
Dala McDevitt – DLDNation – Online Fitness & Nutrition Coach

Original price was: ₹450,000.00.Current price is: ₹75,530.00.



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Dala McDevitt – DLDNation – Online Fitness & Nutrition Coach
The Premier Certification for Online Health & Fitness Coaches

Get the knowledge, skills, tools and support you need to be an effective and in-demand coach.

The most trusted certification for online fitness coaches.

Created by a diverse team of medically-trained health professionals with over 150+ years of combined experience, our OFNC Certification will enable you to work with any client towards any goal.
So whether clients come to you wanting
to lose weight or gain muscle

balance hormones

improve their health with chronic illness

or anything in between

you’ll have the answers they need.
OFNC Certified Coach

“OFNC honestly changed my life. I learned more in this course than all of my other courses combined. all of the information is set out in a way that is easy to understand yet extremely in-depth. OFNC is 10000% more valuable than getting your CPT and provides information that is actually relevant to online coaching! I am so grateful for the knowledge and confidence that OFNC gave me and my growth as a coach has been incredible since completing it!”

– Alyssa H.
What you’ll get inside OFNC

course curriculum
390+ module online course

Video, audio, and written modules for all learning styles

Real client case studies, practice quizzes, and a final study guide

Tools to kick-start

your business
All client questionnaires, forms, and templates done for you

Scripts to navigate client communication confidently and professionally

Exclusive career opportunities

What makes OFNC the preferred certification
You will learn firsthand from Registered Dietitians, Exercise Physiologists, Pain Performance Specialists, Registered Nurses, Physician’s Assistants, Certified

Strength & Conditioning Specialists, Functional Movement Systems Specialists, Perinatal Certified Coaches, Corrective Exercise Specialists, and so many more.

Our two-pronged approach saves you time and money by packing both a nutrition certification and fitness certification into one, all-inclusive course taught by elite coaches in the industry.

Learn to work with special populations including: pregnancy and postpartum, PCOS, hypothyroidism, gut health, autoimmune disorders, hormone imbalances, bariatric surgery, diabetes and more.

Through an abundance of case studies, real client check-ins with voice memo and loom video responses, and practice setting macros and protocols for new clients, you’ll graduate with confidence boosting, real world experience.

Your certification is provided by an active coaching company keeping you up to date on how to deliver a competitive and premier service in a rapidly-evolving industry.

The preferred certification from employers. Trusted by 100+ (and counting) coaching companies looking to hire assistant coaches.

Preview your course curriculum
Definition of Nutrition

Human Body Systems and Tissues


Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE)

TDEE for Sedentary Vs. Active Explained






How to Read a Nutrition Label


Macronutrient Metabolism



Hunger + Satiety Hormones







Packaged Foods vs. Whole Foods






Knowledge Check!
Writing Training Splits

Building a Workout

Transitioning Training Phases

Planes of Motion

Training Intensity

Training to Failure

Progressive Overload

How Often Should Your Clients Be Hitting PR’s?

1RM Testing

Rest Times

Example Building a Workout

Programming Template For Your Use

Programming Templates + Use Explained

Exercise Selection Assistance

Duration of Training Splits

Workout Intensifiers

Supplementing Your Client’s Sport/Competition

Male vs. Female Resistance Training

Intra-Workout Pain

Beginners: Special Considerations

Older Client Considerations

Cardio Programming

Warming Up

Deload Protocols

Blood Flow Restriction Training

Muscle Imbalances

Trainerize: Training Program

Beginner Workout Examples

Intermediate Workout Example

Advanced Workout Example

Programming Case Study

Cardio Case Study

Outsource Your Client Programming to DLDNation

Knowledge Check!
Tracking Macros
Tracking Intros + Progression Methods Explained

Tracking Intros + Progression Methods

How to Track Macros

What it Means to “Hit Your Macros”

Macro Tracking Hacks and Tips

Using a Food Scale

Tracking Miscellaneous Items


My Macros Plus: MM+

The Basics of Cronometer

Common Macro Tracking Mistakes to Avoid

MFP: Macro/Calorie Discrepancies

Knowledge Check!



Stress + Stress Management

Recovery-Soreness Time Frames

Hunger + Fullness



Bowel Movements

Menstrual Cycles

Knowledge Check
Conduting Check-Ins
Check-In Template Explained

Client Check-In Template Example

Client Check In Template Example – Intuitive Eater

MFP Summaries Explained

MFP Summary Examples

Client Lists & Notes Explained

Example Check-In Flow & Notation

Example Client List Template

DLDNation 7-Point Check-In Assessment Explained

DLDNation 7-Point Check-In Assessment

Check-In Assessments with Trainerize

DLDNation HEARR Method for Check-In Responses

DLDNation HEARR Method

Example Client Check-In +Feedback 1-8

Check-In Efficiency

Check-In Flow + Work Boundaries

Knowledge Check!
The Endocrine System
The Endocrine System


Hypothalamus + Pituitary

The HPA Axis

The HPT Axis

The HPG Axis

Axes Dysfunction in Chronic Stress + Dieting

Why Clients Should Eat Before Caffeine Ingestion

Knowledge Check!
Human Body System
Nervous System

Skeletal System

Muscular System

Respiratory System

Circulatory System

Lymphatic System

Reproductive System

Integumentary System

Urinary System
Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle

The Nervous System + Training

Fitness Terminology

Benefits of Exercise

Benefits of Strength Training

Science of Muscle Hypertrophy

Types of Muscle Contractions

Mind Muscle Connection

Compounds + Accessory Modalities


Plyometrics + Balance Work



Fasted Cardio

Lifting Gear

Knowledge Check!

