Lee Arnold – Wholesaling, Assignments, And Options



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Lee Arnold – Wholesaling, Assignments, And Options


The questions to get to the seller’s motivation and your exit strategy
How to build a robust buyer and seller list

How to control the deal and cash flow – you don’t need to have a lot of money invested into it; you just need to control it

Learn all about controlling real estate through the contract.
Make money in real estate without financing or risking your own money.
Build relationships with the investors in your market and build out your power team.
Go-to specialty lab for most clients that don’t have a lot of money and are finding good deals, but they need to be able to make money some other way than getting into a flip.
Mastering the art of controlling the deal, the blocking & tackling of investing.
Creatively learn how to put deals together through OAW, lease options, sandwich leases, foreclosures, pre-foreclosures, weasel clauses, etc. and leveraging the array of ways to put deals together, so you don’t miss out on $$$ making deals you didn’t even know existed.