
Chad Carson – Real Estate Deal Finder

Original price was: ₹29,850.00.Current price is: ₹6,300.00.


(This course is available for immediate delivery) In 2003 right after college, I began investing in real estate full-time. I had a LOT to learn, but I spent most of my time learning to find good real estate investing deals.

Chad Carson – Real Estate Deal Finder

Real Estate Deal Finder
Learn 17 Proven Methods to Find As Many Real Estate Investing Deals As You Can Handle
If You Can’t Find Real Estate Deals, Nothing Else Matters
There are a lot of important skills in real estate investing, but you’ll never use those other skills without first finding profitable investment properties. That’s why this course teaches 17 proven methods to find investment properties in a practical, step-by-step format so that you can begin finding good deals today!

Hi, I’m Chad Carson
Learning to Find Deals Was My First (& Best!) Investing Decision
In 2003 right after college, I began investing in real estate full-time. I had a LOT to learn, but I spent most of my time learning to find good real estate investing deals.
It was the best decision I could’ve made!
By 2007, I had learned enough to purchase 33 deals in one year.
Back in the beginning, I didn’t yet know how to remodel, finance, rent, or sell real estate. But because I learned the valuable skill of finding good deals, I was able to make money and grow upon a solid investing foundation.
Since we started, a business partner and I have purchased well over 100 real estate deals, including flips and rentals. And today we’ve used this real estate income and wealth to achieve financial independence.
I created this course to share what I’ve learned through 17 years in the school of hard knocks. If you want to learn how to find good real estate investments in any market – hot or depressed – this is the right course for you.
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The Step-by-Step Process & Proven Strategies You Need to Find All the Real Estate Deals You Can Handle
Real Estate Deal Finder is built on 45 lessons over 4 distinct modules that will guide you in how to:

Use direct mail, social media, signs, and advertising to find off-market deals that no one else knows about
Generate leads for good deals even with a small or non-existent budget
Buy listed properties by being smarter, faster, & more persistent than others
Generate leads within hours by driving or walking in your target neighborhoods
Create a farm system of other people bringing you potential deals every day
Talk with sellers on the phone and explain your investing service so that you get more appointments
Prescreen leads so that you spend your time on the most promising prospects
Handle the most common objections from sellers on the phone
Create a marketing plan that outlines exactly what you need to do, whether you need 1 or 100 deals.

Real Estate Deal Finder was built for the ambitious real estate investor. If you’re looking to buy more rentals, flips, wholesales, or even a principal residence, this is the course for you.

Work at your own pace. There are four distinct modules with over 45 video lessons, teaching you from scratch how to start finding good deals.
Clear action itemsset you up for success. You’ll learn what to do on a day-by-day basis to meet your real estate acquisition goals.
Done-for-you templates & scripts save you time and avoid frustration. Marketing examples are included right in the course so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel with direct mail, advertising, or other marketing pieces.
Course Discussion Forums Allow You to Get Your Questions Answered. You don’t have to learn alone. Get your questions answered by Coach Carson and others in the course community.
Lifetime membership to the course. Pay once, repeat any part of the course and get future updates as often as you like.
Bonus – Recorded Practice Seller Calls. Past students practiced talking with sellers and got feedback from Coach Carson. You get to listen in and improve your skills talking to sellers.

Landlords, Flippers, and Wholesalers Who Want to Take Their Business to the Next Level
Real Estate Deal Finder is for both new and experienced investors who are ready to buy more properties and earn more profits from real estate.
You have bought investment properties before (or you’re trying to). But you realize how competitive the business can be. It seems like everyone is out looking for good real estate deals!
Real Estate Deal Finder is a blue print and a resource guide to help you separate yourself from the crowd. By following a proven system, you’ll more confidently generate leads and find good deals that no one else knows about. This course will help you whether you’re looking for your 1st, 5th, or 100th deal.

Training videos. Done-For-You Marketing Templates. Scripts. Worksheets.

