
Niklas Pedde – Instagram University PRO

Original price was: ₹299,100.00.Current price is: ₹1,494.00.



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Niklas Pedde – Instagram University PRO
Build Your Own 6 Figure Dream Business With The Power Of Instagram And Make The Money

That You Deserve To Make By Learning…

THE EXACT STRATEGIES That My Clients, Business Partners, Students & I Use To Make $100,000+ Per Month With Instagram.
For The First Time Ever I’m Going To Work With A Selected Group Of People And I’ll Teach Them The Exact Strategies That My Clients, Business Partners, Students & I Use To Make

$100,000 Per Month With Instagram…
Hi, my name is Niklas Pedde, I’m 20 years old and right now I live in beautiful Dubai.
In the last few years I have tried a whole bunch of crazy stuff on Instagram…
I invested over $250,000 into courses, coaching-calls, masterminds, consultations, mentors and experiments on social media to learn the strategies that the pros use.
I did that, because I knew that I can make 6, 7 and even 8 figures with Instagram if I have the right strategies!
At the beginning I really struggled… and nothing really worked for me, BUT I knew that I don’t want to work in a boring 9-5 my whole life long.
That’s why I kept going and never gave up! And guess what?!
Over the time I got better and better, I developed my own strategies and system and I now use those strategies and that system to make $100,000+ per month with Instagram.

And the cool thing is that those strategies don’t just work for me. They also work for my clients, business partners and also for my students.
In 2019 For Example A Business Partner And I Used Those Strategies And That System To Generate Over 1,000,000 In Sales In 45 Days With An Instagram Account That 

Had Less Than 15,000 Followers!
And Since Then…

My Life Has Simply Been A Movie!
Thanks To Instagram And The Business That I Built With The Power Of It I Went From Being A Broke Student Who Had No Idea What He Should Do With His Life To Now Living The Life Of My Dreams And Making $100,000+ Per Month…
The crazy thing is that it took me less than 3 years to go from zero to $100,000+ per month.
You now might be thinking…?!

“What, that’s crazy!’
And yes it is… if someone 3 years ago would have told me that I’d one day be living the life that I’m living right now then I probably wouldn’t have believed that person.
And no… I’m not special and I also wasn’t born in a “rich family.
I’m a normal guy from a small town in Germany who simply had dreams and goals and who worked for them.
Since I Generated Over $1,000,000 In Sales In 45 Days With An Instagram Account That Had Less Than 15,000 FOLLOWERS…

…people from all around the world started asking me to teach them the systems and strategies that I used to get those results and they usually pay me $25,000 and more to do that!

Then one day, someone asked me…

“Niklas, what exactly would you do if you had to start all over again… WITHOUT any followers and connections?”

For some reason that question got my attention and I spent a whole night mapping out what exactly I’d do if I had to start from ZERO again.
And That’s When I Decided To Create

The Instagram University PROâ„¢
The Instagram University PRO™ Is Not A Typical Online “COURSE”.

It’s A Mentorship Program!
It gives you absolutely EVERYTHING that you need to succeed on Instagram…
With it you’ll have the exact strategies that my clients, business partners, students and I use to make $100,000+ per month with Instagram.
You’ll get a proven blueprint that you can simply follow and use to build your own 6 figure dream business with the power of Instagram so that you can finally make the money that you deserve to make.
The cool thing is, that I’ll be your virtual mentor every step of the way as you progress through the Instagram University PRO.
I’ll give you the guidance needed to shorten your learning curve and to accelerate your results.
The Instagram University PRO Is An Easy-To-Follow Training System That Eliminates All Guesswork And / Or Confusion.
With it you will have confidence and clarity, because you’ll have a blueprint that you can simply follow and use to get results. A blueprint that’s proven to work, that’s battle-tested in over 100 niches by 30,000+ students and in over 60 countries around the world!
You can click the button below now and join the Instagram University PRO for a one time investment of $997 (Normally $1,997) or you can keep reading and learn more about your investment.
What You’ll Get Instant Access To When You Join The Instagram University PRO Today:

