are an e-tailer or an inventor and want to promote your products using the power of video marketing.

My step by step guide to the best Video Apps in the App store. Handpicked by me so you don’t waste time and cash on the bad ones!
Make a Video Ad in minutes!

Make a live action Video Promo or Directory Listing using a free under the radar App. Hint: Clients will pay for a Video like this!
iMovie Mogul

My easy editing guide to iMovie on your iPhone/iPad will get you up and running fast.
Accessories Guide

You get my comprehensive and insanely popular accessories guide so you don’t spend $$$ buying the wrong gear!
NEW! iPad Love

Want to shoot video on your iPad? I’ll give you some killer tips to max out your videos!
Social Sharing

The fastest ways to get your videos seen on facebook and YouTube.
Free Music

Quality Free Music to download and use in your Videos, on Youtube or on your website. (Requires a credit)
Plus More!

Over 3 hrs of high value, laser focussed content including my 4 EXTRA HERO Bonuses you’ll discover below.

This program is for you!

The Internet Marketer
Video Marketing is hotter than July and you need to create a stream of Video content – FAST. You don’t want to invest in expensive equipment right now but you want your Videos to look professional so that you sell more. Your clients need Video and you want to make extra money by offering Video Services or showing them how to make their own Video content.
The Blogger
You want to grow your readership in double quick time and you know pushing out Videos can bring people back to your site via facebook and YouTube. Other bloggers are doing Video and you want to get started ASAP. But you want to keep it lean and use the portable tools you already own to maximum effect.
Get immediately download  iPhone Video Hero – Video Training
The Entrepreneur
You know more than anyone that Video is now essential if you want to succeed online. You need excellent Videos to get more email opt-ins and to sell more of your products & services. You see how others in your niche are using Video to build their personal brand and create Video products and you want to learn new Videos skills quickly without the overload.
The Business Owner
Everyone is talking about the benefits of using Online Video and you want a piece of the action! You need to build your presence and rankings on YouTube and Google and raise your profile on Social Media. Your goal is to make videos showing your business in action or demonstrate physical products. But, you don’t want to blow 1000′s on Pro-Videos before you see results.
You get all this plus my 4 EXTRA HERO BONUSES worth $418 in total!
BONUS 1 – Insider Secrets Training session – “How to Shine on Screen (Without Fear)” (Value $97)

I’ve worked with dozens of TV experts new to being on camera .. I’ll show you how to be your best possible self in your Videos. You’ll discover …
How to feel more confident and become a natural in front of the lens. (Looks not important)
How to set up your shot to maximise your appearance.
How to deliver your words to make your viewers take action.
The secrets of the TV Pros that can turn you into the leading ‘on camera’ talent in your niche.
You get this extra training complimentary as an iPhone Video Hero!

BONUS 2 – ‘$100k per year Video Info Products!’ (Value $197)

In this private seminar you’ll discover how to make Video based Info Products in your niche that sell every day, even when you are asleep!
I know the fears and frustrations of making an Info Product when you are starting out. I’ll tell you what I did to skyrocket my income!
I’ll show you how to use the Power of Video to make people LOVE what you create so they rush to share your product with their friends, instantly!

BONUS 3 – Exclusive Video Seminar – “How to make YouTube Videos that Rock!” (Value $97)

YouTube is the new TV right? So how about learning some TV Directing tricks to make your Videos fly off the screen!
How to make your Videos more entertaining even if you think your biz is boring
How to think (and act) like a Producer.
I’ll analyse 2 successful Videos and show you how one Entrepreneur made $1m in sales starting on YouTube with a $500 Video!

BONUS 4 – ‘Profitable Video Ideas A to Z’ e-book (Value $27)

Dozens of creative ideas for Biz and Blog videos covering a wide range of niches.
Ideal for your Biz or use them for your client videos.
It’s yours to download when you sign up!

AMAZING! Become a Hero NOW for just $515 $97 ONE TIME FEE with my 30 day RISK FREE MONEYBACK GUARANTEE! Hit the Orange Button.
This is a ONE TIME payment NOT recurring and you can watch and rewatch the videos including any updates I make whenever you choose.

I understand the price I will be paying today for iPhone Video Hero is just $97!
I understand that I will get unlimited access to the training and I can watch the modules as much as I want, whenever I want.
I understand that after making my payment, I will instantly receive login information giving me immediate access to all the training (be sure to whitelist email from ”ivideohero.com”).
I understand this is online, 100% Web Video based training and that I will access all of the training via the Web.

Your invoice will be from ‘iVideo Hero’. Your log-in will arrive via email. See you inside!


I have an iPhone 5c or 5s, is the training up to date? YES – plus I have added updates about using the new iOS7. Whether you own a 4,4s,5,5c,5s, my training will fit!
I only have an iPad, can I make good videos with it? YES – The iPad 2, the New iPad and my favorite the iPad Mini all shoot great video (I cover this inside). You can use the best Apps and many of the same accessories as an iPhone owner.
I want to use an iPod Touch will your training be good for me? YOU BET – the latest iPod Touch shoots video at 1080p just like the iPhone 4s + 5 (previous iPod version is fine too, shooting 720p). You can still access all the cool Apps and accessories.
I do not own an iPhone/iPod/iPad I only use an Android (eg.Samsung Galaxy) will the course suit me? NOT REALLY – the course is called iPhone Video Hero and covers Apple devices. Even though lessons on video strategy, lighting and audio are not specific to i-devices, the controls, several of the Apps and accessories I feature are not cross platform.