5 hours of video broken into clearly organized short segments for quick learning
Each video is also available in audio (“podcast”) format for on-the-go listening
Done for you marketing templates, forms, and examples
Scripts and case studies to improve your ability to talk with sellers on the phone
Instructions for how to prescreen and spend your time on the best potential deals
Case Studies to learn how these strategies work in real life
A marketing plan worksheet that turns your real estate goals into next actions you can start immediately
BONUS: Recorded practice seller calls (plus feedback from Coach Carson) so that you can learn what to say on the phone with sellers

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Course Curriculum


What You Will Learn in This Course (8:04)
How Deal-Finding Really Works (Numbers Game) (5:26)
The 7-Step Acquisitions Funnel (11:48)

Module #1 – Marketing Principles

Right Market – Identify Your Ideal Customers (16:11)
Right Message – Tips From Aristotle (16:23)
Right Media – Use High Return Methods to Reach Your Market (12:17)

Module #2 – Lead Generation Campaigns

How to Use These Lead Generation Campaigns – Cafeteria Style (7:53)
A Quick Note About Audio/Video Quality (1:36)
Campaign 1 – Listed Properties – Part 1 (9:01)
Campaign 1 – Listed Properties – Part 2 (14:01)
Campaign 1 – Listed Properties – Part 3 (12:38)
Campaign 2 – Driving For Dollars (14:28)
Campaign 3 – Birddog System (9:27)
Campaign 4 – Vacant House System (13:04)
Campaign 5 – Cold Calling – Part 1 (8:59)
Campaign 5 – Cold Calling – Part 2 (9:20)
Campaign 6 – Business Cards & Flyers (13:16)
Campaign 7 – Referral Prospecting (25:31)
Campaign 8 – Website & Social Media (20:44)
Campaign 9 – Direct Mail to Absentee Owner Houses (19:52)
Campaign 10 – Direct Mail to Niche Properties (12:29)
Campaign 11 – Direct Mail to Owner Occupants with Equity – Part 1 (9:42)
Campaign 11 – Direct Mail to Owner Occupants with Equity – Part 2 (16:26)
Campaign 12 – Direct Mail to Expired Listings – Part 1 (10:02)
Campaign 12 – Direct Mail to Expired Listings – Part 2 (10:36)
Campaign 13 – Signs (9:55)
Campaign 14 – Direct Mail to Preforeclosures – Part 1 (8:22)
Campaign 14 – Direct Mail to Preforeclosures – Part 2 (15:31)
Campaign 14 – Direct Mail to Preforeclosures – Part 3 (12:59)
Campaign 15 – Direct Mail to Probates/Estates – Part 1 (11:53)
Campaign 15 – Direct Mail to Probates/Estates – Part 2 (14:35)
Campaign 16 – Direct Mail to Eviction Landlords (23:54)
Campaign 17 – Direct Mail to Delinquent Tax Owners (23:52)

Module #3 – A Marketing Plan to Find Deals

How to Create a Marketing Plan (10:59)
Tool – Marketing Plan Worksheet (4:41)
Case Study – 33 New Deals in One Year (17:36)

Module #4 – How to Capture, Track, and Prescreen Leads

How to Capture Leads (12:25)
How to Prescreen Leads (8:29)
How to Tell Hot vs Cold Leads (12:35)
What to Say on Calls With Sellers (18:12)
Common Seller Objections on the Phone – Part 1 (9:16)
Common Seller Objections on the Phone – Part 2 (13:47)
TOOL – Seller Phone Call Script
TOOL – Lead Tracking System (5:33)


What To Do Next (5:59)

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Bonus Module – Sample Calls With Sellers:

How to Use These Sample Seller Calls
Sample Seller Call 1 – Live Practice With a Student (7:40)
Sample Seller Call 1 – Feedback From Coaches – Part 1 (11:51)
Sample Seller Call 1 – Feedback From Coaches – Part 2 (13:17)
Sample Seller Call 2 – Live Practice With a Student (5:28)
Sample Seller Call 2 – Feedback From Coaches – Part 1 (10:39)
Sample Seller Call 2 – Feedback From Coaches – Part 2 (4:17)
Sample Seller Call 3 – Live Practice With a Student (7:54)
Sample Seller Call 3 – Feedback From Coaches (10:50)

Bonus Module – Recorded Q&A Session With Chad

Bonus Office Hours With Chad – 7-25-2019 (96:02)

Here’s What You’ll Get in Chad Carson – Real Estate Deal Finder