
Jiang Yu Shan – The Grand Circle & Monkey Qigong 64 Breathings

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Jiang Yu Shan – The Grand Circle & Monkey Qigong 64 Breathings
Online Course on Advanced Qigong, Energy Flow, Standing Meditation and More.

Learning Through a Master-Student Relationship

The evolution of Qigong and Kung Fu happened through master-student relationships.

Jiang Yu Shan inherited priceless knowledge and ancient methods from many masters in Taiwan.

These masters inherited the knowledge from many masters before them. Each master added a little bit of their own to the methods and developed them further.

This is how the methods developed and evolved throughout generations, centuries and ultimately millennia.
“So, are you ready to learn?”

As a grandmaster, Jiang Yu Shan has done great work progressing the ancient methods further.

The result?

The Grand Circle.

Martial arts based Microcosmic Orbit combined with ancient Monkey Qigong.

Unifying all Qigong practices into something powerful, practical and enlightening.

Only by truly understanding the ancient principles and embodying them in his life and practice, this has become possible.
“Now it’s your turn.”

Now it’s our turn to pass the knowledge from the previous generation to the next. To be part of history and take part in ancient lineages.

Improving your life you will show respect to these powerful methods. This is a level of understanding very few have ever had a chance to witness or be part of.

If you are a teacher or have children, you will be able to transmit this knowledge and the knowledge will live on.

This is the knowledge that unifies all Qigong practices. We get to enjoy the benefits of methods that took thousands of years to come to their full form.

These are the deep rooted secrets the Orient has to offer.
When it comes to Qigong this course is considered… “THE GOLD EDITION”
What We Will Cover

High level and advanced methods of Qigong. This is the pinnacle of Eastern / Oriental knowledge and mysticism taught by a grandmaster who has researched and practiced these methods his whole life.
The Grand Circle

The Eight Positions

Grandmaster Jiang Yu Shan’s knowledge and interpretation of Zhan Zhuang 站樁/站桩 standing post method.

Unite Heaven, Man and Earth. Strengthen and heal the body and mind through a very unique method of different postures that stimulate the body in special ways. Power from calmness and serenity.
Theory & Advanced Applications

In The Grand Circle, more things are happening than meets the eye.

You will learn the theory and principles behind the standing meditation – the triangles of the body, controlling the energy flow and how to adjust the frame to develop martial power (Jin).
9 Elementary Exercises

Before you start The Grand Circle, there are 9 elementary exercises to prepare and warm up yourself for serious practice.

Many of these exercises are brilliant and will open up the body, spirit and mind for further training. You will work the spine, shoulders, chest, hips, legs and even your hearing, eyesight and voice.
Upper & Lower Limb Power Development

Learning The Eight Positions of The Grand Circle is only the beginning. This is where it starts.

There are many exercises you can do to develop the upper and lower limbs using The Grand Circle. Many of these are brilliant ways to develop the entire body system but especially the ends of your limbs.

In addition, you will learn how to shift your bodyweight, control the center of mass, develop rooting power, sinking force and build internal energy. Through these exercises you will come to understand the ingenuity of the ancient masters.

Microcosmic Orbit

Microcosmic Orbit is a Taoist energy cultivation method where the purpose is to accumulate energy and lead it around the body. Many books talk about it but very few know how to teach it.

Microcosmic Orbit has many benefits for health, strength and spiritual development. It’s the pinnacle and heart of “Chinese alchemy” related to energy, focus, meditation and mind & body transformation.

Energy Flow

Before you can start practicing the Microcosmic Orbit, you need to open the energy channels and understand how the energy is cultivated in the body.

You will learn how to open the three main gates of the body, how to develop the diaphragm and the basics of Qi development. We also reveal the most sought after secret: when to initiate the Microcosmic Orbit – the key to leading the energy.

This is advanced knowledge regarding meridians that is very unique.
Theory & Principles

The grandmaster Jiang Yu Shan always emphasizes practice over theory. However, it’s necessary to understand how the body works according to the ancient Taoist practices that are still utilized today.

You will learn the major acupuncture points, the fire & water roads and the two vessels that are needed when it comes to energy flow in the Microcosmic Orbit.

The grandmaster Jiang Yu Shan reveals the source of his knowledge and his deep research on the topic. He will teach you the principles behind Qi, Yi and Microcosmic Orbit.
Monkey Qigong 64 Breathings

Rare and ancient Monkey Qigong form (Health Qigong) that is designed for a 100-day cycle. This is where everything gets a level deeper.

This is very different from the typical Microcosmic Orbit – rather here it is combined with Monkey Qigong so it’s not just for health but also for performance and martial arts purposes.

You will go through 6 different Monkey movements and breathe a total of 64 breathing cycles. The result? The form alone can transform your being.
100-Day Qigong Cycle & Sexual Transmutation

This is a hardcore 100-Day Qigong Cycle that includes the Microcosmic Orbit, Monkey Qigong 64 Breathings and major changes to your diet, lifestyle and sexual behavior.

This is by far the most powerful tool for personal transformation that we have come across. We doubt that anyone who goes through this 100-day cycle and follows the instructions will remain the same.

Elevate your consciousness and unleash the power of your subconscious. This is the method that the ancient sages used to reach enlightenment and elevated states of consciousness.

70 videos and 9.5 hours of footage.

The Grand Circle: Preparation & Warm Up   —  10 Lessons
The Grand Circle: The Eight Positions   — 11 Lessons
The Grand Circle: Theory and Applications   —  10 Lessons
Energy Flow   —  7 Lessons
Microcosmic Orbit: Theory & Principles   — 10 Lessons
Monkey Qigong 64 Breathings   —  11 Lessons
100-Day Qigong Cycle   —  4 Lessons


Drawing the Bow (3 min 6 sec)

One of the fundamental powerful Zhan Zhuang standing postures.
Suppressing the Tiger (3 min 18 sec)

Second fundamental and powerful Zhan Zhuang standing posture. This posture creates a very unique mental state that is both calm and prepared to fight.
The Coiling Dragon (8 min 29 sec)

One of the hardest postures that will work the spine and hips incredibly well. You are twisting your spine and stretching your tendons from your heels to the fingers.
The Origin of Zhan Zhuang (1 min 54 sec)

The origin of standing meditation and the background of Wang Xiangzhai (the founder of Yiquan).
Heat & Cold: Therapy and Recovery (5 min 42 sec)

Heat & Cold when it comes to energy systems and recovery (injuries included).
The Balance of Fire & Water (5 min 42 sec)

How to bring harmony to your body and balance the “fire” and “water” of your body so that the body and mind are healthy, strong and in harmony.
Tendon Power & Refinement Stage as a Martial Artist (9 min 22 sec)

Grandmaster Jiang Yu Shan talks about aging and stages of development as a martial artist. The importance of building tendon power.

“After spending a significant amount of time listening, watching and learning from Sifu Jiang I know I’ve only really scratched the surface of what he has to offer. The information provided in this course has been only privy to a chosen few and I’m incredibly happy that more people can now experience real kung fu from Taiwan’s famous “Monkey Boxer”!

Sifu Vik Hothi, UK
“The true teachings of Kung Fu and Neigong are very hard to find in the western world, people end up simply repeating the empty words of other people, speaking high words but lacking in substance. In the internet age the deeper levels of the teaching are often misunderstood, limited or twisted, not out of spite but out of ignorance.

It is a great joy to see important parts of the real authentic system made available online for Qiqong enthusiasts around the world. Taught by a strong fighter and a man of accomplishment and true knowledge of the ancient skills.

Henning Daverne, DK

Master of Meditation
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