The Instagram Business Masterclass (200+ HD Video Lessons)

Log into the training portal and walk through each lesson, like following a recipe, and learn all the strategies that you need to build your own 6 figure dream business with the power of Instagram. It’s that easy. The training is designed for you to go at your own pace. If you want to go fast or slow, it’s up to you.
The Instagram Toolbox (All The Tools That I Use To Make $100,000+ Per Month With Instagram)

Get ALL the tolls my clients, business partners, students and I use to make $100,000+ per month with Instagram, so that you can build your 6 figure Instagram business faster & easier than ever before. From content creators, hashtag lists, caption scripts and DM closers to designers, story templates, pre-built posts, closing scripts and so much more.
A 6 Week Action Plan (Checklists, Action-Plans & Workbooks)

Download Checklists, Action-Plans & Workbooks and have a blueprint that you can simply follow and use to get results. You’ll have confidence and clarity, because you can effortlessly follow a blueprint that’s proven to work, that is battle-tested in over 100 niches by 30,000+ students and in over 60 countries around the world!

PLUS: If You Join Now, Then You’ll Also Get The Below Listed Bonuses For FREE:
Bonus #1: Pre Build Instagram Business

The “Pre Build” Instagram Business Program gives you access to a 100% affiliate commission for the whole Instagram University 3.0 Funnel. The funnel generated well over $1,000,000 in sales just in 2020. That means you’ll immediately have your own million dollar funnel / business when you join the Instagram University PRO.

BONUS #2: Instagram Agency Program

Inside the Instagram Agency Program I’ll show you step-by-step how you can take the skills, that you’ll learn inside the Instagram University PRO and sell them as a service to business owners and make $1,000 – $10,000 per month with that. You’ll get a blueprint that you can use to build your own 6 Figure Instagram Agency.
Here’s How The 200+ Video Lessons Of The Instagram University PRO Are Structured:
Module #1

In Module #1 Of The Instagram Business Masterclass I’ll Show You Step-By-Step How Building A Following On Instagram Works And I’ll Reveal The Exact Strategies That I Use To Grow My Instagram Empire. (P.S. Those Strategies Work For Theme Pages And Also For Personal Brands – Basically Any Instagram Account)

Module #2

In Module #2 Of The Instagram Business Masterclass I’ll Show You How You Can Turn Your Followers Into True Fans / Aka How You Can Build A Brand. I’ll Show You The Exact Strategies That I Used To Generate Over $1,000,000 In Sales In 45 Days With An Instagram Account That Had Less Than 15,000 Followers.

Module #3

In Module #3 Of The Instagram Business Masterclass We’ll Develop Your “Money Making Strategy”. If You Don’t Have You Own Product Or Service / Don’t Know What To Sell Don’t Worry, I’ll Also Show You How Making Money With Instagram Works Without Having Your Own Product Or Service.

Module #4

In Module #4 Of The Instagram Business Masterclass I’ll Show You How You Can Sell Anything To Anyone Of Instagram Using Proven Sales Strategies That Are Battle Tested To Work And Easy To Implement. P.S. Yes, This Also Works Without Showing Yourself.

Module #5

In Module #5 Of The Instagram Business Masterclass I’ll Show You Step-By-Step How Influencer Marketing Works And How You Can Use It To Grow 2,000+ Followers Per Day WITHOUT Loosing Any Money On Ads And How You Can Use It To Sell Your Product Or Service.

