
Sarah Masci – Focused + Free 2022

Original price was: ₹375,000.00.Current price is: ₹74,550.00.


(This course is available and delivery within one day!)It’s the perfect blend of world-class curriculum, unparalleled coaching and mentorship, plug and play resources, plus the most amazing community you’ve ever experienced!

Sarah Masci – Focused + Free 2022

Simplify your business and level-up your life with the the most comprehensive coaching program for service providers who want to create, launch, refine & scale with VIP Days, Intensives, or Day Rates.
Following our M7 Freedom Framework and proprietary Day Rate Growth SCALE, our clients learn, adapt and implement the strategies and systems we personally have used to simplify, and scale to multiple six-figures with this business model.

If you’re ready to STOP…

Juggling multiple clients a day, dealing with scope creep and never-ending projects…
Feeling like you’re on a never-ending cycle of eat, sleep, work, repeat…
Bringing your laptop everywhere you go, just in case a client emergency comes up…
Spending hours writing custom proposals, and feeling like you’re nickel and diming your clients for all their little requests…
Spending your nights and weekends ignoring your friends and family because you’re working on client deadlines…
Filling your hard drive with all those “final_final_final_clientname.jpg” files that are collecting dust and taking up space…

… Then you are ready for Focused + Free™
We help service providers achieve more focus in their business, and freedom in their life, through a simpler, streamlined and more structured business model, that doesn’t require custom proposals, packages or promising deliverables.
Born out of everything we’ve learned from years of running our own highly profitable VIP Days, plus teaching thousands of students our framework, strategies, and systems, Focused + Free™ is unlike anything else out there.
It’s the perfect blend of world-class curriculum, unparalleled coaching and mentorship, plug and play resources, plus the most amazing community you’ve ever experienced!
Get immediately download Sarah Masci – Focused + Free 2022

When we’re done working together, you will…

 Have a refined and optimized VIP Day flagship offer that you consistently sell with ease and confidence.
 Be known for something, in a specific niche, with a specific offer, with new leads coming through the door every single week.
 Have your entire onboarding, offboarding and automation systems fully setup, creating a seamless workflow and client experience.
  Have your new boundaries and SOP’s locked and loaded so that you know exactly what to say and do every step of the way, over the 60-90 day client journey.
 Have the dreamiest clients RAVING about you and your incredible VIP service, telling all their friends about you and coming back for more.
 Be on track and focused on your goals, with the right scaling strategy and action steps to easily blow six-figures out of the water with VIP Days and complementary digital products.
 Be able to plan WAY ahead with your schedule, take tons of time off, and know exactly how much you’re going to make every month.


World-Class Curriculum
In addition to our signature course, Get Booked By The Day™, and our proprietary roadmap, the Day Rate Growth S.C.A.L.E., templates and swipe files, you will also have complete access to our library of advanced resources, all designed to help you seamlessly shift to a VIP Day business – including our Daily Mindset Shift, monthly guest experts, masterclasses and more!

Private Coaching Calls & Critiques
During your six (nine) months in the program, you’ll have several key milestones to hit, and we want to ensure you’re on the right track from the very beginning. Private on-boarding and milestone calls are designed to uniquely guide your implementation of the program, help you stay focused and answer any personalized questions you have.

Direct Access to Sarah
Have a more personal question that you don’t feel comfortable sharing in the group? We understand that you might have something personal you need support with, which is why each client has private Voxer or DM (your choice) access for those instances where you need more personalized support.
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Community & Connection
Craving more connection with your peers? The Focused + Free Community, along with our alumni group, is where so much of the magic happens! Get to know Sarah, the team, and each other on a deeper level, support one another, partner up on projects, share leads and tips, get your questions answered, and cultivate those lifelong biz bestie relationships!

Group Coaching Calls
I get it, Zoom fatigue is real. This is why we have all of the above ways to support you day-to-day. But we’ll still come together at least twice per month, where Sarah will deep dive into your biggest business-related questions, whether they’re about your VIP Day offer, or something else. You can watch or listen to the time-stamped replay if you can’t make it live, plus access our database of hundreds of Q&A calls from the past 2 years.

Mastermind Pods
We’ve personally experienced so much transformation from being in peer-led masterminds, and we want you to experience this as well. Within your first 30 days, you will be assigned to a small, like-minded mastermind pod, where you’ll be able to have even more time together. We will give you suggested mastermind guidelines, but ultimately you get to decide when, where and how often you meet.

Weekly Co-Working Sessions
We absolutely LOVE taking messy, imperfect action, and we highly encourage it! Our weekly co-working sessions are a great opportunity to do exactly that. We make an effort to host these almost every week at various days and times! If we’re not hosting one, we encourage our clients to get together and do their own. Some clients have told us this is one of their favorite elements of the program!

Enrolling in Focused + Free™ is about having a proven roadmap to follow, a customizable A-Z curriculum, plug & play resources to save you time, the coaching and momentum to keep going, and a curated mastermind of peers.

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It’s about knowing what marketing tasks to focus on, without feeling like you’re spinning your wheels or second guessing every decision you make.


It’s about overcoming your scarcity mindset blocks, and imposter syndrome, and taking messy, imperfect action even when it feels scary.


It’s about having an experienced mentor in your back pocket, a voice text away, for when you get stuck, feel overwhelmed and want to call it quits!

The truth is, Focused and Freeâ„¢ has evolved into so much more than just a VIP Day program.
It’s about making a commitment to yourself, taking a leap of faith into something unknown, trusting yourself, believing in yourself, and knowing that this is exactly what your next-level self needs. 
If it doesn’t scare you a little, or make you feel uncomfortable, then it’s not going to stretch you.

When you join Focused and Free™ you’ll be able to lean on my 17 years of business and digital marketing experience as you create YOUR dream business.
One of my superpowers is helping you connect all the dots so that what you do makes the most sense for your long term goals.
Let’s work together and I will personally help you get everything running like a well-oiled machine, so that you can plan out your weeks and months in advance, and feel confident in the business and life you’re building!

Before we go any further, I need to be clear…
Focused + Freeâ„¢ is not for everyone.
It’s an investment in your future. You’re going to have to stretch yourself, bet on yourself, and take chances.
You’re going to have to learn how to stay focused and commit to the long-game.
It’s not a silver bullet. It takes dedication and work.
We have limited space, and we’re looking for people who are coachable and ready to do the work to get an incredible ROI and BECOME their next-level version of themselves.

Here’s how to know if you’re a perfect-fit:
 If you are a service-based business owner who does amazing work, and is ready for more time, more profit and more momentum in your life and business, this is for you.
 If you know that scaling your business through a simpler and more streamlined business model is where you want to go–and you are ready for the strategy, support, accountability and fun along the way, this is for you.
 If you are ready to stop being a slave to your computer and clients, and you are ready to take back your life, and rediscover the long lost JOY in your business, this is for you.
 If you are already working with and attracting new clients, and you want to double your income while working less in the next 12 months (but maybe you don’t believe its possible yet), this is for you.
 If you understand what I mean when I say any of these phrases: “scope creep”, “burnout”, “red flag clients”, “it should only take you a few minutes”, “make it pop”, or “I’ll know it when I see it”… this is for you.


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