
Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – A Maze of Problems! – Self-Study Online Course

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Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – A Maze of Problems! – Self-Study Online Course

A Model for Getting Unstuck and Finding Your Way to a Solution
Teleseminar and Self-Study Online Course
Program Summary
No matter who you are, what you do, or how much money you make, one thing is for sure…you are GOING to face problems.
The big question is: How well do you handle them?

If you’re like most people, you are probably pretty good at dealing with the regular day-to-day problems of life – especially the little, pesky, recurring ones. And you probably have a few clever ways to get around some of your avoidable problems too. And sometimes you get lucky and they just go away.
But then there’s the others… The ones that no matter how hard you try, wish, cross your fingers, avoid or procrastinate, you just can’t get rid of them. Eventually these neglected problems pile up, intertwine, and grow more complicated, until one day…they MUST be addressed.
And by then more time has gone by, money has been spent or lost, opportunities missed, health declined, and relationships damaged.
Imagine how much easier life would be if we face our problems head on when they arise, and solve them immediately, so we can put them out of our minds and move on with our lives?
Fortunately, there is a way, and it’s right here.
With just a few basic tools and a little bit of practice presented in this teleseminar training, your clients will learn to simplify their problems, get themselves un-stuck, and start solving all of their problems with grace, ease, and peace of mind.
Learning Outcome
From this teleseminar training, your clients will discover:

The #1 most important step in any problem-solving process
Common problem-solving traps…and how to avoid them
One proven method made specifically for creative high performers
The 8 essential ingredients of any solid solution
Two key traits every great problem solver uses daily
A fail-proof 4-step process sure to give clarity, focus and direction toward a solution
And much, much more…

Course Content
Introduction – Getting Organized

Activity: “Taming the Junk Drawer”

Activity Objective: Participants share whether they have unorganized spaces in their homes and how this clutter affects their ability to get things done.
Segment 1: Good Problem Solving Skills

Activity: “The Need for Critical Thinking and Intuition Skills”

Activity Objective: Participants are introduced to the idea that both critical thinking and intuition are needed for problem solving.
Segment #2: The STEP Problem Solving Model

Activity: “A Path to Moving Beyond Problems and Reaching Solutions”

Activity Objective: Participants are introduced to the STEP Problem Solving Model, which gives them a process to follow.
Step #1 – State the Problem

Activity #1: “Mini-lecture: The Five Whys”

Activity Objective: Participants listen and take notes during a short presentation on the concept of ‘The Five Whys’.
Activity #2: “Diagnosis”

Activity Objective: Learners reflect on their problem and ask ‘why?’ 5x in order to get to the core of the problem.
Step #2 – Think of Possible Solutions

Activity: “5 x 5 x 5 Matrix”

Activity Objective: Learners are introduced to a unique brainstorming technique that can generate a multitude of idea variations.
Step #3 – Edit Down to One

Activity #1: “Eight Ingredients to Good Decision-Making”

Activity Objective: Learners review the eight ingredients to good decision-making and apply them to solve a current problem
Step #4 – Plan and Act

Activity: “Creative Planning Map”

Activity Objective: Participants create a plan of action using the creative planning map provided.
Application – What’s at stake? – Consequences

Activity: “Proper Perspective: What’s at stake?

Activity Objective: Participants reflect on the possible outcomes to their problem solving efforts.