Soreness + DOMS

Rest Days



Importance of Stretching

Self-Myofascial Release + Foam Rolling

Knowledge Check!
Form Video
Assessing Form Videos

Mobility + Stability

Proper Use of the Core

Posture Overview

Pelvic Tilt

Tripod Foot

The Squat Dilemma

Form Videos







Proper Form for the Beginning and End of Exercises

Squat Form Assessments

Deadlift Form Assessments

Upper Body Form Assessments

Knowledge Check!
Phases of Nutrition
Phases of Nutrition Graphic

Fat Loss Phases

Fat Loss Vs. Weight loss

Example Fat Loss Clients

Maintenance Phases

Diet Breaks + Refeeds

Body Recomposition

Bulking Clients

Example Bulking Clients

Bulking Client Case Study

Carb Cycling

Estimating Body Fat Percentage

Helping Clients Make Decisions About Phases

Phase of Nutrition Decision Determinations

Case Studies

Case Studies Answer Key

Knowledge Check!
Calculating Macros
Why Macros?

Macro Calculations Intro

Macro Calculating Considerations

Calculating a Client’s TDEE

Women – STEP 1:Determining Activity Level

Women – STEP 2: Calculating Calories/TDEE

Women – STEP 3: Macro Calculation Guidelines

Women’s Macro Calculation Examples

Live Example TDEE + Macro Calculation

Men- STEP :1 Determining Activity Level

Men- STEP 2: Calculating Calories/TDEE

Men- STEP 3: Macro Calculation Guidelines

Men’s Macro Calculation Examples

Macro Proportions Considerations

TDEE Case Studies

Macro Case Studies

Knowledge Check!
Tracking Alternatives
The Plate Method

Food/Photo Journal

Hand-Size Portion Guide

Intuitive Eating

Mindful Eating

Can Online Coaches Write Meal Plans?

Meal Plan Considerations

Knowledge Check!
Peri Workout Nutrition
Pre Workout Nutrition info

Intra Workout Nutrition

Intra Workout Carbohydrates

Post Workout Nutrition

Anabolic Window

Nutrient Timing

Knowledge Check!
Reverse Dieting
Reverse Dieting Basics

How Do You Determine if Your New Client For Sure Needs a Reverse

Metabolic Adaptation

A Word on Maintenance and Metabolic Adaptation

Are Metabolic Damage and Starvation Mode Real

Reverse Dieting Protocols

Example Reverse Protocols

How to Tell a Client They May Need a Reverse

Low Weight Gain During a Reverse

Client Examples of Low Weight Gain During a Reverse

Weight Loss During a Reverse

Client Examples of Weight Loss During a Reverse

Higher Weight Gain During a Reverse

Client Examples of Higher Weight Gain During a Reverse

Reverse Dieting Macro Case Studies + Answer Key

Knowledge Check!
Client Assessment
Initial Client Questionnaires Explained

Initial Client Questionnaire Template

Coaching Style + Learning Assessment

Example Client Questionnaire 1 – 3

When To Do Test Tracking

Progress Photos

Circumference Measurements

Client Assessment + Creating New Protocols Case Study

Knowledge Check!
Client Delivery
Example Standard Coaching Offer + What’s Included

New Program Email Explained

New Program Email Example

Client Example New Program Email

Client Example New Program Email – Intuitive Eating

How to Supplement Your New Program Email

Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced Starting Protocol Examples

Example Starting Protocols Voice Memo

Example Starting Protocols Loom + Education x2

Setting Up a Client’s Trainerize Account

Trainerize: Setting Goals & Habits
Client Educational + Delivetables
Client Handbooks

Client Nutrition Guides

Other Client Educational/Community Based Value Adds

Purchase DLD’s Handbooks For Your Own Company Use

Canva 101

Step Count

Fitness Trackers

Treat Meal Guidelines

Client Weigh-Ins


Meal Prepping Techniques

Food Volume + Calorie Density

Sickness Protocols

Travel Tips

Supplement Education

Knowledge Check!
Progress Tracking + Protocol Adjustments
What is Progress + Progress Tracking

Coach’s Responsibilities to Help Clients Achieve Results

Why Progress Photos are Key

Why is Your Client Not Making Progress?

Reasons for Weight Gain That Aren’t Fat Gain

DLDNation PAUSE Checklist Explained

DLDNation PAUSE Checklist Before Protocol Adjustments

Reasons NOT to Adjust Your Client’s Protocols During a Fat Loss Phase

Macro Adjustments

How Low Can Macros Really Go?

