
Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – Overcoming Procrastination – Teleseminar & Self-Study Online Course

Original price was: ₹239,700.00.Current price is: ₹7,304.00.



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Ready2Go Marketing Solutions – Overcoming Procrastination – Teleseminar & Self-Study Online Course

The Art of Getting Things Done Now!
Teleseminar and Self-Study Online Course
Program Summary
Have you ever procrastinated? Your answer to this question is most likely – yes! Everyone has put something off, convincing themselves that they will get to it at a later date.
Procrastination involves an inner conflict between something we want or need to accomplish and a resistance to actually doing it. Even though procrastination inevitably shows up in each of our lives, we can’t take its presence lightly. And in today’s fast-paced world, it’s even more important that we manage our time efficiently and limit procrastination as much as possible.
Overcoming Procrastination will have huge interest for your participants as it will increase their awareness of what procrastination is, why they do it, and what can be done to overcome it. Your participants will regain their personal productivity, lessen their sense of guilt, re-energize their motivation, and develop specific strategies for dealing with this annoying habit so that procrastination no longer negatively impacts their life.
Learning Outcomes
From this teleseminar your participants will discover:

How to identify your distraction patterns as soon as they start
How to boost your personal productivity
How to re-train your brain & re-ignite your motivation when it wanes
Your own custom strategies to help you find your focus at any time
The 3 Key Signs of procrastination and how to intervene before they take over
The most common procrastination traps…and how to avoid them
Easy tips & tricks to get out of that slump & back in action RIGHT NOW.

Course Contents
I Introductory Activity – Describing Procrastination

Activity: “First-hand Experience”
Activity Objective: Participants discuss what procrastination is by looking at examples of it from their own lives..

Segment #1 – Why We Procrastinate

Activity: “The Reasons We Procrastinate”
Activity Objective: Participants review the different reasons why we procrastinate and rank them in order.

Segment #2 – The Signs of Procrastination

Activity #1: “The Signs You’re Procrastinating”
Activity Objective: Participants learn about the important signs to notice that indicate if they are procrastinating.
Activity #2: “Warning Signs in My Life”
Activity Objective: Participants become aware of procrastination warning signs that appear in their lives.

Segment #3 – Strategies to Help You Overcome Procrastination

Activity: “Procrastination Matrix”
Activity Objective: Participants learn a procrastination matrix that can help them identify various strategies for overcoming their procrastination, and then apply it to a situation in their own life.

Application – Final Thoughts and Learning

Activity: “Ad Creation”
Activity Objective: Participants creatively capture a main point they have learned about the topic of procrastination that they will remember after the training and apply in their life.