
Hiro Boga – Become Your Own Business Adviser – Soul Alchemy for Creative Entrepreneurs

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Hiro Boga – Become Your Own Business Adviser – Soul Alchemy for Creative Entrepreneurs
Soul Alchemy for Creative Entrepreneurs
Our world is LOUD with conflicting advice about “how to run a successful business”:
“Create elegant sales funnels! Hire direct response copywriters! You must post engaging content on social media every day! Purchase Facebook ads to promote your business! No, ads are worthless — invest in a new website! Build a massive newsletter list! Just be yourself! But not too much! Always do this! Never do that!”
If you feel yourself drowning in the noise — unable to hear your own soul’s wisdom amidst the loud imperatives and endlessly changing do-or-die rules — it’s time for a revolution.
Become Your Own Business Adviser is a self-study program for creative entrepreneurs in which soul and strategy, practical skills and inspired action walk hand-in-hand to help you create a business that fits you perfectly. One that’s fully aligned with your values, your desires and your calling.
And, it’s unlike any other business program you’ve ever taken.

It is — as one program participant put it — “one of the most powerful programs I’ve ever experienced.” It is a sanctuary, a safe haven, and a sacred place for miracles to unfold.
Who is Become Your Own Business Adviser for?
You’ll love Become Your Own Business Advisor if…
•You’re a coach, teacher, medical or legal professional, artist, writer, speaker, or culture maker whose business is centered around relational, creative and transformational processes. You want to learn more nuanced, powerful energy alchemy skills and techniques, and apply them to creating a prosperous, sustainable business.
•You enjoy learning independently — privately, at home — without the time-pressure of attending a class that’s tied to a particular schedule.
•You are energetically sensitive, so you often feel overwhelmed by all of the things that you “must do” to run your business. You yearn for a way of working that is radically simpler, authentically you, and more joyously prosperous.
•You want to deeply trust your business decisions, remain true to yourself and undistracted by what your peers and competitors are doing. You want your business to be a true reflection of your own voice, vision, values, and creative gifts.
How Become Your Own Business Adviser Works
The entire program is available for immediate download as soon as you complete your registration.
Work at Your Own Pace
This is a self-study program. Start anytime. Pause anytime. Enjoy the class materials at home, at your own pace, without any time-pressure.
Learn in Your Favorite Way
Whether you’d like to listen to the entire program on audio, you’d prefer to read it on your tablet, or you’d like to print out a pdf and keep it close at hand, we’ve got you covered. This program is mobile and tablet friendly and can be accessed from your home, office or on the go.
Review and Re-do As Often As You Like
When you purchase Become Your Own Business Adviser you’ll receive:
•12 audio lessons
•A beautifully designed digital journal which includes easy-to-read transcripts of all of the audio lessons
•Close to 200 pages of Q&A, shared from past students.
•A copy of my 92-page The World of Your Business Playbook
•A Reference Library, which includes 10 Masterclasses contributed by guest faculty, covering crucial topics like copywriting, website development, best practices for expanding your staff, and more.

And they’re all yours to keep forever.
NEW! Enjoy Personal Concierge Service
Our concierge team is here to assist you with questions that arise as you work through each module of the program. We want to support you at every step of your journey, so you’ll receive a private link, in your welcome materials, through which you can request personalized assistance. You can also request a one-on-one call with one of our concierges, if that is what you need. (You will receive details when you register.)
The Become Your Own Business Adviser Journey
Become Your Own Business Adviser is both a path and a journey to creating a richly fulfilling, soul-centered, profitable business.

I’ve tested, refined, and lovingly updated this content to meet the needs of clients and students for four decades. The principles, skills, tools and energy alchemy practices you’ll learn in Become
Your Own Business Adviser will last you a lifetime. They will help you to grow & flourish through every stage of your life and the life of your business. In collaboration with the soul of your business, they will help you to bring your most expansive vision down to earth to serve you, your community and your world in profoundly miraculous ways.
Practical miracles. Miracles of prosperity and profound fulfillment.
Miracles like these:
“I’ve just had the best three months in my business, ever. Revenue is up 54% over last year…”
“I launched the devotional record label I’d been dreaming about for ages…”
“Out of the blue, I was invited to a highly exclusive, two-day industry retreat at a major venue …”
“I moved through a wall of obstacles that I had kept hitting, in the past, whenever I wanted to increase my public profile…”
“My business is solid, expanding on its own, and the right clients are just showing up over and over again.”
Working with thousands of students over the years, I know that these miracles are not just for a chosen few. You’ll experience them too, when you partner with the soul of your business to unfold the miracle of its life.
The Become Your Own Business Adviser Curriculum
Become Your Own Business Adviser consists of 12 core lessons, plus a comprehensive set of Q&As to accompany each one. Each lesson is designed to help you build the foundation of your business and then add on the layers that not only align it with what is uniquely important to you, but that helps you stand out and be seen by those who matter most – your potential clients and customers.
I don’t believe in blueprints or one-size-fits-all business prescriptions. Instead, I offer the skills and tools you need to rely on your own wisdom, your own highly refined discernment, so you can trust your truth to guide you every step of the way. Using these practices, you’ll create a business that is unquestionably yours, one that’s a true manifestation of your heart’s desire.
Class 1: Presence

