Michael Neill – Spiritual Awakening Video Bundle



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Michael Neill – Spiritual Awakening Video Bundle
3 Workshops, featuring over 15 hours of video and downloadable audios.
Guest presenters include: Elsie Spittle, Joe Bailey and Dicken Bettinger
If you had the choice between becoming an empowered caterpillar or the butterfly you were born to be, which would you choose?
In this series of three workshops, you’ll have the chance to wake up to both your divinity and your humanity – the formless and the form. If you watch and listen with an open mind, you just might come face to face with who and what you really are at core…

How to Be More of Who You Really Are
So much of personal development is based on the premise that there’s something wrong with you – that if you just changed your thinking, your behavior, your brand of shampoo, or your personality, then everything would begin to work in the way it’s supposed to. But there is a deeper part of us that is already perfect and whole, exactly as it is. There is nothing for you to learn or remember – just a chance to take a deep dive into your true nature.
Run time: 5 hours

​As you begin to witness the ordinary miracle of this life and our connection to it, you will stop judging yourself as faulty and live with a greater sense of peace, acceptance, and well-being. Instead of trying to think more positively, you will find yourself living more and more in the natural flow of being
You will have the opportunity to:

Gain an appreciation for ​ordinary moments ​which ​reveal the powers of insight, creativity, and ​surprisingly simple ​solutions to life’s challenges and difficultie​s
Realize that ​everyone ​has ​the potential to awaken​, including you​
Discover the simplicity of waking up to seeing our thinking in the moment
Give up the search for that one big realization so that the ordinary becomes extraordinary

Run time: 5 hours

Experience what happens when you step out over the edge of your thinking and into a new world of possibility…
We explore:

The difference between the principle of Thought and the process of thinking
Why “limiting beliefs” might not be as limiting as you think they are
How to live with greater freedom and possibility than ever before

Run Time: 5 hours