
John Grimshaw – Smart Email Marketing 2022 – Smart Marketer

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John Grimshaw – Smart Email Marketing 2022 – Smart Marketer
I completely changed my career and after watching the email marketing course in November
I landed work with 5 different clients immediately!

Are You Struggling With High Ad Costs & Low Email Revenue Since Apple’s IOS Updates?
We completely updated Smart Email Marketing to tackle the biggest problems (and opportunities) facing email marketers in 2022.
Facebook is still the #1 platform for reaching new audiences, but it isn’t converting as well since iOS 14.
Fortunately, email has a 2.5x higher conversion rate compared to ads.
Our Email Marketing System (packed with 22 advanced campaigns) will help you convert your Facebook traffic for a fraction of the price, so you can maximize your ROI.
If email accounts for less than 40% of your revenue, then you have a major opportunity for growth!
Not only is email the most profitable sales channel (approx. 40x ROI vs 1.5x on Facebook), it’s also the most reliable.
Think about how much of a headache Facebook has been over the last few years (especially iOS 14), or how many businesses have crumbled because of a Google update.
Organic reach on Facebook has dropped to 2%, which means 98% of your audience doesn’t even see your marketing.
Meanwhile, email’s 80% organic reach makes it the cheapest way to nurture leads and generate repeat purchases.
That’s why it’s crucial to adapt to iOS 15 & the new Google update, so you can avoid the Spam folder and continue to get clicks and opens.
A new Gmail update is cutting email sales in half… Here’s the solution we used to 2X opens, 4X clicks & take back our revenue.
Gmail made a big algorithm change in January 2022.
All the sudden, brands like ours — that follow best practices and send emails our customers actually want — found themselves in the spam folder.
Oh, and our email sales plummeted overnight.
We tried everything to fix it: changing our copy, mailing to different segments, even hiring a service… but nothing worked.
Then we found the solution.
Our resident email expert (and your course instructor) John Grimshaw discovered the answer: shift to a dedicated sending domain and run a warm-up email sequence.
In a few short weeks, we 2X’d opens and 4X’d clicks. Hallelujah!
We estimate 30–40% of businesses have already been affected by Gmail’s update, but even if you haven’t yet…
We recommend you start preparing now.
That way, your email revenue doesn’t plummet during your biggest promo of the year (like it did for us).
We cover the entire 4-step process — including email templates you can swipe for your warm-up sequence — in Module 6 of Smart Email Marketing.
How To Warm Up A Sending Configuration
Is your list suffering from low open rates and poor deliverability? Learn how to measure the health of your list and diagnose any urgent problems in this free preview from Module 6.
An On-Demand Training Program That Teaches Anyone How To Grow A Brand With Email.
The new Smart Email Marketing is the most up-to-date email marketing course on the planet. It’s packed with 107 streamable videos, 22 advanced campaigns, 110+ email templates & examples, and 55 different course resources to help you turn email into a huge revenue channel for your business.

Crucial Cornerstones Of Email Marketing

Learn how to audit your brand’s email performance, create better-selling offers, and craft the perfect email template as you discover what it takes to succeed as an email marketer.

Build Your List

Your email list is the most valuable asset a digital brand owns. In this module, you’ll learn how to build and grow yours as quickly and efficiently as possible using paid traffic channels.

Crafting Your Email Copy

In this module, we dive into one of the best kept secrets (and most important skills) that makes email marketing work for any business: How to craft a unique brand voice.

Automation Engine Campaigns

Automated email flows will drive the majority of your email sales, and here we give you 14 of our most profitable campaigns and teach you how to add them to your business.

Generating Revenue: Promo Emails

Want some extra sales today? This module includes 7 types of multi-day promotional campaigns you can launch year round to boost revenue and drive free traffic.

Hitting The Inbox: Email Deliverability

Apple’s iOS 15 and Google’s new Spam Filter are changing email forever. We’ll teach you the skills you need to improve deliverability and protect your biggest sales channel.

Analytics & Optimizations

Learn the easiest ways to track your email performance, so you can start using honest data to make smarter (and more profitable) decisions in your business. No math degree required!

