Jon Buchan – The Charming Cold Open Template Pack



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Jon Buchan – The Charming Cold Open Template Pack

This template pack is focused 100% on new opening cold pitches.

Folks have been asking me for a while for new templates – with new opening lines, closing lines, calls to action, and all the juicy bits in between.

I wanted to create a pack that finds more ‘ways in’. Different reasons to get in touch. Different hooks. And dare I say it, more daring, creative, and interesting approaches.

This pack contains a variety of brand new templates that don’t use any of the same joke formulas or devices that previous template packs contained.

Who Is This For?

•    Freelance professionals who need more leads and more amiable clients.

•    Agency owners or other b2b suppliers who would like more ways to get prospects to talk to them.

•    Anyone who wants to add more weapons to their lead generation arsenal.

What’s Inside?

•    A WAY OVER THE TOP cold messaging sequence to send to prospects entitled “THE TOP 5 REASONS YOU SHOULD WORK WITH ME” – This can be personalised if your prospect has sufficient information on their public social media profiles.

•    A daring, stark, and hilariously desperate cold pitch that most people won’t send but that just might work.

•    A comical cold pitch containing hilarious copy, and a blatantly photoshopped picture of you and the client.

•    A fun message to send to prospects when you’re procrastinating on other more boring work.

•    A personalised invitation and follow-up message to send prospects on LinkedIn based on their profile – and their recommendations.

•    A sweet message to send companies of which you’re a regular customer / loyal advocate.

•    A charm-soaked message to send to gatekeepers, to cajole them into mentioning you to their boss.

•    An alluring letter to send to entire departments at businesses you’d like to do business with.

•    A delightful message to send someone you look up to for mentoring in a way that stands out and gets a response.

•    A sweet but confident message for getting the attention of companies with marketing campaigns you personally enjoy.

•    An audacious craigslist post offering your services to local businesses in your area.

•    A provocative job board ad you can post to win copywriting leads.

•    A disarming direct message to respond to jobs posted on LinkedIn or Facebook.

•    A “buddy-buddy” cold pitch to send to prospects who run Facebook ads or Google AdWords campaigns that really should be improved.

•    A new & improved (and more succinct) cold pitch to send to invite yourself onto podcasts.

•    A fun social media post in the form of a job advert that’s actually an amusing pitch for your ideal client.

•    A ridiculous opening gambit where you go way overboard on the personalisation of your message, mocking the ridiculous amount of information you’ve been able to assemble from your social media sleuthing.

•    A yet further amusing opening gambit to send to prospects who have little to no information on their social media platforms.

•    A gutsy cold pitch that combines copy and a brief introductory video of yourself.

There’s More?

Templates also included for…

•    Solving the old ‘experience’ dilemma, while making playful fun of it for your own persuasive benefit: a ridiculously honest cold pitch for when you have loads of knowledge but no experience.
•    Moving from working in the corporate world to becoming a freelance consultant. This cold pitch helps you get responses from old colleagues, suppliers, and clients.

•    Sending to prospects who’ve been in the news, for good or ill.

•    Messaging prospects who have posted something interesting recently on LinkedIn.

•    Targeting prospects on Instagram through email or DM.

•    Booking introductory meetings with local prospects at a bar of your choosing.

•    Getting your little toe in the door with a curious cold pitch that introduces yourself without a blatant pitch in the first message.

•    A fawning, gushing email to send to your absolute dream clients that they will struggle to ignore.

•    Getting the attention of prospects in a niche where you have vast experience.
•    Generating responses from local businesses by messaging their Facebook Page.
•    Getting work when you’re just starting out. This cold pitch offers simple, easy to create audits or consultancy documents for free (*gulp*) when starting out, so you can build up some social proof (to help you sell stuff for money!)
•    Offering your services in exchange for a product, a ticket to an event, or anything else you have your eye on.
•    Responding to a LinkedIn post a prospect has made with a comment, and then a follow-up direct message.
•    Introducing yourself to blue-collar businesses (who are often more suspicious of professional marketing / sales / advertising types) that builds rapport and trust.
•    Getting in touch with individual client contacts who’ve left their position at your client’s company to work elsewhere.