
Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – Breaking Free From a World of Worry – Teleseminar

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Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – Breaking Free From a World of Worry – Teleseminar
How to Let Go and Find Peace in the Face of Life’s Uncertainties
Teleseminar and Self-Study Online Course
Program Summary
There it is again – that same old nagging feeling that something is wrong. You try to ignore it, but it persists. You know this feeling by one very familiar name: worry.
No one likes the way worrying about something makes them feel. But at the same time, people find it very difficult to stop. Why?
On the one hand, we recognize how out of control our worrying can get sometimes. But on the other hand, we view worrying as something beneficial. After all, worrying seems to help us avoid bad things, prepare for the worst, and prompt us to problem solve the difficult situations we face in life. We may even see worrying as an indication that we are being a caring and conscientious person. But as long as we believe worrying is somehow protecting us, it will be a very hard habit to break.
Unfortunately, all the worrying we are doing can easily morph from a healthy, practical form of concern to a preoccupation with a threatening and unpredictable world around us. It can interfere in profound ways with our daily lives – poisoning our outlook on life, sabotaging our dreams, and preventing us from resolving actual problems. As a result, worrying can throw us into a negative cycle of unnecessary suffering.
If you’re someone who worries a lot, then you know how it can really start to weigh on you. But overcoming this situation doesn’t have to be difficult. There are many simple things you can do to stop worrying and eliminate those anxious feelings it creates inside of you.
This teleseminar will help your clients explore what worrying is, why we do it so much, and what we think our worrying is really trying to accomplish. At the same time, they will learn powerful yet simple techniques that they can immediately use to take back control of their worrying tendencies so that they no longer have to be burdened by the unnecessary stress worrying generates. With their worry tamed, they can then enjoy the benefits of having a less anxious mind and a more peaceful heart.
Learning Outcomes
From this teleseminar your clients will be able to…

Identify the seven main reasons why people worry and determine which reason is most active in their life.
Recognize the false beliefs people hold around what they think worrying accomplishes for them.
Practice using a technique that restructures the distorted thinking that results from a habit of worrying.
Evaluate four different methods that can be used to address the problem of worrying and help calm the mind.

Course Contents
Introductory Activity – What We Worry About Most

Activity: “What We Worry About Most”
Activity Objective: Participants review a list of the most common things people worry about most and choose what they feel are the top three. Then participants discuss their findings.

Segment #1 – Why We Worry

Activity #1: “Mini-lecture on Why We Worry”
Activity Objective: Participants explore the main reasons why we worry and what we believe worrying accomplishes.

Segment #2 – Our Worrying Becoming a Habit

Activity: “The Destructive Thinking That Results From a Habit of Worrying”
Activity Objective: Participants review nine destructive ways of thinking that result from worrying that has become habitual.

Segment #3 – Solving the Problem of Worrying

Activity: “Four Methods for Addressing our Worrying”
Activity Objective: Participants are introduced to four different ways to address worrying. They choose one method and practice using it.

Application – Final Thoughts – Acceptance is the Opposite of Worry

Activity: “Forests of the North”
Activity Objective: Participants listen to a brief story that illustrates one of the surest ways to handle our inclinations towards worrying.