Leveraging Your Other Owned Media

Email is owned media: it’s cheap, easy, and gives you more control than ads. This bonus content shows you how to use other owned media like SMS and Messenger in your business, too.
What’s Included
Each module of SEM combines strategy sessions, step-by-step tutorials, email templates, and 55 brand new course resources to give you a clear path to success.

110+ Email Templates & Examples
15 Automated Sequences
Facebook Lead Gen. Campaigns
Customer Review Campaigns
Course Workbook w/ Expanded Notes
Flow Metrics Worksheets
Email Audit
22 “Done For You” Email Campaigns
7 Promotional Campaigns
Apple iOS 15 Solutions
16 In-Video Quizzes
Quality Review Checklist
Campaign Map Worksheet
Copywriting Toolbox
107 Total Videos
37 Walkthroughs
Google Warm-Up Series
2 SEM Swipe Files
Webinar Promo Checklist
Brand Voice Worksheet
Offer Formulas

You also get free course updates through 2024 including updated walkthroughs, bonus videos, resources, swipe files and more whenever they’re needed.
Your insights and training have helped me grow my employers website revenue to over $5 million my first year, 35–40% from email alone.

22 Advanced Email Campaigns With 110+ Email Templates & Examples Any Brand Can Copy.

8 campaigns that generate more leads and brand assets for your business.

Welcome Sequence
Social Contests
Out Of Stock Sequence
Webinar Registration
Ambassador Request Sequence
UGC Request Sequence
Feedback Request Sequence
2x Buyer Survey Email Sequence


8 campaigns to convert new buyers and launch more promotions.

Flash Sale
8 Day Double Down
Cart Abandonment Sequence
Browse Abandonment Sequence
Cross-Sell Sequence
Price Hike
Extra Extra!


6 campaigns that increase repeat purchases and create life-long fans.

Pre-Arrival Sequence
Customer Winback Sequence
Repeat Purchase Sequence
Free Giveaways
Birthday Sequence
Sunset Sequence

Preview The Course
You don’t have to take our word for it…
Get a sneak peek of our Flash Sale templates (1 of 22 campaigns), then decide for yourself if advanced email marketing like this will help you grow your business in 2022.
“We’re on day 3 of the 4 day price hike and it has been the most dominant, ridiculously high-performing email campaign we’ve ever sent.”
– Scott W.
Meet Your Instructor

Hi, I’m John!

I’m Smart Marketer’s data-obsessed CMO, and in my career I’ve sent over 443,000,000 emails.
But more importantly for you, in just 12 months I doubled Smart Marketer’s email revenue using the same email system I teach in this course.
Which is amazing because Ezra is a fantastic email marketer who had already generated millions of dollars with this sales channel.
But hey, it just goes to show you that even a marketer as smart as Ezra can’t possibly manage everything on his own.
As the business owner his attention was split a dozen different ways, so even though email was already Ezra’s biggest revenue generator, he knew that to grow the brand he needed someone who could focus on email full time.
So when Ezra made me his CMO, managing the email list was my highest priority.
You may not realize it, but an email specialist is one of the most important roles on any marketing team.
This person does a heck of a lot more than just send out blog posts: they generate the most revenue, engage with the most customers, and help grow the brand’s most valuable asset — your email list.
And if you don’t invest in your email specialist and give them the tools they need to succeed, it doesn’t just hurt your email revenue — it lowers ROI from every other channel.
That’s why we created Smart Email Marketing.
In this program, I will help you or a team master the skills I use every day as a professional email specialist, so you can drive more email revenue for your own business or any brand that hires you.

“Should I Join This Course?”

The system works across all markets and industries: ecommerce, info products, SaaS, agencies — you name it.

Whether you’re a do-it-yourself business owner or you have a designated email specialist like John, this is the most efficient system for leveraging email to drive growth.

Depending on your experience level, this course can help you build an email system from scratch or improve the skills you already have.

Email is the most affordable and most profitable marketing channel — and it works at all scales. No matter your budget, SEM will help you get a high ROI from your investment.