Jim Gibbons – The Golden Rule



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Jim Gibbons – The Golden Rule
Everything the independent investor needs to know to effectively invest in gold
With today’s increasing economic uncertainties, a strong investment strategy is to put a portion of your net worth in gold. However, given investors’ overall lack of knowledge about gold as an investment, as wealth insurance, or as a store of value, many are hesitant to enter this arena.
That’s why Jim Gibbons has created The Golden Rule. This book answers many questions, including: How do you purchase gold and in what form? Why gold now? When should you buy? And, most importantly, from whom? Throughout the book, Gibbons puts gold in perspective and shows you why it belongs in every investor’s portfolio.

Provides practical gold investment insights fromNew York Times bestsellers Peter Schiff, William Bonner, Doug Casey, Addison Wiggin, and James Turk as well as from leading experts in this field including: Congressman Ron Paul, Rick Rule, Adrian Day, and many others
Demystifies gold by putting it in the context of twenty-first century economic realities
Highlights a variety of ways to invest in gold-from mining stocks to buying gold coins and bullion

With the financial markets more erratic than ever, gold appeals to investors looking for a safe haven for their assets. With The Golden Rule as your guide, you’ll quickly learn how to make the best decisions possible with regards to this precious commodity.
Table of Contents
Preface: It’s Time to Own Gold.
Introduction: The Tie that Binds Us (Jon Nadler).
Part I: Brokers/Money Managers.
Chapter 1: Gold Remains the Standard (Eric Sprott).
Chapter 2: Long-Term Fundamentals Still Good for Gold.
An Interview with Adrian Day.
Chapter 3: A Good Investment Strategy, Buy Gold (Peter D. Schiff).
Chapter 4: The Bear Market is Your Friend – Four Ways to Win (Rick Rule).
Chapter 5: The Tale of Taels – A Hard Lesson in Hard Money (Michael Checkan).
Part II: Investment Newsletter Writers.
Chapter 6: The Greater Depression (Doug Casey).
Chapter 7: Bet Against a False Premise (Bill Bonner).
Chapter 8: Undervalued Companies & Gold (John Pugsley
Chapter 9: Gold de ja vu (Richard Maybury).
Chapter 10: The Trial of Gold (David Galland).
Chapter 11: Bullion and Beyond (Addison Wiggin).
Chapter 12: Gold is Truly Precious (Pam and Mary Anne Aden).
Part III: Coin & Bullion Broker/Dealers.
Chapter 13: Rare Coins and Gold Bullion (Van Simmons).
Chapter 14: Rare Coin Canards (Dana Samuelson and Dr. Bill Musgrave).
Chapter 15: The Internet Gold and Currency Provider (James Turk).
Chapter 16: Gold, Fiat Currency, & Integrity (Franklin Sanders).
Part IV: The Miners.
Chapter 17: Silver – “Poor Man’s Gold” (Bob Quartermain).
Chapter 18: Analyzing A Gold Mining Stock (Louis James).
Chapter 19: Let’s Talk a Bit about Gold and Gold Exploration (Brent Cook).
Chapter 20: Money is Gold, and Gold is a Noble Metal (Morgan Poliquin).
Part V: Gamechanging Educators.
Chapter 21: What the Price of Gold is Telling Us (Ron Paul).
Chapter 22: The Gold Price (Paul Van Eeden).
Chapter 23: Becoming a 21st Century Gold Guerrilla (Kenneth W. Royce).
Conclusion: Indian Peasants.
About the Author.
List of Contributors.
Author Information
Jim Gibbons has been studying and learning from sage investors regarding gold’s role in the world economy for over thirty years. For the last twelve years, he’s also been raising geoduck clams for export to China. Prior to becoming a shellfish farmer, he built and developed his own country inn (The Heron in La Conner), wrote screenplays for ten years, and, much earlier in his life, worked for the National Bank of Alaska, IBM, Merrill Lynch, and Control Data.