Kyle Asay – Mastering the Art of Sales: Unlocking the Secrets of Buyer Psychology – Sales Introverts



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Kyle Asay – Mastering the Art of Sales: Unlocking the Secrets of Buyer Psychology – Sales Introverts



We’re seeing companies with just a few hundred employees up to industry giants like Google and Salesforce go through rounds of layoffs.

Additionally, we’re seeing budgets dry up, our pipeline isn’t as ‘full’ as we (or our manager) would like it to be, deal sizes seem to be shrinking, and for the ones that do close…

…we’re stretching out our sales cycle because more stakeholders are involved in the decision making process.

In short: It’s becoming more and more difficult to stand out in your Buyer’s eyes and earn their business.

Whether you’re someone that is feeling the impact a little bit with smaller commission checks, or someone that is fighting for job security…there is a “silver lining.”

If you can master the art of sales during an economic downturn like the one we’re heading into, you’re going to be soaring in your career once we’re out of this short storm.

The question then becomes, what skills should you be mastering and how do you master them?

You guessed it.
Understanding buyer psychology is the foundation of successful sales professionals.
Read on to uncover what buyer psychology is and why it’s crucial you understand it.
That’s right.

Less than half of sales reps in our space hit their quota, according to recent data from RepVue.

Odds are, you feel this impact you directly in a few ways.

Firstly, about half your OTE relies on you hitting your number…

…but secondly, you feel the stress of this pressure every day in your role when you’re making calls, sending emails and InMails, and when you’re sitting in a pipeline review with your direct manager.

Thankfully, the problem is easy to identify.

You’re losing your buyer’s attention, your deals, and your valuable earnings because you think and sound like a Seller, not a Buyer.
Selling like a Seller Looks & Sounds like

Your prospects and customers become tough to reach. You’re a low priority for them.

You’re searching Google for “ways to follow up in sales, without sounding like you’re following up.”
You know that you have the best solution to help your buyer, but for some reason they don’t see that or “get it.”

You painfully watch an inferior product take your seat at the table.
Deals that are “Committed” start to fall apart in the final stages.

Momentum in your deal slows to a full stop, and you’re ultimately notified that the deal isn’t happening anymore.
Your forecast continues to dwindle as the month and quarter continue.

A promising quarter transformed into a fight to hit your “Low” number and retain your seat on the sales floor.

Top Performers think like Buyers, Not Sellers

Most Account Executives are at war with their Buyers, whether they realize it or not.
Forging the ability to think like a Buyer is what you need to have a successful career in sales.
Emotions > Logic
Buyers always buy with their emotions first, before they justify the purchase with logic.
Knowing precisely how to influence your Buyer’s emotions is what separates top performers from the 51.7% that miss their number.
Economic Uncertainty

In addition to Buyers making emotional-based purchase decisions, we’re commonly seeing more stakeholders involved in the buying process.
Knowing how to align your process to your Buyer’s and effectively engage every stakeholder is key.
Stories are What Sells

Even the most ‘quantifiable’ evaluation processes involve emotions. Equal functionality shown different will be scored differently.
Reps that deliver information in a way that evokes emotion will swing this evaluation bias in your favor.
What We Say ≠ What They Hear

Saying or showing something to a Buyer doesn’t mean they soak it up and fully understand it.
Buyer psychology is necessary to earn and keep your Buyer’s attention so critical details don’t slip through the cracks.
Getting inside your Buyer’s head and understanding how they think and feel through every stage of the sales motion is critical.
Mastering the Art of Sales: Unlocking the Secrets of Buyer Psychology was meticulously designed and developed to help you accomplish this.
By the end of this step-by-step program, you’ll be able to:
01 Align to Buyer & Business Outcome

Most Sellers confuse the Business Outcome with your Buyer’s personal outcome. You’ll understand specifically what’s necessary for the CFO to sign, as well as how to motivate your Buyer to move your solutions forward in the first place.
02 Motivate Your Buyer at All Deal Stages

Getting (and keeping) your Buyer’s attention is required for all successful deals. You’ll know how to stand out from the pack in your Buyer’s eyes, even as more stakeholders are brought in.
03 Match Your Buyer’s Evaluation Process

You’ll create the ability to match your sales process to your Buyer’s evaluation process.  Unlike most Sellers, you’ll read cues and emotions from your Buyer so you can present what they need to see and experience to make an informed decision and ultimately, move forward with your solution.
This step-by-step training is delivered to you directly by Kyle Asay, anywhere you have access to WiFi and includes over 1.5 hours of direct instruction.
See the exact program structure below:
Program Structure

01 Why Buyer Psychology?

a. Why It Matters & Program Goals

b. What We’ll Accomplish
02 Foundation of Emotional Relevance

a. Introduction to Emotional Relevance

b. Exercise: Establish Emotional Relevance

c. Assessing and Improving Buyer Engagement
03 Buyer Psychology: Discover

a. Buyer Concerns in Discovery

b. Discovery Concern 1: You Don’t Know Me

c. Discovery Concern 2: One-Sided Discovery

d. Discovery Concern 3: Forcing a Sale
04 Buyer Psychology: Demo

a. Buyer Concerns in a Demo

b. Demo Concern 1: Everything Looks the Same

c. Demo Concern 2: Irrelevant Presentation

d. Demo Concern 3: Feature Pushing
05 Buyer Psychology: End of Deal

a. End of Deal Buyer Concerns

b. Closing Concern 1: Failed Implementation

c. Closing Concern 2: Overpaid for Solution

d. Closing Concern 3: How to Purchase & Overcoming Risks
06 Wrap up

a. Wrap Up & Next Step
Inside each core section of this program, you’ll get access to:

Proven Strategies & Tactics to Unlock Buyer Psychology
Real-world examples from Kyle’s experience
Follow-along exercises to complete specific to your buyer in your industry, ensuring that this program will work for you and your Buyer
Step-by-Step Exercises to complete specific to your buyer in your industry