
Spencer Hawes – Organic Traffic Formula

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Spencer Hawes – Organic Traffic Formula
Learn the Battle-Tested Strategies to Build and Rank Your Website on the First Page of Google and Make Real Money Online

Taught by 3 coaches that make each make over $10,000 a month
from their organic powered sites

Spencer Haws featured in:
Jake Cain,

Organic Traffic Formula Coach

“Spencer’s systems work. When I started I had no real plan. After checking out his stuff I realized I could use the principles and not have to wait for my sites to start making money. Last month I made $22,500 off one site.

Can You Really Quit Your Job with Organic Traffic?

Hey there, my name is Spencer Haws and this is my story…
The Family

The Beard

The Journey…

So, there I was in my cubicle at the same job I’d been at for the past 5 years. It was a normal Friday morning where I was doing my normal corporate job duties.

However, I was really nervous and my palms were starting to sweat because I was about to do something VERY abnormal.

I was about to walk into my bosses office and tell her I was quitting my job!

My heart was racing as I walked to her office door and knocked on it. It probably would have been easier if I could just tell her that I had accepted a job at another bank. But how do you explain to someone that I was quitting my job to build a niche site empire?

How do you tell your boss that you’ve been working after hours at home for the past few years trying to figure out how to build and rank little niche websites in Google and that things had really started to take off?

I’m not sure I found the perfect words, but I got my point across. I was grateful for the time I had worked at the bank, but I was super excited to go out on my own and pursue building profitable websites full time!

I was absolutely relieved that my boss was supportive of my decision, and she was also genuinely excited for me!
I quit my job on March 11th, 2011 and I’ve never looked back since. I’ve been a full-time internet entrepreneur since that day and looking back I can see that it was the best “career” decision I ever made.

In the first year after quitting my job, I averaged over $10,000 a month from my niche websites. And my income has just grown from there.

Since 2011, I’ve built a number of different internet based businesses ranging from small niche sites to software companies and even eCommerce businesses.

However, the backbone of all of these businesses has been the same: Organic traffic from Google.

That’s right, FREE traffic from Google has allowed me to go massive affiliate websites, software businesses, and much more.

My name is Spencer Haws, and I’m going to teach you, in step by step detail, how you can build, rank, and harness the power of Organic Traffic from Google to power your business.

Deacon Hayes,

Owner of

“Spencer is very knowledgeable when it comes to getting organic traffic. He has amazing tips and insights on how to grow sites and I have found his content extremely useful. He has a pulse on what’s happening in the SEO world and I highly recommend learning from him if you are serious about taking your site to the next level”

Not Getting the Traffic You Want?

You aren’t alone.

Do you have a website that just isn’t seeing the results you want or getting the traffic from Google you’d expect?
Through, Long Tail Pro, and courses I’ve created, I’ve worked with hundreds of website creators struggling with the same problem.

Tell me if this sounds familiar…

You wake up anxious because you are going to check your analytics even though you know your traffic hasn’t gotten any better since yesterday.

The worst thing is you don’t know why you aren’t getting any traffic.

Where is the Google love!?
You don’t understand why your traffic isn’t growing. You do the work, write the articles, use the right plug-ins, do keyword research, but never see an increase in traffic.

Inside Organic Traffic Formula, I’m going to show you exactly what has worked for me.

I spent YEARS trying different strategies that didn’t get me the I wanted. Now I’ve discovered what works on a regular basis, let me share with you my organic traffic system for building profitable websites.
Steve Chou,

Owner of

“Spencer is my go to guy when it comes to search engine optimization. His track record speaks for itself and he’s provided me with lots of actionable advice over the years.”

Discover the Power of Long Tail Keywords

Did you know that 70% of all organic traffic that comes from Google results from Long tail keywords?

I didn’t at first.
At first, I spent fruitless years trying to rank in Google for terms that were competitive, got high search volume, or keywords that I thought for sure would bring in the big bucks.

On the surface, it made sense. If I could tap the vein of those big numbers, I thought I would make cool cash day in and day out.

When I finally stopped letting the dollar signs blind me, I was able to adjust my strategy. I shifted my focus to trying to rank for small terms that were easy to rank on the first page of Google.

I started to get a trickle of traffic, then lots of trickles. These trickles quickly added up to a massive flow of traffic.

In a short period I had enough Google traffic to make me $10,000 a month from Google Adsense alone.

Fast forward to today.

I’ve been doing this for years. I’ve built hundreds of successful sites. I know one key thing.

Traffic isn’t something you luck into. You have to have a plan and the ability to execute a systematic approach.

In order to scale my little operation I knew I needed to build a system I and others I hired could follow that targeted these long tail keywords and drove loads of organic traffic from Google.

I created a system to do that, and it worked.

The thing that excited me about my strategies was that it could be applied to just about ANY type of online business to rank in Google and get that highly coveted organic traffic.

As a result, I’ve now built several successful businesses outside of just niche site thanks to organic traffic from Google. These businesses include a well-known blog, a SaaS company, and an eCommerce business.