Module #6

In Module #6 Of The Instagram Business Masterclass I’ll Show You How You Can Completely Automate Your Instagram Account And Business. (P.S. I Used Those Strategies To Make Over $500,000 In The First 6 Month Of 2020 With Less Than 15 Minutes Of Work Per Day).
Here Are Some Of The Things That You’ll Learn Inside The 200+ Video Lessons:

You’ll learn exactly how building a following, brand and business on Instagram works…
I’ll show you how the platform is structured and give you the foundation that you need to be able to build a successful 6 figure business with the power of Instagram…
​Before I reveal my secret growth strategies and before I show you how making money with Instagram actually works we‘ll craft your offer (it can be a product or service), because to make money with Instagram you HAVE to sell something…
​I’ll ask you 7 simple questions and after answering them you’ll know exactly in what area you can bring value to other people so that we can then craft an offer that you can use to build your own 6 figure Instagram business…
If we don’t find a product or service that you can create and then sell, don’t worry, I’ll also teach you exactly how you can sell someone else’s product or service and make 6 figures with that / how to make money with Instagram WITHOUT having your own product or service…
After developing your offer we‘ll do research and figure out exactly who your dream customer is…
​We‘ll then do market research, which is one of the most important things when it comes to building a successful business on Instagram and I’ll teach you why you HAVE to do it…
Once that’s done we’ll set up your Instagram account and craft content that attracts your dream customer…
You’ll learn my 2 step formula that anyone can use to find the perfect Instagram username…
​I’ll give you a bio template and show you the 3 elements that very successful Instagram bio has…
​PLUS: You‘ll also learn my TOP Secret “IG Highlight“ strategy that grabs peoples attention and turns them into followers… (Most people have thousands of profile views, but only turn 10% of them into followers. With my “IG Highlight“ strategy you’ll be able to turn up to 50% of your profile views into followers…
After setting up your Instagram profile I’ll show you exactly how building a following on Instagram works…
You’ll learn the exact system that my clients and I use to grow 1000+ followers per day WITHOUT spending a single penny…
I’ll then show you the A.V.R Formula and teach you exactly how you can use it to instantly have an attractive Instagram feed (PLUS: I’ll break down how you can also use it even if you don’t have the “A part“)… P.S. The A.V.R Formula is the foundation of every successful instagram account. If you don’t use it you’ll never be able to build a following and you’ll never be able to make money with instagram…
​You’ll then learn how to find 10/10 content and how to simply recreate it WITHOUT having any technical or design experience so that your posts go straight to the explore page and reach millions of people…
​I’ll then show you step-by-step how to find the right hashtags for you posts and Instagram profile so that you can use them to get hundreds of followers on a daily base…
​On top of that I’ll also show you the EE Strategy and reveal why it’s so powerful and how you can use it to rank your posts on each and every single hashtag… (with this strategy you’ll be able top grow twice as fast)…
You’ll also learn how IG Reels and IG TVs work and how you can use video content to ethically steal other peoples followers…
​PLUS: I’ll also teach you 5 secret growth strategies that almost no one knows about and how you can use them to at least get 1,000+ high quality followers per week…
​After showing you exactly how building a following on Instagram works we’ll deep dive into how you can turn your followers into true fans / how you can build your brand (You HAVE TO turn your followers into true fans before you start selling something. Otherwise you’ll always have a hard time trying to make money)…
I’ll then show you how to use your Instagram feed and story to turn your followers into true fans… (P.S. This also works WITHOUT showing yourself)…
​You’ll also learn how effective story telling works and why it’s the most important thing when it comes to turning your followers into true fans…
After teaching you how you can turn your followers into true fans / how you can build a brand on Instagram I’ll show you step-by-step how you can sell anything to anyone on Instagram… and reveal the dirty strategies that influencers use to make millions…
But before I do that we’ll develop your money making strategy (P.S. Yes, that’s right, we’ll develop a unique money making strategy for you)…
​I’ll then show you how you can use your bio, highlights, feed posts, captions, stories, live-streams and directs messages to turn your Instagram account into a money making machine…
PLUS: I’ll give you my exact Instagram story sales strategy that l used to generated over $4,000,000 in sales in less that 1,5 years…
And I’ll reveal how selling high price offers works and how you can use them to make 6 figures (even 7) WITHOUT having thousands of followers…
After developing your money making strategy we’ll create standard operating procedures so that you can then hire people who do them for you (so that you can work on the business and don’t have to work in it that much anymore)
​You’ll learn which parts of your Instagram business you should hire people first for and I’ll also teach you how to hire the right people…
​On top of that I’ll also show you how you can hire badass people for you Instagram account and business for cents on the dollar…
​PLUS: I’ll also give you all the automation tools that I use for my Instagram account and business (with those strategies and tolls you’ll be able to run your whole Instagram account and business with less than 15 minutes of work per day)…
​After setting up SOPs I’ll teach you the exact system and strategies that my clients and I use to scale our Instagram accounts and businesses (you’ll learn the actual million dollar strategies)…
​PLUS you’ll get the exact step-by-step process, that’s proven to work that you can use to instantly make 10x more money with your instagram account… (WARNING: It’s not that simple to implement, but don’t worry, I’ll personally help you implement it)…
You’ll learn how influencer marketing works and how you can use it to ethically steal hundreds of thousands of followers…
​I’ll also show you what to double down on so that you can just by doing more of what works make 2x more money and get 2x more followers…
After that I’ll give you a simple funnel and we’ll together adjust it for you instagram account and business so that you can then send people / your follower into the funnel which then automatically turns them into paying customers…
And so much more…