Class 2: You And Your Business Deva

Class 3: Deepening Your Relationship With Your Business Deva

Class 4: Power

Class 5: Devas And Your Project

Class 6: Inner Knowing, Willingness, & Belief

Class 7: Your Project Deva

Class 8: Inner Resources, Inner Obstacles

Class 9: Outer Resources, Outer Obstacles

Class 10: Form, Pattern and Essence

Class 11: Harmonizing Form, Pattern & Essence

Class 12: Closing Circle
A Transformation Awaits
Become Your Own Business Adviser is an intelligently designed roots-to-shoots program addressing every area of your business — from business planning, to business development, to daily operations, setting goals, managing projects, marketing, and more — all from the profoundly effective approach of co-creating with your soul, and the soul of your business.
No matter how long you’ve been an entrepreneur, building and growing your business at every stage can feel complex and overwhelming, particularly if your work is your art and you find that one-size-fits-all formulas don’t work for you.
In BYOBA, you’ll experience a transformative shift as you learn key concepts to build and grow your business from the inside out. You’ll find, as you step through the lessons and apply the practices, that:
•Business planning becomes joyful and creative, with plenty of room for flexibility and fluidity — rather than a frustrating act of forcing yourself to commit to deadlines and bottom lines.
•Daily administration and management of your business becomes an act of devotion, carried out in joyful partnership with your Business Deva.
•Your business operations begin to flow with more ease and spaciousness, as you discover new, creative ways to approach your work.
•You no longer feel dread, overwhelm or confusion about business development, because you’re co-creating in partnership with your soul, and the soul of your business.
•Your business strategy unfolds in a way that feels like a natural expression of your soul, rather than a “competitive advantage” designed to help you “dominate” in the marketplace.
•Project management in your business becomes artful and playful, an act of making your soul’s desires visible rather than forcing them into a dry schedule of tasks and activities.
•You become masterful at assessing risk in your business, choosing paths that serve you deeply while growing your business strategically.
•You have more spaciousness and freedom to think about the “big picture” parts of your business, such as planning for its succession and leaving a legacy.
•Your leadership skills as a business owner grow, and you find you have a “knack” for entrepreneurialism, even if you’ve always considered yourself more artist than businessperson.
•Communication and collaboration with your team members, your clients, and your colleagues becomes more authentic and easeful, leading to greater efficiency and deeper, more joyful connection.
•You’re able to set goals in your business with more clarity, and achieve them more often, because they come from your soul, and that of your business — rather than being based on specious metrics that you “should” aim for.
•Your entire client management process — from first contact to long-term relationship — is clear and clean, with strong yet flexible boundaries and authentic communication that leads to transformative results.
•The knot of anxiety you used to feel about marketing your business, promoting your products and services, and placing advertising is gone — because your sales and marketing systems are developed out of integrity and heart.
When you build and grow your business in partnership with its Deva, and from the foundation of your own soul’s deepest desires for creativity and contribution, all of the “to-do”s that overwhelm and frustrate you can become activities you look forward to – and that grow your business in a joyful and sustainable way.
What You’ll Create
Past students have made miraculous entrepreneurial strides, on a number of levels — financially, spiritually and creatively. Like them, when you begin this self-study program you’ll enter a creative container — placing your business in a state of miraculously accelerated evolution, opening up possibilities for you to create things such as…
•Profitable new products and programs that serve your ideal audience in meaningful ways
•More revenue in the next 3-6 months than you earned for the entire 12 months prior
•Marketing and promotional channels that feel playful and joyous — not full of drudgery
•Systems and structures to automate — or delegate — your everyday business tasks, creating a business that supports the life you want
•A team that is efficient, productive and loves helping you move your vision forward
•New income streams that used to seem out of reach
•The magnetic pull your business exerts through inner harmony and coherency, so that the right clients and partnerships show up to help you grow and expand beyond anything you may have dreamed of
•A co-creative partnership with the soul of your business – your Business Deva — to guide your business decisions and receive miraculous, multi-dimensional support
•Profound clarity on exactly what you want more of in your business and what you need to let go of so you can bring it to life
•Strategies for self-care and deep replenishment to ensure that you can create and serve joyfully for many decades to come
How This Came About
I’ve been an entrepreneur for over 40 years. My business is the result of an ongoing conversation between its soul and mine.
Together, we have supported thousands of people to become more fully themselves, to live their truth, to become sources of love, prosperity, joy and blessing in their own lives and businesses, and to contribute to greater wholeness, grace, peace and healing in our world.
My business has helped me grow into my creative potentials, provided abundantly for me and my family, provided for the many people we have employed over the years, and offered a safe haven for all who wish to create soul-centered lives and businesses. It has loved me through thick and thin, and made me the person that I am today.
The success of my business over so many decades is a direct result of the values, principles and practices in which my business and my life are anchored. I began sharing these with my students and clients more than forty years ago. Become Your Own Business Adviser evolved from those earlier programs to meet the needs of entrepreneurs today.
With the advent of the internet, online business, and location-independent ways of earning a living, there’s been an exponential growth in entrepreneurship. The world of business is increasingly attracting creative, socially and environmentally conscious women and men who desire both livelihood and legacy, soul and prosperity.

I created Become Your Own Business Adviser for those of you whose business is your art. For you who know that your creativity and genius fuel not just your own growth and the growth of your business, but that contribute to building a kinder, more just, more prosperous world that works for everyone.