
Robert Allen – Ultimate Freelance Freedom Bundle

Original price was: ₹105,000.00.Current price is: ₹1,494.00.



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Robert Allen – Ultimate Freelance Freedom Bundle

30 Days to $9K
A “top secret” 346-page document with all the copywriting leads you could ever need
Magnetic Upwork Scripts
Special Report: 30 powerful secrets for growing your freelance business, increasing your rates, campaign ideas and more
The Freelance Copywriting Summit

30 Days to $9K
A new challenge, showing you:
How to land high-paying clients
Write converting copy
And make a living writing online
In just 30 days.

“I’ve made $8,900 since joining … It’s like the best decision I’ve ever made.”

Goutaman Ramachandran
“I joined other writing courses before this and all of them shared the same information just in different words. But once I got into 30 Days to $9K, a whole new world opened up to me. You will not regret it.”

Emilia Tanase
“The best thing about 30 Days to $9K is that Rob gives you everything. Actual scripts. Email templates. Sales training. All you have to do is fill in the blanks and it works!”

Royce Blake
“It’s been a game-changer in how I approach my business. I was so focused on the idea of learning and perfecting the skill of copywriting itself that I was blind to what is really important… Rob helped me realize the one thing I was missing that was is crucially important to growing as a direct-response copywriter. I lacked focus on the thing that really matters: Getting clients results.”

Wesley F.

No fluff, just a simple process that works

Many freelancers struggle to grow their businesses. They say, “getting clients is hard!” and “client work is the worst.” Not me. Over years, my copywriting business has only continued to grow beyond 6 figures. Not because I’m smart. But because of a simple system I developed for getting clients and getting paid.
Course curriculum
Challenge Prep

Laying down the guidelines and how to get the most out of the challenge

Welcome to the 30 Days to $9k Challenge! – 6 mins
The Mindset of Successful Freelancers – 8 mins
[Productivity secrets] How to plan your day for maximum leverage – 17 mins
Goal setting: how much money can you make as a freelance writer? – 18 mins
Your copywriting crash course – 15 mins
How You’ll Get Clients (An Overview) – 12 mins
The tools you’ll need as a freelance copywriter – 12 mins
4 Myths That Ruin Would-Be Freelancers (Believe Them At Your Own Risk!)
Challenge Prep Quiz! Take This To Make Sure You’re Ready To Move Ahead

Days 1-10

Let’s hit the ground running and fill our pipeline with clients

The #1 secret to freelance success (it’s not what you think) – 14 mins
How to find the perfect clients – 11 mins
[Cheat sheet] 104 leads for your freelance business – 23 KB
9 Most Profitable Niches for Your Business – 10 mins
Cold Outreach Training – 15 mins
The Magic Email For Booking Calls (Site Audit Video!) – 13 mins
What To Look For In A Site Audit – 8 mins
[SCRIPT] 4-part copy-paste script you can use to get clients – 254 KB
Tapping into your warm market for leads – 6 mins
The 50 Message Secret to Your First Client – 10 mins
The perfect foot-in-the-door offer – 10 mins
Use This Script To Get Clients On FB Fast – 5 mins
[EXAMPLE EMAIL] – How to follow up with clients AFTER your call – 77.6 KB
Example Proposal to Send AFTER Your Sales Call (Page 1) – 82.8 KB
Example Proposal to Send AFTER Your Sales Call (Page 2) – 57.4 KB
Sales Training: How to close 4 and 5 figure deals even if you suck at sales and hate talking about yourself – 10 mins
Days 1-10: Quiz

Days 11-25

Once you’ve got a client, here’s how to fulfill the work

The Credential-Less Freelancer – 9 mins
Why you don’t need perfect copy – 4 mins
3 high-converting email series – 13 mins
[Download] The $192,000+ Welcome Series You Can Model – 8.35 MB
[Download] The 10-Part Cart Abandon Sequence That Turns Browsers Into Buyers – 1.21 MB
Advanced Email Tips – 12 mins
Even more advanced email tips – 2.08 MB
Cross sell emails: The hidden secret to profits – 8 mins
[DOWNLOAD] 2x The Value of Customers with This Cross-Sell Sequence – 514 KB
Days 11-25: Quiz