Increasing NEAT and/or Cardio

Stress Management + Adaptation Management

Does Progress Slow Down as Clients Get Leaner?

Documenting Protocol Adjustments

Adjusting Protocols in Trainerize

How Soon to React to Changes in Activity Level

How Long Can Clients be in a Deficit

Transitioning from Macros to Intuitive Tracking

Ways to Remind/Show Client’s They are Making Progress

Check-In + Protocol Adjustment Case Studies

Knowledge Check!
Client Communication + Adherence
Effective Coach / Client Communication

Communication Skills of a Good Coach

Common Blocks in Mindsets for Clients

DLDNation 5-Step Response to Difficult Questions Explained

DLDNation 5-Step Response Strategy for Trust Building

DLDNation 5-Step Response Example

Client Positioning (difficult conversations, taking vacation, client skipping check-ins or trying to quit, etc.)

DLDNation CLEAR Client Adherence System

Client Adherence Toolkit

Hyping up a Client’s Success

Educating Client on their Macros and Calories

Educating a Client Who Isn’t Hitting Protocols

Responding to a Client Who is Discouraged About Weight Gain

What to do When Clients are Consistently Late/Skipping Check-Ins

How to Support Busy Clients

Knowledge Check!
Special Diet + Dietary Prefrences
Popular Diets

Ketogenic Diets

Intermittent Fasting

Chronic Dieting/Fad Diets

Elimination Diets

Gluten Free

Dairy Free

Plant-based Diets

Vegetarian + Vegan Protein Sources

Knowledge Check!
Special Populations
Special Population Considerations

Scope of Practice

Referring Out

How To Evaluate Research

Commonly Diagnosed Medical Conditions


Adrenal Insufficiency




Testosterone Imbalances

Low Testosterone in Men

Hair Loss in Men


Birth Control

Post-Birth Control Hormone Imbalances

FAM Tracking


Postpartum, Breastfeeding, and Diastasis Recti

Pregnancy + Postpartum Case Studies + Answer Keys


Chronic Illness/Inflammatory Conditions

Autoimmune disorders

Insulin Insensitivity


Red Flags for Eating Disorders


Post-Operative Nutrition

Nutritional Considerations for Clients Without Gallbladders

Bariatric Surgery

Clients Who Work Night Shift

Clients Transitioning Out of Keto

Knowledge Check
Online Coach Work Flow
A Day in the Life of an Online Coach

Working from Home

Working Hours

Differences between Assistant Coach and Owner

Our Business Coaching Program Overview

How to Create and Foster a Community

Group Chats

Weekly Prompts for Your Group Chat

Housekeeping Tips

Team Zoom Calls

Further Ideas for Creating Community
Final Exam
Study Guide

Final Exam

Time to Announce Your Certification!
But that’s not all…
A toolkit of resources to kickstart your business, including:
New Client Questionnaires

Client Check-In Submission Forms

Workout Programming Templates (plus samples)

Client Rosters (labeled and organized for you)

New Client Program Emails

Canned Responses to the Most Common Client Questions

Meet the creator

Dala McDevitt


I discovered my passion for preventative health during my 5-year career as a Labor & Delivery nurse. After realizing I wanted to help people in an ongoing, 1:1 capacity, I sought to supplement my medical education background by pursuing fitness and nutrition certifications.

Unfortunately, I spent many years, thousands of hours, and hard-earned dollars on programs, certifications, and mentorships that promised to set me up for success, only to be let down. Every certification I tried felt like a dead end that only offered bits and pieces of information I needed, lacked any practical application, and forced me to continue learning through trial and error.

After years of building a business that helped thousands of people achieve their health goals, I knew the next thing for me to do was find a way to better serve the online coach community and level up this industry.

I decided to create a one-stop-shop certification program for online coaches so they can invest their time wisely, get to changing lives confidently, and avoid the 4+ years of wheel spinning I had to go through.

Since our launch in 2020, that’s precisely what we’ve been able to achieve.

Our graduates aren’t hunting for the next certification to fill their knowledge gaps. Instead, they’re busy working as in-demand coaches helping people achieve life-changing transformations.

We can’t wait to help you do the same when you join us.
Is OFNC the right choice for you?

You have a passion for helping others

You want to do it the right way with the strongest education so everyone you help gets healthy safely

You don’t want to give your client surface level answers-you’re ready to dive deep and understand the science so you’re more than a coach, you’re an educator

You want to be able to help a wide range of clientele with different goals and conditions so you can have the biggest impact

You want to know without a shadow of a doubt that you can help someone experience a lifelong transformation

You want a certification that will set you up for a successful career – whether that means starting your own business, a side hustle, or getting hired by a reputable company

“If you’re on the fence about OFNC, do it! I would 100% recommend this course to any coach or anyone interested in learning more about fitness and nutrition. I have my BS in Nutrition and Dietetics and have been coaching for a few years and I still learned SO much! You receive more detailed information from OFNC than any other course, and I promise you will leave feeling more confident to provide the best service to your clients and to level up your business!”

– Julie H.
Online Fitness & Nutrition Coach By Dala McDevitt – DLDNation, What Is It In