
Jamie Smith – Business 101 For Coaches – Business Foundations

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Jamie Smith – Business 101 For Coaches – Business Foundations
Business 101
Remove the stress and anxiety that comes with trying to build a business without any systems.

Build a business that supports you.

Business Skillset
Business is hard, you don’t need to stress yourself with the unknown. Learn the skillset to build a business that grows year on year and supports your goals.

Systems & Strategies
Build business systems so you can so you can focus more energy on your clients. These systems will give you back time and focus.

Data & Metrics
Take the guesswork out of which metrics to track and why. Marketing, Sales, Retention and Finance data walkthroughs with spreadsheets included!
Bec Potalej

Prior to gaining support from Jamie, I was 4 years into the industry and thinking of a way out. With his level of support, alongside his education both in business and coaching I have been able to build a business from the ground up.
This allows me to love my work daily, confidently coach my clientele and have a business that supports me and my staff for life.

Lioness Performance | Gym Owner, Coach & Past Student
Travis Murrells

Whether you’re making <5k/month or 50k/month, it doesn’t matter. You’ll make your money back in a heart beat and you’ll be a better coach & business owner for doing this mentorship. If coaching and training people is your passion then you can’t ignore this program, you need to figure out how to make your career (not just a job anymore) last a lifetime and this program is going to help you do just that. _ The Fitness Genie | Business Owner, Online Coach & Past Student From A Struggling PT To Successful Business Owner. I Will Teach You How To Build A Coaching Business That Actually Supports You. I started in the industry in 2011 at 19 years old. Burning through cash quicker than I was making it. I worked with rich boomers from rich suburbs. Dealt with 5 and 6am cancels regularly. I hated majority of my sessions. I told people I loved my career choice but deep down hated the idea that this was “it”. 2012 – I decided to go to uni and study sports science to become a ‘professional’. What a waste that was. It taught me to analyse systems and mechanisms for adaptations, but nothing that helped my inability to find new clients nor retain them longer. 2014 – Still lost with no progression… my 6am Monday PT still cancelling. 2015 – I thought working in professional sport was the calling. “Professional athletes won’t skip sessions and will actually care about training outcomes, right?”… WRONG! After working in the AFL with no change to my fulfilment I was slowly losing hope that this industry was for me. 2016 – my final roll of the dice, a mentorship to the USA with Eric Cressey at Cressey Sports Performance. Where I finally found the answers to my career development issues. You need more than just a combination of hard skillset and attitude for success. Your ability to coach is only half the battle, maybe even less. You need to identify the areas of focus within your business and build systems for change within them. You need to change your attitude from working for yourself to working for a business. You need to learn to manage finances as well as you can manage a program. You need to approach your business in the same way you expect your clients to approach their goals. Fast forward 7 years and I now own Strength Culture. One of Australia’s leading strength and performance gyms and brands. I have 3 full time coaches working within the business and have successfully transitioned out of coaching to focus solely on building our brand and mentoring. I have learnt a lot in my journey over the past 11 years, and through this course I plan on teaching you every single key principle, framework and cognitive model I use to make consistent progress in this industry. The struggles and hardships of career development have taught me a lot. This course is designed to fast track your knowledge and build systems and strategies to ensure consistent growth. You can build a career in this industry. Business Is Hard – But It Doesn’t Mean You Have To Stress In The Unknown Remove the guesswork from trying to grow without knowing where to focus your time and resources. Systemise your back end to give you back time and brainpower for what matters most – coaching clients and getting results. Learn how to track the important metrics of marketing, sales, retention & finance and develop strategies that are informed by the information you gather. Proactively manage your finance to ensure you have money to reinvest and support the areas of business you no longer want to manage. Build systems to improve client retention long term – nothing worse than seeing 1 client come in only to see 1 leave the same week. Develop marketing strategies that actually improve lead generation and interest in what you have to offer. Access to tried and tested spreadsheets I use weekly to both track my business health and inform decision making. Remove the stress of trying to build a business – without knowing where to start! Whats Included? Course Content 31 Content videos across Foundations, Marketing, Sales, Retention and Finance 4.5 hours of total course content 24 Actionable homework tasks with walkthroughs, spreadsheets & guides 2 hours of total homework task walkthrough content Additional Resources Retention Spreadsheet Personal & Business Finance Spreadsheet Sales Spreadsheet + Additional reading lists and other course options recommended by me 12 years worth of personal lessons and lived application fast tracked for your success! Module 1 These are the key mental models and frameworks you need to make intelligent business decisions for long term growth. Module 2 Marketing, messaging, voice and tone all matter when discussing your offer. Content strategies that communicate your value and services. Module 3 Sales doesn’t have to be sleazy. Finding ways to nurture and warm up leads is important. Finding success in the first few training blocks is imperative to long term retention of clients. Module 4 The key things to focus on for keeping clients engaged with your service. Goal setting and communication strategies to build in automation with your clients. Module 5 The attitude of “I’m not good at finance” is killing your potential. Learn how to automate your money management and find strategies to reinvest to build a business that supports you, the owner. Resources & Spreadsheets Improve your application of the information. Marketing, Sales, Retention and Finance spreadsheets to build your business back end.