Days 26-30

How to turn in your work with minimal edits

Why You Should Always Beat Deadlines – 7 mins
The art & science of a handover call – 8 mins
Deliverables Example – How To Send Your Work To Clients.png – 118 KB
Turning 1 project into 2 – 6 mins
Other high paying services you can offer – 5 mins
Days 26-30: Quiz

Day 31 and beyond

Day 31 and beyond

Setting up your website – 8 mins
How To Flood Clients with 1 Guest Post – 11 mins
Retainer vs Projects – 12 mins
Invoicing Secrets – 11 mins
4 additional income streams – 8 mins
Day 31 and beyond: Quiz

Q&A Calls

Q&A Call – 11/29 (Black Friday Madness) – 53 mins
Q&A Call – 12/6 (What if my client doesn’t do email) – 24 mins
Q&A Call – 12/11 (Video teardown and more) – 59 mins
Q&A Call – 3/19 (Coronavirus, Following up, and Landing page secrets) – 47 mins
Q&A Call – 3/27 (Handling Feedback, Secret Client Finding Tips, and How To Follow Up Sensitively) – 24 mins
Q&A Call – 4/10 (Targeting Coaches, Website Audit and How To Do Research) – 22 mins
Q&A Call – The Magic Art of Following Up – 20 mins
Q&A Call – How To Instantly Improve Your Copy With CUB Reviews – 24 mins
Q&A Call – How to find anyone’s email address, audit tricks and more – 44 mins


Exclusive bonus content

5 ways to get clients FAST – 15 mins
Behind-The-Scenes of A $46,800 Workshop – 1h 15m 04s

A “top secret” 346-page document with all the copywriting leads you could ever need – Google Docs.pdf – 58 MB
A “top secret” 346-page document with all the copywriting leads you could ever need
Magnetic Upwork Scripts

3 battle-tested Upwork client-getting scripts
A video walkthrough of why the scripts work and how to adapt them to gigs you want to apply for
PLUS, unlimited proposal reviews for two weeks

Get 3 REAL proposal scripts, proven to get clients
Earlier this year, I dropped everything I was doing to put my client-getting skills to the test.
I started over from scratch, pretended to be a TOTAL newbie, and attempted to build a new freelance copywriting business from the ground up.
To build this business, I used and the two most popular methods of getting clients:
1. Cold Email.
2. Upwork.
Yes, I got on Upwork!
And I shared everything I learned the whole time.
The ups & downs.
The pros & cons.
And the actual scripts I used to land clients in real time!
I figured if it was useful to me it might help at least one person following along.
And I shared these things, the most amazing thing started to happen…
At first, it was just a trickle of people that would email me about it…
But as the challenge went on, the flood gates opened up and the results stacked up!

“Your template landed me a client that has generated over $1,000 in the last two months!!”

-Andy F.
“I landed a $5k retainer client…I did everything you mentioned with my pitch…”

-Isaiah E.
Then, he did it again … by closing an even bigger deal! A $7K retainer!
“I recently used one of the proposal templates you shared in your Upwork challenge to land a client on Upwork…$420 to rewrite the homepage for a SaaS company.”

The scripts were INSANELY effective

Everyone who used them seemed to land deals.And not just $5 or $25 blog posts.BIG DEALS, TOO! And that’s when I knew I had something.Because I always say, “the mark of a true system is when you can hand it off to someone else and get the same results or better.”And that’s exactly what was happening here.Brand new freelancers were going from struggling to stand out …. to landing their 1st, 2nd or 3rd client in a matter of days.

So I decided to bundle them all into one program with a few added twists…

Get the scripts… ON STEROIDS!

In addition to sending you the exact proposals I sent to land clients during the challenge.
(The same scripts that others have used to land 3, 4 and 5-figures worth of work).
I also wanted to do a video of WHY these scripts work.
As they say, “give a person a fish, feed them for a day. Teach them to fish, feed them for life.”
That’s my approach here.
Use the scripts. Of course!
But also, I want you to see how you can adapt the scripts to any gig and even other environments to get clients.
Plus, unlock a bonus that will make you think I’ve lost my marbles

As part of the launch of this program, I wanted to offer the first group of students a kind of crazy bonus.


