
Omgyes.Com – Science Behind Women’s Pleasure – Season 1

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Omgyes.Com – Science Behind Women’s Pleasure – Season 1
See What Science Says About Women’s Pleasure

Watch the trailer
(it’s safe for work and just over a minute!)
The distilled wisdom of

20,000 women, ages 18-95

Scientific studies conducted in

partnership with Indiana University

and Kinsey Institute researchers
For Women, Men,

and Couples

OMGyes is for everyone who cares

about women’s sexual pleasure

and wants to make it even better
How you’ll build

more pleasure

You’ll discover techniques you didn’t

even know felt good and try them all

in ‘exploration sessions’
See what you’ll get with OMGyes

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Sample Video: Amber on Edging

(it’s safe for work!) 1:25
Here’s a sample video where a woman shares her experience with one of the techniques (this is the no-nakedness part before she demonstrates).
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A Fly-Through of the OMGyes Site

0:40 seconds
Check out what’s inside: beautiful animations and super-honest videos that give you ways to reach even more pleasure.
You’ll explore these practical pleasure techniques: (many didn’t even have names before our research!)

OMGyes Original

Indirect pleasure

through surrounding skin

Passing by and only

occasionally indulging

Styles of giving

and reading feedback

Defying expectation

to enhance pleasure

How pleasure is mostly

between the ears

The million ways of

circling the clit
Inner Pleasure Collection

The joys of touch just inside the opening

Giving the clitoris extra pleasure during penetration

Adjusting the angle of penetration for more pleasure
Staying In

Sustaining contact and pressure during penetration

Wider pressure and grinding to activate the entire clitoris

Finding new kinds of pleasure behind the walls

It feels genuinely engaging. There’s no judgement or shame, just straight up information.

The best gift you could ever give yourself

The design is state-of-the-art and the info-graphics are smart and easy to read.

Warm, wise, tasteful and fun… Overall rating: Yes, Yes!

The site smashes taboos surrounding female sexuality… with honesty and no shame

Improving female pleasure via scientific research.

The more we

know, the

better it gets.

Newly uncovered tools for your toolbox for women, men, and couples.
OMGyes is Not a Subscription Site

Pay once for a collection and access it forever, like buying a book. Plus, your contribution goes on to fund future pleasure research.
Limited-Time Offer!

Season 1
OMGyes Original

Practical techniques to enhance clitoral pleasure, solo or as a couple. Over 60 short videos, 12 touchable simulations and dozens of infographics.


One-time payment.

No subscriptions. No re-billing.
Most popular
Season 1 & 2
OMGyes Original

+ The Inner

Pleasure Collection

The original plus practical techniques to enhance pleasure with inner stimulation and penetration, solo or as a couple. Over 180 short videos total.


One-time payment.

No subscriptions. No re-billing.
Secure Checkout with PayPal or Credit Card

Already have an OMGyes account? Log in to add a collection
Supporting a Cause

You’re helping to fund more pleasure research—including more topics and more communities.
One-Time Purchase

You pay just once, and these techniques are yours forever, to watch as often as you like.
For All Adults

It’s for anyone who cares about women’s pleasure and wants to explore the latest science. Women, men and couples.
No Downloads

OMGyes is a website, not an app. So it works in the browser of your smartphone, tablet, or computer.
Frequently Asked Questions

Is this a subscription service with recurring charges? (No!)

Should I get OMGyes Original or add The Inner Pleasure Collection, too?

Is OMGyes for women? For men? For couples?

How much content is there? And how much time will it take me?

See More FAQs

Check out some reviews about OMGyes

Fun and (very)

personal blog review
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Why I Participated

Why We Made It

A wonderful shift is happening.
We finally have the openness and research to take a clear-headed look at the many nuances of women’s sexual pleasure.