Marshall Rosenberg – Nonviolent Communication Online Training Course



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Marshall Rosenberg – Nonviolent Communication Online Training Course

Would you like to live more peacefully with yourself and with the people around you?

If you answered yes, then we would like to invite you to The Nonviolent Communication Online Training Course.
Nonviolent Communication helps you resolve your deepest conflicts within yourself and with others through the power of empathy. There are times when we find ourselves resorting to criticism, insult, and blame when trying to resolve conflicts, which only leaves everyone hurting, angry, or depressed.
By joining The Nonviolent Communication Online Training Course, you can finally transform yourself and difficult situations positively by learning how to focus more on treating people with a more profound respect.

How Nonviolent Communication Changes Your Life

Peacefully Resolve ConflictsSerious conflicts often seem impossible to escape, especially when resentment, anger, or frustration get in the way. With Nonviolent Communication, you will be able to address problems while honoring “what is alive” in everyone, including yourself.
Connect Deeply with PeopleIf you are struggling to connect with people at home or work, or when every conversation with them turns into an argument, this course will show you how to be more open and empathetic, as well as how to create deeper, more meaningful relationships.
Love Yourself CompletelyThrough this course, you will learn how to embrace your limitations and the humanity that lies within you so that you can finally tell yourself that it’s alright to make mistakes rather than beating yourself up for it every time.

Dr. Marshall Rosenberg’s Only Online Course

Dr. Marshall Rosenberg pioneered and developed the process of Nonviolent Communication. While he is no longer with us, his spirit lives in this training course that he personally created. It contains over 10 hours of his rich and deeply insightful lessons, which he formed through four decades of teaching people all over the world how to handle conflict peacefully.
In addition to that, you will be able to further deepen your experience through a prerecorded bonus Q&A session with compassionate communication expert John Kinyon. He will help guide you along the way towards making Nonviolent Communication an integral part of your everyday life.
The entire course is structured in a way that will help you not only understand what Nonviolent Communication is, but also make it second nature to you. It begins by showing you how to become more compassionate towards yourself so that later on you may treat others with the same level of empathy.
Little by little, you will see yourself letting go of your instinct to judge; begin to recognize your feelings when you’re ashamed, guilty, angry, or depressed; and identify and then meet the unmet needs that lie underneath those feelings. These steps will allow you to be more mindful when faced with conflict and treat everyone with empathy so that all may leave enriched rather than hurt.
As you go along, everything that you learn from this course will provide you with a lifetime of guidance that will help strengthen your resolve to address conflicts nonviolently with all of the people in your life.

Marshall B. Rosenberg, PhD

Dr. Marshall Rosenberg was a psychologist who pioneered the development of the process of Nonviolent Communication. His teachings are a result of the 40 years that he spent helping people resolve conflicts in their families, schools, businesses, and governments, as well as the racial conflict he witnessed in his early years and in the 1960s. Starting out as a psychologist, he became better known as a peacemaker as he spread the concept of Nonviolent Communication to different countries across the world.

We need to receive empathy to give empathy.

Dr. Marshall Rosenberg

What You’ll Receive

Nine-Part Workshop on Nonviolent CommunicationOver 10 hours of immersive instruction on the subject, which includes nine audio sessions with Dr. Marshall Rosenberg himself. Throughout the workshop, you will learn how to treat everyone with empathy, beginning with yourself, and use Nonviolent Communication to build the path towards healing.
Prerecorded Video Q&A Session with Certified Instructor John KinyonGet answers to the most common questions about Nonviolent Communication from one of its foremost experts and find out how you can make it part of your everyday life—how you think, act, and speak.
In-Depth Online

WorkbookThis contains practical exercises that will help you strengthen your ability to use Nonviolent Communication in real-life situations at home, at work, or in your community. Each one is designed to help make the spirit of this form of communication an integral part of how you relate to people every day.

A Quick Look at The Nonviolent Communication Course

The nine sessions included in The Nonviolent Communication Online Training Course take you through a profound and insightful journey that transforms you from within so that you can connect with people with more compassion and empathy.
Here’s a quick overview of the course:

Session One: Origins of Nonviolent Communication+

The course begins by equipping you with the basic components of Nonviolent Communication, which give you the foundation on which the succeeding sessions will be built. If you ever longed to find a way to truly treat people with compassion, your journey begins here.

The purpose of NVC
Understanding the skills necessary to live compassionately
An overview of the NVC process
Developing a language of compassion

Session Two: Applying NVC within Ourselves+
Session Three: A Radically Different Kind of Honesty+
Session Four: Empathically Connecting with Others+
Session Five: Meeting Our Needs in Intimate Relationships+
Session Six: Experiencing and Exercising Authority+
Session Seven: Healing, Mediation, and Reconciliation+
Session Eight: How NVC Supports Social Change+
Session Nine: Living Compassionately with Celebration and Gratitude+

Bonus Content to Further Enrich Your Experience

Aside from the audio sessions and online workbook, The Nonviolent Communication Online Training Course will also give you access to additional content designed to help you practice Nonviolent Communication, help make the entire experience a more enriching one for you, and make treating yourself and others with empathy an integral part of who you are.

BONUS #1: Nonviolent Communication Training Cards

You will receive seven printable PDF training cards to help you more easily put the principles of Nonviolent Communication into practice.

BONUS #2: NVC Toolkit

Five video recordings created by the NVC Academy take you on a deeper journey towards learning how to communicate nonviolently. The bonus videos cover the following:

How to apply empathy in various everyday situations
Simple techniques for self-empathy that you can use to remind yourself to stop, take a breath, and be more mindful of what’s going on with you and around you
Examples of how you can express yourself honestly with Nonviolent Communication in a variety of everyday situations that involve your children, family, partner, and colleagues
Demonstrating different types of requests and showing you how you can change the dialogue dramatically by changing the request
Full conversation role playing that you can use to practice this form of communication in your everyday conversations

BONUS #3: Prerecorded Video Q&A Session

Prerecorded video Q&A session with certified Nonviolent Communication instructor John Kinyon. Gain better understanding of Nonviolent Communication from one of its foremost experts and find out how you can make it a part of how you think, act, and speak.