During the 30 day challenge I did, that’s about how long it took me to really get things rolling and “find my groove” with the outreach.
And I want to give you that same time to find your footing.
By getting personal feedback on your proposals for a full 14 days.
These will be real video reviews (by me) of your proposals before you send them to potential clients.
So that you can dramatically increase your chances of closing deals and get a second set of eyes on every message before you hit send.
Imagine how confident you’ll feel knowing you have put forward the best possible message you can.
Now, this bonus does come with one catch: I will own the video recordings of each proposal review (to be added to the program’s archives).
So just leave out anything you don’t want seen publicly when you send it my way.
But as long as you’re cool with that, you really can’t beat this deal.
“I recently used one of the proposal templates you shared in your Upwork challenge to land a client on Upwork…$420 to rewrite the homepage for a SaaS company.”

Who this course is for


who are wanting to get their first client or jumpstart the momentum in their outreach

who KNOW they’re talented but struggle to land the clients they deserve
Upwork, Fiver and Users

who want to sharpen their outreach skills with a proven script and help of a freelancing pro


The Core Course
A Video Walkthrough On The Psychology Behind The Scripts – 23 mins

The Magnetic Upwork Scripts – 348 KB

The Vault of Proposal Critiques
The Vault of Proposal Critiques

How To Land Your First Email Marketing Client (Be SPECIFIC!) – 7 mins
Get Your Client On The Hook By Asking For The Audit! – 5 mins

30 powerul freelance secrets.pdf – 984 KB
Special Report: 30 powerful secrets for growing your freelance business, increasing your rates, campaign ideas and more
The Freelance Copywriting Summit

Join 20+ World-Class Copywriters, Marketers, Agency Owners, and Email Experts As They Share Their Best Kept Secrets For…

Attracting Quality Clients
Delivering High-Value Services
Writing Control-Shattering Copy
Commanding Top Fees
And More…

Look inside the event
Day 1

Summit Keynote and Kickoff – 46 mins
The Flaming Camel “Lite” – everything you need to land $5k/month retainers without actually joining my coaching program and learning my A-lister-endorsed process – 59 mins
Get 3-5 High Paying Copywriting Clients Over The Next 30 Days – 55 mins
How To Build A Lucrative Email Marketing Agency On The Back Of Low-Ticket Books and Memberships – 47 mins
New Service Alert: See How To Design and Build A Webinar For Your Clients With Zero Tech Headaches – 57 mins
Creating Your Own Escape Hatch: How To Effectively Work Remotely And Travel – 51 mins
How To Get Your Brand Featured In Local, Regional, and National News (And Increase Your Income & Conversions In The Process) – 49 mins
How to Charge More (And on Retainer) By Going From Email Copywriter to Email List Manager – 42 mins
A Simplified (Free) Version of my $1,500 “Market Detective” Research Framework for Freelance Copywriters – 52 mins
Cool Story, Bro: 7 Ways To Nuke Boring Emails With Personality And Humour – 49 mins

Day 2

Creating Truly Passive Income with Royalty Deals – 54 mins
Your 2021 Email Bible – 54 mins
Tips And Tricks To Become a High-Paid, In-Demand Email Copywriter with Lukas Resheske – 60 mins
Remove Your Block_Overcoming The #1 Barrier That Keeps Freelance Copywriters Stuck with John McIntyre –  1h 13m 19s
How to Get More Clients Than You Need Through a Killer Combination of Digital PR and SEO – 46 mins
How to Charge $300-$500 For Ecommerce Emails – 46 mins
How To Create Your Own Personal Monopoly – 47 mins
The Advertising Loophole: How Copywriters Can Become Great Ad Buyers – 52 mins
Building a $1M Marketing Agency – 52 mins
How To Make A Full-Time Income Writing Out-Of-The-Ordinary Emails – 51 mins
How I win Upwork clients at $999/hr: My 3-part proposal template – 54 mins
The Secret To Elevating Your Brand Through Publishing – 50 mins


108 Pages of Freelance Copywriting Leads And Opportunities.pdf – 4.84 MB
8 Rules For Doing Cold Email Right.pdf – 103 KB