
Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – Kaleidoscope of Choices – Self-Study Online Course

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Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – Kaleidoscope of Choices – Self-Study Online Course

How What You Think and Choose Colors Your Life
Teleseminar and Self-Study Online Course
Program Summary
If you surveyed people, most would likely say that being able to choose is a good thing in life. Yet, those same people probably don’t realize the immense power behind this ability. Why? Because we often forget that every choice we make ends up forming the very circumstances. The downside to choice is that every choice comes with consequences, and sometimes those consequences can be severe. The upside to choice, though, is the simple fact that to change our lives for the better, all it takes is for us to make one positive decision at a time.
With this in mind, each of us has a choice in what kind of life we want to live, and what type of person we wish to be.  Despite our upbringing or the environment we face, our lives are shaped more from the choices we make within every moment of our life than from anything else.
So what choices are you making for your life? Are you choosing to be happy? Are you choosing to take responsibility for your actions? How comfortable do you feel that you are making wise choices that will bring about a better life for you?
Your participants will learn to explore the realm of choice and see how the invisible hand of choice is fundamentally shaping and forming your life.
Learning Outcomes
In this program your participants will:

Recognize how choice impacts their lives at every moment of every day.
Examine how their thoughts, both their limiting beliefs as well as what they allow their selves to imagine as possible, affect their view of choice.
Practice holding positive thoughts which can help them with making better choices and ultimately move them forward in their lives.
Use a simple but powerful technique to become more aware of their current circumstances and how those circumstances are being shaped by the choices they are making.

Course Contents

Activity: “Kaleidoscope Illusion”
Activity Objective: Participants see how their lives are like a kaleidoscope image that is constantly changing from moment to moment.

Segment #1 – The Prism and Possibility of Life: The Prism

Activity: “Using a Prism”
Activity Objective: Participants recognize how limiting beliefs shut down our sense of choice.

Segment #2 – The Prism and Possibility of Life: Possibility

Activity #1: “Seeing What is Possible”
Activity Objective: Participants recognize how imagining what is possible opens up their sense of choice.
Activity #2: “Revisiting the Idea of Having No Time”
Activity Objective: Participants apply a kaleidoscope brainstorming technique to see what possibilities open up for them.

Segment #3 – Thought and Choice: Having a Vision and Taking Action

Activity: “Positive Movie in Your Mind”
Activity Objective: Participants explore further the idea of holding a positive vision in their minds.

Application – Final Thoughts

Activity: “How I am Feeling About Choice”
Activity Objective: Participants tap into how they are feeling about the concept of choice as they complete the program.