Brock Yates

“I’ve been following Spencer for years, he is an experienced veteran in SEO and his blog posts, training, and products have helped me a ton in my own journey as an entrepreneur.”

Businesses I’ve Built on the Back of Organic Traffic from Google…

Affiliate Sites, Blogs, Software, and eCommerce

Niche Affiliate Sites

As mentioned, I was making $10,000 a month from my little niche sites when I quit my job back in 2011. My current affiliate sites that I own continue to bring in over $10,000 a month.
Most of the traffic coming to these sites is from Google, in one case Google accounts for 88% of the traffic.

Authority Blogs

I have a blog in one of the most difficult spaces to rank in Google for; Niche Pursuits gets over 150,000 pageviews a month with most of the traffic coming from Google. Niche Pursuits has averaged over $20,000 a month over the last year.

Software Company

I built Long Tail Pro from the ground up. The primary engine behind that business was the traffic I was getting to Niche Pursuits (which came from Google) and the organic traffic coming to
To this day, still regularly generates over 1,000 free visitors from Google EVERY SINGLE DAY (not an easy task in the “keyword research” software space).

I created a blog on Long Tail Pro, started to rank for lots of “long tail” terms related to keyword research, and lots of those visitors became customers.

I won’t give a full history of the earnings of that company here, but it was a significant business…many times what I was making as a banker.

I sold that company a couple of years ago for just shy of $2 million dollars. Thank you Google organic traffic!

eCommerce Business

In 2014, I built an Amazon FBA business and the products started to sell on Amazon. I was thrilled!

However, I took a step that many Amazon sellers never take, I built my own content website (off of Amazon) that would direct traffic to my Amazon listings.

The process was simple.

1: I would write articles reviewing similar products to mine or comparing the “best product” in my particular niche.

2: I produced dozens (and eventually over 100) articles targeting long tail keywords that I knew could rank well in Google…quickly.

The goal was to find people who would search on Google for terms like, “best product …” (or whatever the keyword was) in my niche, find my website ranking near the top of the Google results, and start to read my article.

From here they would see the link to my product on Amazon and a percentage of them would go and buy my product on Amazon.

Think about it.

I was sending thousands of visitors from my own website each month to my Amazon listings.

And what did this do for the rankings of my products ON Amazon? It helped rank them higher on Amazon which, in turn, led to higher sales.

The bottom line is that by generating free organic traffic from Google to my own website, I was able to build a significant Amazon FBA business which I sold for $425,000 in December 2017.

Matthew Allen,

Owner of

“Throughout all of the Google updates and changes in the SEO landscape overall – Spencer is still one of the top guys I look to for advice when it comes to getting search engine traffic.”
Meet Your Coaches

Spencer Haws

Founder of

Jake Cain

Organic Traffic Formula Coach

Jason Wilson

Organic Traffic Formula Coach

Each Instructor Making Over $10,000 a Month…

To make sure you get everything you need when using Organic Traffic Formula, I have Jason Wilson and Jake Cain teach with me in the course. I wanted to increase the value of what I was creating and knew that their insight and expertise was key to doing this.

So why these two? Simple.

Jake and Jason are the real deal. They also happen to be a part of the Niche Pursuits team and work with me every single day.

They are the guys you see everyday either answering your questions in real time on the FB group or writing in-depth articles on the blog.

You are familiar with them, their knowledge, and their results.

With Jason and Jake you also know you are getting advice from experts in the field with a proven track record of seeing results month after month.

With their combined years of experience we will arm you with exactly what you need to take a site with zero traffic and start monetizing it with massive amounts of traffic within months.

Jake’s Site Making Over $22,000 a Month
I should clarify that this is just ONE of Jake’s sites, he has a few others that are doing well (but this is the biggest).
Did I mention that most of the traffic comes for free from Google?
Not only is Jake extremely experienced at growing his own site’s from scratch, he’s been helping others as a part of the Niche Pursuits team for the past couple of years.

You’ll get to hear Jake’s strategies and tips right inside the course videos.

Jason’s Site Making Over $8,000 a Month
Jason’s sites have seen incredible growth over the last 12 months, and combined they now make over $10,000 a month.
I consider Jason our resident Link Building expert and you’ll get to hear all his strategies inside the member’s area of the course.
Allan M

“With Spencer’s help I went from a new bought and built out site to making $500/month with it in under a year.”

The Module Road-map: A Quick Module By Module Glance Of What You Will Learn
How do websites get traffic?

Website Strategy Overview

How do websites make money?

