
Inner Talk – Procrastination (End Procrastination) – Power Set

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Inner Talk – Procrastination (End Procrastination) – Power Set
End Procrastination
— Do you find yourself continually procrastinating? Is there a particular task you are avoiding or are there many? Do you have too much on your plate and don’t even know where to begin? Are you making excuses to justify your procrastination? Do you dread tackling a particular task? Does the very thought of this job give rise to feelings of anxiety? Or maybe you have no conscious feelings about the task – you just never seem to get to it
Just as you may wish to engage some hot energy fuel by becoming highly motivated, you may also experience the companion to an absence of motivation. That companion is procrastination. Many can be enthusiastic and motivated but still find ways to procrastinate. You probably have known those that talk a great story, but fail to realize the content of their vision.
Procrastination can take hold of any aspect of our lives. Whether the task is cleaning, making repairs, completing homework, seeing the doctor, submitting a job report, paying bills, or even resolving an issue with someone, we can often find it easier to come up with excuses to avoid the task than to actually complete it.
Eliminate the Subconscious Fears that Cause You to Procrastinate
Oftentimes, procrastination only serves to exacerbate our problems – creating even more stress in our lives. Eliminate the subconscious fears that cause you to procrastinate. Learn how to complete tasks quickly and efficiently, and enjoy a sense of pride in your accomplishments. Enjoy a sense of pride instead of making excuses.
This 2-program Power Set provides the forceful push of OZO with the continual reinforcement of the InnerTalk subliminal. Use the headphone OZO program once or twice a day and play the InnerTalk subliminal program as much as you can the rest of the time. End procrastination and open up new vistas of freedom today.
Sample Affirmations
“I decide. I decide now. I act. I act decisively. I have energy. I am energetic. I use my energy. I am positive. I am involved. I am motivated. I am a doer. I do it now. I am an agent of action. I am a mover. I make things happen. I like myself. I am confident. I calculate carefully. I am aware. I make decisions. I put action into my decisions. I am lucky. I work hard. I succeed,” etc.
Sound Samples
OZO is a very experiential program and as such, a sound sample of the track would not do it justice. In addition to the soundtrack and subliminal affirmations, there are tones and frequencies designed to put you into an altered state. In this state, the music and audible coaching are just one aspect of the entire experience.
Usage Guide
Our two program Power Sets include one headphone only program (program 1) using tones and frequencies together with fully audible verbal coaching (as with OZO and Echo-Tech) and one InnerTalk program (program 2) using a nature soundtrack. Power Sets get you started with that right now “I feel it” response from using program 1 and back it up with our patented and proven thought modification technology to reinforce and sustain the change. More Information.
OZO and Echo-Tech brain entrainment programsOZO and Echo-Tech programs are designed for headphone use only. They consist of the InnerTalk subliminal affirmations, tones and frequencies (a mechanical way to get you into a more relaxed state and therefore more open to the affirmations) and audible coaching. On OZO the audible coaching is forceful and authoritarian, whereas on Echo-Tech the audible coaching is soothing and supportive.
OZO and Echo-Tech programs should not be used when conscious attention is required, like with driving and operating machinery. More Information.
InnerTalk subliminal self-help technology. Patented! Proven! Guaranteed!InnerTalk subliminal self-help / self-improvement programs feature pleasant, easy-listening music or nature sounds that are specially mixed with positive background affirmations on the chosen self-help topic. InnerTalk programs are extremely easy to use. You can simply play them in the background on any regular stereo player while you are working, driving, relaxing, reading, playing sports, even sleeping or watching TV.* The InnerTalk subliminal technology is patented, proven and guaranteed. More