
Nick Huber – Twitter Growth Course – 100k followers in 10 months

Original price was: ₹179,700.00.Current price is: ₹12,782.00.



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Nick Huber – Twitter Growth Course – 100k followers in 10 months
Twitter Growth Course – 100k followers in 10 months

This course is everything I know about growing a following from 3 followers in March of 2019 to over 180,000 followers today. The tips, tricks, methods and rules I employ and live by on Twitter – at your finger tips.
I wouldn’t sell my Twitter account for $1million
Twitter is the country club of our generation – and where all the deal makers, investors, and entrepreneurs interact.
I have DM’d with billionaires. I’m in group chats with a group of 10 people all building media empires in real-time. I’ve added over 900 high net worth individuals to our deal distribution list. I have access to virtually anyone I want.
My company has raised millions  from the people we’ve met there. Putting out content there makes me smarter and a better entrepreneur.
Twitter has been an enormous part of my success.
I’ve documented everything I know about growing a valuable audience on Twitter.
And I’m sharing it with you.
What You’ll Learn in the Course

These are a few of the key lessons you’ll learn.

For a complete table of contents, scroll to the bottom of the page!

How I gained 220,000 followers on Twitter
The 17 rules of smart engagement
How to build a valuable personal brand
How to become a better writer (for the internet)

Who This Course is For
People just starting out

You don’t know where to start. How to write threads. How to get ideas. What to avoid. How to maximize your chances of success. By the end of this course, you’ll know exactly what to do.
People looking to level up

You’re not afraid of hard work. You’ve put in the time. But you’re seeing mixed results. This course will help you trim the fat and focus on strategies that work.
People who want a competitive advantage

I give you specifics of what to do and when to do it. If you want to stand out compared to everyone else trying to grow a following on Twitter, this is the course for you.
I had 3 Twitter followers in March 2019
I currently have over 220,000. I have a strategy that works.

Over the past few years I’ve been public about a few professional milestones:

Raised over $20m for my real estate deals
Grown my company to over 30 employees
Acquired 42 properties and 1,086,000 sf of storage
Earned over $1 million of side income online
Consistently hit over 28 million impressions per month on Twitter

What People are Saying
Twitter has opened up enormous doors for me in my personal and professional life. It’s like a country club (with 10x the upside) that is completely free. Nick is a master at the art of growing a following and maximizing earning online.
Sahil Bloom [500K+ Followers]
Real estate is a people business. Being in the room matters and tools like Twitter have opened that up for many. The platform has changed my life and Nick’s advice has been a big part of that. I wouldn’t be in this position without him.
Chris Powers [Founder, Fort Capital LLP]
My plan is clear, simple, and effective.

I’m an open book. I share everything I’ve done to grow my audience. You can expect a spill-all course with over 10,000 words and 40 pages of content.
I tell you exactly what worked for me, in detail.  I’ll give you my proven strategy for maximizing engagement and growing your reach.
Here’s a list of everything you’ll get


What are 100k followers worth to you?

The mission

How not to tweet

My superpower on Twitter
The process

Rule #1: Become an expert

Rule #2: Give to get

Rule #3: No politics, ever

Rule #4: Vulnerability is power

Rule #5: Remember the lurkers

Rule #6: Quality over quantity

Rule #7: Tweets vs threads

Rule #8: Keep your eye on the prize

Rule #9: Why you should be yourself vs anonymous

Rule #10: The worthless retweet

Rule #11: It takes an army

Rule #12: Learn to use the tools at your disposal

Rule #13: The biggest badasses are the quietest

Rule #14: Setting up your profile

Rule #15: The dangers of building in public and how to avoid them

Rule #15 follow up

Rule #16: Clear and concise communication

Rule #17: The ultimate hack

How to execute your strategy

What to do to get good at writing tweets.

Good writing vs bad writing

Practice good copywriting

Managing direct messages and making the most of them

Your Twitter is a funnel

Distribution and monetizing your audience

The key to good copywriting: The Hook

The most successful type of content

How to “workshop” your copy

Nick creating a thread – live! 8 mins 144 MB

How to overcome writers block

When to repeat yourself

Dealing with the haters

Closing notes

Additional resources

Videos and additional reading.

Building in public, growth, and Twitter Mastery with Moses Kagan

Storyworthy: Engage, Teach, Persuade, and Change Your Life Through the Power of Storytelling

The Twitter masters you need to follow

A great morning routine for content creators

How to write well, by Julian Shapiro