Paul van Loon – Classification – Fundamentals & Practical Applications – CFI Education



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Paul van Loon – Classification – Fundamentals & Practical Applications – CFI Education
Classification – Fundamentals & Practical Applications

Level 4
Approx 2.5h to complete
100% online and self-paced

This course provides a comprehensive overview of classification problems, solutions, and interpretations along with walkthroughs of real-world scenarios.
Classification – Fundamentals & Practical Applications
Classification problems are one of the most common scenarios we face in data science. This course will help you understand and apply common algorithms to make predictions and drive decision-making in business. Whether you’re an aspiring data scientist, studying analytics, or have a focus on business intelligence, this course will give you a comprehensive overview of classification problems, solutions, and interpretations.
From Logistic Regression to KNN and SVM models, you’ll learn how to implement techniques in Excel and Python and how to create loops to run models in parallel. Since model evaluation is so important, we’ll dedicate a whole chapter to interpreting model outputs with evaluation metrics and the confusion matrix. With this, you’ll learn about false negatives, and false positives, and consider the impacts these may have on specific business scenarios. Finally, we’ll give you a brief insight into more advanced classification techniques such as feature importance, SHAP values, and PDP plots.
Classification Fundamentals Learning Objectives

Upon completing this course, you will be able to:
Distinguish between classic classification techniques including their implicit assumptions and practical use-cases
Perform simple logistic regression calculations in Excel & RegressIt
Create basic classification models in Python using statsmodels and sklearn modules
Evaluate and interpret the performance of classification model outputs and parameters

Who Should Take This Course? Whether you’re an aspiring data scientist, studying analytics, or have a focus on business intelligence, this classification course will serve as your comprehensive introduction to this fascinating subject. You’ll learn all the key terminology to allow you to talk data science with your teams, benign implementing analysis, and understand how data science can help your business.
What you’ll learn
Classification Introduction

Course Introduction
Learning Objectives
Downloadable Files

Classification Overview

What is Classification?
The Machine Learning Ecosystem
Types of Classification – Binary
Types of Classification – Multi-class
Types of Classification – Multi-label
Common Classification Use Cases
Visualizing Classification
Classification Algorithms

Logistic Regression Basics

Logistic Regression Basics
Visualizing Logistic Regression
Logistic Regression Assumptions
Probability, Odds and Log Odds
Interpreting Log Odds and Coefficients
Interpretation Scenario
Logistic Regression in Excel
Python – Logistic Regression 1
Python – Logistic Regression 2

Classification Algorithms

Algorithms Overview
Naïve Bayes
Naïve Bayes – Example
K-Nearest Neighbors
K-Nearest Neighbors – Example
Support Vector Machines
Decision Trees
Decision Trees – Example
Random Forests
Python – Import & Explore Data
Predictive Modeling Part 1
Predictive Modeling Part 2

Classification Model Evaluation

Model Evaluation Basics
Confusion Matrix
Evaluation Metrics
Evaluation Example
Precision Vs Recall
Balancing Precision and Recall with F-score
Is Accuracy the Best Choice
The ROC Curve & AUC
Underfitting and Overfitting
Python – ROC Curve
Python – ROC Interpretation
Interpretability Vs Explainability
Feature Importance
Partial Dependence Plots
SHAP Values for Individual Observations
Setting Up Evaluation Loops
Python – Evaluation Metrics
Python – Confusion Matrix


Course Conclusion

Qualified Assessment

Qualified Assessment

This Course is Part of the Following Programs

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