
Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – Happy Trails – Bundle

Original price was: ₹509,100.00.Current price is: ₹12,782.00.



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Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – Happy Trails – Bundle
Happy Trails

The Wondrous Search for Happiness and Where to Find It
Everyone wants to be happy, but at the same time we seem to struggle with where to find it, or to even understand what it is. The fact is each of us has the capacity to carry and enjoy a great deal of happiness. The problem is that we haven’t created a space for it to show up in our lives. We must eliminate the clutter that makes us feel anxious, worried and dissatisfied, and intentionally pursue those things that fill our hearts with joy. With the implementation of a few strategies highlighted in this teleseminar – including helpful, optimistic thinking, and healthy, energizing behaviors – it can be more readily found.
Help your participants start off on the right path to becoming a happier person,
Seven products bundled at a special price: Audio Training Program; Success Tips; Tweets; Special Report; PowerPoint Slides for Teleseminar; Teleseminar & Self-Study (same content/different format).