Here’s What Makes The Instagram University™ So Powerful:

Proven Process

I’ve turned the guesswork of starting and growing a business on Instagram into a science. With the Instagram University PRO you’ll get practical step-by-step instructions that are proven to work and you’ll be able to track your progress using reliable metrics.
Easy Blueprint

To make sure that everyone who joins the Instagram University Pro get’s results I developed an easy step-by-step blueprint which is literally so easy to replicate, that even my Grandma could make money with that blueprint and with Instagram.

Why You Want To Join The Instagram University PROâ„¢ Today:

Look… There are two things that you need to be successful on Instagram:

The first thing is Knowledge. You need to understand how Instagram works and you need a strategy that will first of all get you thousands of followers and that will make you money.
If one strategy is missing, for example the one to make money, then you´ll never any make money! Or if for example the strategy (knowledge) that grows your account is missing, then you´ll also not make any money!
You basically need each and every single piece of the puzzle to complete it. If a piece is missing, then you´ll NOT be able to complete the puzzle.

Once you have all pieces of the puzzle, you can then build the whole puzzle. But it´ll take a very very long time and maybe you´ll on the way give up.
Now! Think about this: If someone was sitting right next to you, who already build the puzzle 10 times and helps you put the pieces together. How much faster would you complete the puzzle? 10X?
That´s what a Mentor does! He help´s you put the pieces of the puzzle together. With a mentor you´ll reach you goals 10X faster.
And the Instagram University PRO gives you both! You don´t just get access to the Knowledge (the 200+ HD video lessons in which I’ll show you step-by-step how you can build your own 6 figure dream business with the power of Instagram), BUT I’ll ALSO, as you progress through the Instagram University PRO be your virtual mentor every step of the way. I’ll be answering your Questions LIVE on camera every week, giving you the guidance needed to shorten your learning curve and to accelerate your results.

With the Instagram University PRO you´ll have all pieces of the puzzle and you´ll have someone who helps you put them together.
So… click the button below now and join the Instagram University PRO now, because you will…:
​#1: Get Instant Access To 200+ HD Video Lessons…

#2: Have All The Tools That I Use To Make $100,000+ Per Month With Instagram..

​#3: Get A 6 Week Action Plan (Checklists, Action-Plans And Workbooks)

​#4: Have Me As A Mentor…

​#5: Get A Battle Tested And Proven Step-By-Step Blueprint…
A Summary Of What You’ll Get Access To With The Instagram University PRO:

The Instagram Business Masterclass (200+ HD Video Lessons)
The Instagram Toolbox (All The Tools That I Use To Make $100,000+ Per Month With Instagram)
A 6 Week Action Plan (Checklists, Action-Plans & Workbooks)

PLUS: If You Join Now, Then You’ll Also Get Instant Access To:

BONUS #1: The Pre Build Instagram Business
BONUS#2: The Instagram Agency Program