Marie Diamond – Magical Vision Board 2023 Video Program



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Marie Diamond – Magical Vision Board 2023 Video Program
Magical 2023 Program

Discover Marie’s unique vision board process and attract your goals with 33% better results in 2023!
Does Any Of This Feel Familiar?
Constantly overthinking your decisions and having a hard time letting go?
Feeling Lost & Stuck about your Life’s direction without a clear Vision?
Not sure on how to apply the Law of Attraction and make it work for you?
Having a hard time to keep your focus on the things that really matter to you?
What If Instead You Could…

Release & Let Go of 2022
Get clarity and focus on what you really want in 2023
Activate your goals taking advantage of the year´s energy flow according to Feng Shui
Learn how to attract the best luck using a unique Vision Board Process
Learn how to create more Abundance and attract more success
Make your romantic life the most tender and passionate it has ever been
Create More health and well being for yourself and your loved ones

Magical 2023 Program

Bring The Magic Into Your Life Using The Law Of Attraction & Feng Shui
Get ready to tap into the best energy of 2023, so you can attract success, health, romance and wealth. In the Magical 2023 Program I will be guiding you through a process to write a new chapter in your life.
Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up
Magical 2023 Program

Experience four 90-minutes sessions plus a bonus session with Marie Diamond. Enjoy the meditations, work on your 2023 vision board.
Magical 2023 Ebook

Get a summary of the most relevant information about the Feng Shui Energy flow. It includes activations and cures per compass direction.
PDF Vision board

Created especially for 2023, the Magical Vision Board has the perfect colors according to Feng Shui to activate and cure the energy in every compass direction.
I made my vision board last week and the universe listened! My husband got offered a new job with a big pay raise, which enables us to move and build our own home! Which was on the board. Curious what else is going to Manifest.

Karin L.

It is the second year that I do a vision board with Marie. To do this work with Marie is just magical. AND it works ! That is why I am doing this year again! I love the fact that she combines the soul and the reality, that makes your goals even more powerful and long lasting. The way she is presenting is fantastic: clear, easy to do, powerful, and clever AND joyful and fun!! To work with Marie truly makes my life magical!!

Cecile C.

Here’s what we will cover

Session 1

How to release and integrate the past experiences of year 2022.

To have a fresh start, it is always important to let go. This statement had never been more relevant than today, considering all the challenging experiences that the year 2022 brought into our lives. During this session we will integrate deep within all the learnings of 2022 and at the same time to release all the fear, uncertainty, and frustration that 2022 brought to the collective field.

Session 2

How to write your best Goals for 2023 and manifest the best results.

Writing your goals is a crucial part of the manifestation process. I will share how to connect with your inner self to find out what you really want for 2023. We will focus on CLARITY because when you have clear goals you will be able to manifest them with more precision and faster.

Session 3

Activations, goals, and Predictions for each Energy Number for 2023.

Discover how the energy will flow in the different compass directions at your home during the Water Tiger year and make the best out of it. We will talk about the predictions, cures and activations for the success, health, relationship, and wisdom of each Energy Number

Session 4

Creating your Vision Board for the year of 2023.

Marie will lead you step by step to create the most powerful vision board you have ever made. She will share examples for your written goals, and for your inspirational images. You will also find out what are keywords for abundance, the activation colors, and activation symbols for 2023.

Marie Diamond

Marie Diamond is one of the world’s top transformational leaders, speakers, and bestselling authors. A renowned voice on Law of Attraction, she is a ‘Seer’ in a modern context and the only European star featured in the worldwide phenomenon The Secret.
Marie merges her profound intuitive knowledge of Energy and the Law of Attraction, with her studies of Quantum Physics, Meditation, Feng Shui, and Dowsing to transform the success, relationships and inspirations of individuals, organizations, and corporations. Her clients include billionaires, A-list celebrities, top-selling writers, motivational speakers, CEOs, Fortune 500 Companies, governmental organizations and more than 300,000 students online.