Stephen Key – InventRight Academy


Download available within 1-2 hours. This is the ultimate DIY option for learning our 10-step approach to licensing that will quickly get your products into the marketplace. As a member of inventRight Academy, you will use our online workbook to move at your pace over 6 months.

Stephen Key – InventRight Academy


Welcome to inventRight Academy

Get your products ideas licensed!

A Self-Guided Approach to the
10-Step Licensing Process

The inventRight system is powerful. It has been used worldwide to license products in a diverse array of industries, and it is now available for the first time in a digital, self-guided format.
This is the ultimate DIY option for learning our 10-step approach to licensing that will quickly get your products into the marketplace. As a member of inventRight Academy, you will use our online workbook to move at your pace over 6 months. You’ll also have additional resources available to customize your experience at every step.
Optional bi-weekly group coaching sessions are available to answer any questions you may have, or give you any extra encouragement you may need. Join our community of thousands of members and begin learning how to license your product ideas today!
Get immediately download Stephen Key – InventRight Academy

What’s Included

Online Guided 10-Step Workbook
Bi-Weekly Group Coaching
Digital Audio Guide
100+ Hours of Video Resources
Sample Licensing Agreements
Sample Marketing Material
Provisional Patent Application Samples
Sample Email Templates for Contacting Licensees
Market Success Case Studies