
Mike & Laura – Scale Your Travel Blog

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Mike & Laura – Scale Your Travel Blog
Here is what you’ve been told to do when trying tomake money with your travel blog…

Grow a large following on Instagram and Pinterest by posting stories, pins, and reels every single day. Rain or shine.
Spend 2+ years on outdated SEO strategies that bring minimal readers to your travel blog
Ignore small amounts of traffic because you’ve been told you need a lot of readers to make money
Buy another basic blogging course that doesn’t focus on travel-related SEO or travel-related affiliate marketing strategies


Or you can bypass the social media hamster wheel and ditch the constant pinning on Pinterest. Learn to grow your audience with Google search and create predictable travel blog income through our top-rated coaching program,  Scale Your Travel Blog.

Exponentially grow your blog readers by learning updated blogging strategies [SEO] (that work a lot faster than typical SEO practices)

Make money from your website even if you have a small blog and fewer readers than you wish you had
Set your blog up for predictable income by applying our email marketing practices (the vital piece of the blogging puzzle that most travel bloggers ignore)
Become financially and location independent by being your own boss and writing about the thing you love most… travel!
What’s Included In Scale Your Travel Blog?

– Entire Scale Your Travel Blog Course
9 full step-by-step modules [watch over my shoulder]

10+ bonus lessons

Templates, blogging tool discounts, & more


– Scale Your Travel Blog Facebook Mastermind
Get your questions answered quickly

Discover ways to collaborate with other bloggers


– Complete Site Audit
Two-part recorded site audit [approximately 1.5 hours in length]

Step-by-step website walk-through [assessing all possible SEO issues and all areas we can work on for immediate growth]


– Keywords
In order to write blog posts that attract readers, you need to find topics people are looking for on Google. In the SEO world, these are called keywords. We find the best keywords for you to write about that will help you grow your blog faster.
25 keywords included [additional keywords are included with your site audit]

– Blog Post Outlines
To grow your website readers, you’ll need to rank on Google. We help you rank on Google by creating blog post outlines for your specific niche.
6 outlines included [additional keywords are included with your site audit]

– Blog Post Reviews
To make sure all bases are covered, we also review your blog posts to make sure you’ve written them in a way that will help you rank higher on Google.
Getting to this point with our travel blog was not easy. This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. Blogging takes time and effort.

When I first started travel blogging in 2014, I tried everything under the sun to make money with my website. I wrote blog posts consistently for over 3 years. I spent 35+ hours per week trying to grow our Instagram account. We even reached over 1 million monthly viewers on Pinterest.

And not one of those things worked. Not one dollar went into our bank account from any of these exhausting efforts.

After taking vague course after vague course, listening to countless hours of podcasts about blogging, and reading every ebook I could get my hands on, I finally pieced together the strategies necessary to make money from our blog.

But our journey didn’t end there. It took several years to perfect the skills that would ultimately bring us (and so many of our students) success.

Our goal with Scale Your Travel Blog is to simplify the travel blogging process so that you can bypass all the noise and start making money from your blog faster.
Student Testimonials
But don’t just take it from us. Here’s what our students have to say about Scale Your Travel Blog:

“I joined [when I was] somewhere between 25,000 and 30,000 sessions monthly. Within six weeks, I am now over 75,000 sessions.”
– Nina Clapperton, Nina Out & About
“[I am] just about hitting 150,000 monthly website traffic. I’m doing over $10,000 dollar months, starting from zero like everybody else..”
– Shelley Marmor, Travel Mexico Solo
Check out more Scale Your Travel Blog wins & success stories:
–> <– >> Yes, I want access now! <<   Scale Your Travel Blog Module Breakdown (What You’ll Learn) With Scale Your Travel Blog, you’ll learn exactly how to go from hobby blogger to full-time blogger. Here’s what you’ll learn step-by-step: Module 1: Introduction + Mindset How to efficiently go through this course Joining our private Facebook mastermind group where you’ll receive extensive support from us and the community The most common ways to earn money with your travel blog and additional ways to earn money from your site or travel blogging skills. How long it will be before your blog earns money – a straightforward timeline BONUS Module: Website Set Up + WordPress Tricks We included this bonus module to help you set up your website the right way and feel comfortable using WordPress. Here’s what we’ll cover: How to choose a travel blog name and travel blog niche (without limiting yourself) How to set up your blog the right way How to move your site from Wix,, Blogger, or Blogspot to How to use WordPress like an expert (even if you’re a beginner) How to set up your homepage, menus, about me page, resources, page, contact page, sidebar, and more. Everything you need to know about plugins. How to set up Google Analytics & Google Search Console (step-by-step) Module 2: On-Page SEO (SEO For Travel Blogs + Beyond) In the second module, we’ll dive deep into SEO strategies. This module is extensive, but we walk you through everything step-by-step so that it’s easy to understand. We’ll talk about: How to find the best topics for growing the number of readers on your site (also called keyword research) How to get readers to your site quickly even if you’re a new blogger (a secret keyword research trick you NEED to use) How to write blog posts that rank in the top 10 of Google Module 3: Backlinks Backlinks are vital for the success of your travel blog. In this lesson, we cover everything you need to know about backlinks, including: Introduction to backlinks How to make Google like you quickly by getting ‘backlinks’ (we show you the exact steps) Module 4: Off-Page SEO There are many things to consider when it comes to Google SEO. One of them is off-page SEO. While it sounds scary, we walk you through all the steps to optimize your blog for off-page SEO. Here’s what we talk about: How to make Google trust your website more by optimizing your site for E-E-A-T How to make your travel blog load quickly, so you aren’t punished Setting your travel blog up so that your readers are happy and Google is happy Module 5: Scaling With Affiliate Marketing The easiest and fastest way to earn money with your travel blog is through affiliate marketing. We cover every aspect of affiliate marketing in this module. Here’s what we cover: Finding the perfect topics to write about that lead to money in your pocket (for recommending products you already love like REI, the National Parks, Skyscanner,, and thousands of other brands/companies) How to join these affiliate programs so that you can start to make money (yes, they accept you even if you’re brand new) Top secrets for turning readers into natural buyers (without feeling sleazy) Module 6: SEO For Old Blog Posts This module will help you fix old blog posts so that you can increase your readers with content you already have. This will always come in handy if you need to update blog posts in the future, too. Here’s what you’ll learn: Determine what to do with old blog posts (is it more beneficial to keep them, update them, delete them, or repurpose them?) Using Google Search Console (a free tool) to improve old posts and grow your traffic The exact steps you need to take to optimize posts that aren’t getting readers from Google Module 7: Making Money With Ads This module focuses on earning money with your travel blog through ads. We will specifically talk about: Finding the perfect ad network and reaching blog traffic requirements Optimizing blog posts so that you can increase your ad revenue Module 8: Scaling With Email Marketing How email marketing can greatly increase your affiliate income (and other potential income streams) each month How to start and build an email list that interacts with you and buys from you! How to recommend affiliate products (products you love and use yourself anyway) to your email list without being salesy Module 9: Scaling With Sponsorships This module is all about earning money by leveraging your travel blog and partnering with companies who want to get in front of your readers (yes, even if you don’t have a ton of readers). Here’s what you’ll learn: How to choose the best brands to partner with How to connect with these brands and get on their radar How to pitch and land these sponsorship deals with confidence (regardless of your audience size)   Plus These Bonuses To Help You Generate Unstoppable Momentum… Bonus Templates Privacy Policy template, Sponsorship Media Kit template, Blog Post Outline template, Blog Post Review template, and more! Bonus #1: Additional Ways To Make Money From Your Blog & Blogging Skills Learn how to take your blogging skills and earn money from them quickly with this bonus module. Bonus #2: A Coursework Success Blueprint Use this guide to make your travel blogging journey so much easier. You’ll know what to do and when to do it! Bonus #3: Common Keyword Assistance To help you find the best keywords to target, we’ve included common keyword assistance guides. These guides will help you grow your traffic and blogging income quickly. The easiest way to drive thousands of readers to your travel blog each day Proper and extensive SEO strategies that will take your blog post to the top of Google search results How to gain quality backlinks to your website and increase your authority with Google Deep dive affiliate marketing skills that will allow you to earn money while you sleep (or travel!) How to start, grow, and gain trust with your email list so that you can increase affiliate sales The steps necessary to find and reach out to brands for sponsored and paid collaborations The #1 secret to earning even more with your blog through affiliate marketing … and much, much more! Scale Your Travel Blog is everything you need to know to be successful as a travel blogger. Get The Website Traffic You NEED We started to use the RIGHT travel blogging strategies here (August 2019): It took us 14 months to go from this to this: Is This Really Right For You? Do you think about quitting your soul-sucking 9-5 job so that you can travel the world and do something you’re actually passionate about? Maybe you’re a current travel blogger but you just can’t seem to turn a profit from your website.. Perhaps you can’t quite grasp SEO and how to use it to grow your website traffic. Maybe you’ve felt overwhelmed at the thought of email marketing and you’re not sure how it can benefit your travel blog and increase your income.. Or maybe you are earning money from your travel blog, but not enough to support you full-time. If you relate to ANY of the things mentioned above, Scale Your Travel Blog was created for you. That’s right! Scale Your Travel Blog was created FOR you BY you. Hi, I’m Laura! And I’m you I’m a complete geek when it comes to travel blogging because it has literally changed our lives. We’ve experienced firsthand what it feels like to move to “life on the road” as travel bloggers after slaving away at jobs we didn’t care about. We are you. Earning our first dollar through our travel blog felt like one MILLION dollars because it no longer was just an idea. I knew that if I could make one dollar from our blog, I could make this my full-time job. And I know you feel the same way. More than anything else, I can’t wait to share that moment with you and every victory along the way. Should you join us in Scale Your Travel Blog, I personally guarantee that these next few months will blow your mind. I look forward to meeting you personally inside Scale Your Travel Blog. ALL our best, Mike & Laura