6 Month Growth Strategy

How to Rank in Google

The Long Tail Keyword Strategy
Niche Selection 101

Keyword Sampling to Find a Niche

Understanding Google Page 1 Competition

Find Your Dopplegangers

Tools to Help Verify Your Niche
Branding & Domain Selection

Picking A Host

Hosting Setup

How To Setup WordPress For Success

Best Plug-Ins To Increase Site Performance

Best Affiliate Plug-Ins To Increase Earnings
Keyword Research Building Blocks

The Keyword Justice System

Keyword Research Core Formulas

Keyword Research Scoring Spreadsheet

The ‘Robin Hood’ Method

Big Money From One Small Change

Freeword Research
The Alpha Male Content Strategy

Writing The Perfect Title

Article Structure to Maximize Rankings

Content Length, Types, and Templates

Content Scoring Spreadsheet

Optimizing the YOAST SEO Plugin

Affiliate Links, Images, and Tables

The Content Refresh Strategy

The Perfect Affiliate Review Template

The Keyword Cannibalization Killer
Link Building and Outreach Essentials

Broken Link Building

Stealing Competitor Backlinks

Help a Reporter, Get a Link

The Link Magnet (Perfect Roundup)

Creative Link Building Strategies
Organic Pinterest Traffic Engine

Pinterest Automation

Building a Facebook Following and Driving Traffic

Building a Winning Facebook Ad

Khalid Farhan,
Owner of

“Niche Pursuits has introduced me to the world of Amazon affiliate marketing. Since then I have had success both with my personal projects as well as my business generating $80,000+ so far.”

Is Organic Traffic Formula Right For Me?

I’ll be honest. This course isn’t for everyone.

This isn’t a system that runs itself. You need to do the work. Here are a few ways to tell if this course isn’t the right fit for you.

Organic Traffic Formula Is Not For You If…

You have trouble following directions and try to figure things out as you go

You plan to only do the bare minimum expecting to see MASSIVE results

You think you can build a 6-figure revenue in just a few months with no experience

You think ‘Black Hat’ tactics are a good idea

You want a magic bullet that immediately solves your problems without having to do any work

Organic Traffic Formula Is Right For You If…

You want to start a new site and are prepared to commit to doing the work

You have an existing site not getting as much organic traffic from Google as you’d like.

You want to add viable side-income to your savings account

You plan to implement and follow the suggestions outlined in the course

You like having everything laid out for you in the exact order needed to accomplish it

You don’t want to waste time on unproven or sketchy strategies to drive traffic

You want an organic traffic system that will grow your existing site or help quickly scale and monetize a new site by starting with a solid foundation

Chris Guthrie,
Owner of

“I’ve known Spencer for nearly a decade, and when it comes to creating and growing profitable websites he’s one of the best around.”

My New Niche Site Case Study:
How I Took A Site From Brand New To Making 1,600/Month Using Only Long Tail Keywords and Free Traffic from Google.

In Organic Traffic Formula I pull back the curtain and do a deep dive into one of my niche sites I have been running.
This is a site that I’ve never revealed before that is now making over $1,600 a month.

I let you in on everything: the traffic numbers, how I outlined the content strategy, discuss the results, and share the revenue I’ve made so far.
The best part is that I show you the ACTUAL SITE!

That means you can visit the site, see it live in REAL TIME, and see the live rankings in Google.

This alone is worth the entire cost of the course.


Because, you get live access to one of my projects while I grow it in real time. Nothing is held back. That means you can follow along and use it as an example as you build your site!

Here’s a recent screenshot showing the monthly earnings of one income source for the site:

Jon Haws,
Owner of

“Niche Pursuits has helped me to focus my content efforts on those things that will drive the biggest traffic gains. Through implementing the tactics taught, we’ve been able to grow our traffic to 1M+ pageviews a month.”

Here’s Everything You’ll Get When You Join Today

In-depth Video Training Modules

Gain immediate access to the 7 in-depth video training modules taught by Spencer, Jake, and Jason. (The full list of all the videos is above). These videos go beyond just theory, and include live examples and everything else you need to build, rank, and make money from your site.

Standard Operating Procedures, Downloadable PDFs, and Checklists

You’ll gain access to my standard operating procedures so that you can know exactly what to do when it’s time to implement what you’ve learned. Follow these yourself, or turn them over to an employee or Virtual Assistant to implement. The downloadable PDFs and checklists will keep you on task and remind you of what’s important to see the biggest results.

Keyword and Content Scoring Spreadsheets

I’ve developed a special formula for keywords that you get access to when you join. The keyword spreadsheet will allow you to know exactly what keywords are worth going after. This keyword scoring spreadsheet will virtually guarantee that you are selecting the same types of keywords that I would personally choose. The Content Scoring spreadsheet is also a simple step by step process that you can use to ensure that your content is high quality and includes all the elements it needs to rank well in Google.

Behind the Scenes Access to My Private Site Making Over $1,600 a Month

Follow along with this never before revealed niche site case study as I share the actual URL of one of my sites that I’ve built over the past couple of years. This site does extremely well in Google and can act as a template to follow as you build out your own organic traffic powered website.

Alumni Private Facebook Group

Think you might have a few additional questions after joining Organic Traffic Formula? The alumni led private Facebook group is a great place to ask those questions. Other member’s that have joined Organic Traffic Formula will be there to answer your questions and keep you motivated as you build your site. You’ll also have a chance to connect and network with like-minded entrepreneurs in this group.

Lifetime Membership and Access to All Future Updates

When you join today, you don’t just get access to version 1.0 or 2.0, you get access to all future updates and modules that may come out in the coming years. Once a member, always a member! If there are changes in the SEO landscape, you’ll get access to the future videos and training that we add to Organic Traffic Formula