
Evan Osar – Integrative Corrective Exercise Approach

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Evan Osar – Integrative Corrective Exercise Approach
We often get asked about good corrective exercise resources.
We have great resources in our catalog like the Movement book, which covers the Functional Movement Systems (the Functional Movement Screen and the Selective Functional Movement Assessment), and DVDs like Key Functional Exercises You Should Know, Applying the FMS Model and Essentials of Coaching and Training Functional Continuums, which zoom into more application specifics about corrective exercise and functional training.
But every now and again a great resource we think will be suitable for you pops up on the market.
And Evan Osar’s online course Integrative Corrective Exercise Approach (ICEA) is one of them.
We’ve gone through the whole program from top to bottom, and made a comprehensive review to help you figure out whether it’s right for you.
Note: If you decide to buy Evan Osar’s Integrative Corrective Exercise Approach, there’s a bonus On Target Publication’s offer at the bottom of the page, so don’t miss out on it.
Worth it?


Who should buy it

Fitness professionals looking to learn about the underlying causes of postural and movement dysfunction, and how to use corrective exercise and smart program design to build an effective and practical training program that improves posture and movement


Quality video demonstration of techniques and exercises with real people makes everything easy to understand
Evan gives plenty of cues and tells you what to look out for as your clients conduct each drill, assessment and exercise
Course is comprehensive and very well-structured
Evan covers the principles behind postural and movement dysfunction, corrective exercise and good program design
Evan gives three detailed case studies to help you see how to apply principles to real-world situations
NSCA and NASM CEU approved


Website hosting can be laggy. Sometimes videos take a bit of time to load.
No transcripts or audio mp3s of video, which would have been helpful

Final thoughts

This is a great resource for fitness professionals looking for a comprehensive, understandable and practical course about corrective exercise and how to apply it to real-world training programs.

In-Depth Look Inside
When you first log in to the online portal, you’ll be taken to the menu:
Evan Osar’s Integrative Corrective Exercise Approach is structured as follows:

Principles of Corrective Exercise
Restoring Optimal Function
Mindful Release
Corrective Exercise Patterns
Progressive Exercise Step Out Patterns
Progressive Exercise Core Thoracopelvic Canister Patterns
Progressive Exercise Deadlift Patterns
Progressive Exercise Squat Patterns
Progressive Exercise Pulling Patterns
Progressive Exercise Pushing Patterns
Program Design

Evan goes through the principles of corrective exercise first. He doesn’t get too bogged down in theory, so don’t worry.
He then covers assessments to identify postural and movement dysfunction and shows you his approach to restoring efficient movement and posture. He goes through both the principles underlying his approach and specific drills and exercises to use with your clients.
These are all clear and well-demonstrated in the video.
He then ties up the course with three detailed case studies of actual patients, showing you how he applies the principles and exercises in real life.
You also get some helpful bonuses to complement the main course:

Bonus: Proper Sitting
Bonus: Developing Your Business Model as a Corrective Exercise Specialist
Bonus: Understanding Thoracic Mobility
Corrective Exercise Solutions Assessment Manual
Sample Corrective Exercise Program Template
Integrative Corrective Exercise Approach Program Systems Manual
ICEA Program Templates (contained within manual)

Below, you’ll get a deeper look at what Evan covers in each section.
What is the ICEA?

10 golden rules of corrective exercise
The most important thing when it comes to corrective exercise
What corrective exercise really is
The goal of the integrated corrective exercise approach
An example of an optimal and non-optimal posture and movement strategy
Three principles behind the integrated corrective exercise approach
Why we need corrective exercise
Drivers of bad postural and movement habits

The 10 Principles of ICEA

The five things you need to understand when using the Integrative Corrective Exercise Approach
The Fundamental A, B, Cs of the Integrative Movement System
Why people get tight

Video 1: Introduction to the Principles of the Integrative Movement Systemâ„¢

How the principles of movement inside the Integrative Movement System were developed
Three reasons why breathing is important in developing optimal posture and movement

Video 2: Introduction to the Thoracopelvic Canister (Core)

What parts of the body the core encompasses
The purpose of the core
What happens when you lose mobility in the core and how it impacts the rest of the body
The key to restoring function in the core
Why maintaining the natural curves of the spine is so important

Video 3: Biomechanics and Control of the Thoracopelvic Canister

How the deep myofascial system differs from the superficial myofascial system
The difference between low and high level movement strategies (including examples of movement and exercises)

Video 4: Dysfunction of the Thoracopelvic Canister

What can cause imbalance between the deep and superficial myofascial systems
What happens when you lose balance between the deep and superficial myofascial systems
One of the most common compensatory strategies: a case study of a 30-year-old man suffering from low back pain
The thing the fitness industry often focuses too much that causes lower back pain, tension and tightness
A common dysfunction experienced after C-sections, hysterectomy, abdominal surgery and gall bladder surgery (this can cause disc injuries and low back injuries)

Video 5: Dysfunction of the Thoracopelvic Canister (continued)

An example of dysfunction in the core in a professional athlete
What causes disc bulges, herniations, sciatica and bone spurs in the low back (and what you need to do to prevent them from happening or getting worse)

Video 6: The Integrative Corrective Exercise Approachâ„¢ to Training the Hip Complex

What makes up the hip complex
What people get wrong about the psoas
The primary and secondary function of the psoas
How the glute max helps provide stability to the lower body
A key to restoring optimal hip function

Video 7: Biomechanics and Control of the Hip Complex

What neutral position of the pelvis looks like (this is vital for SI joint and back health)
What assessment to use to help identify true anterior pelvic tilt (most clients actually have posterior pelvic tilt but look like they have anterior pelvic tilt)

Video 8: Dysfunction of the Hip Complex

One of the most common compensatory strategies of the hip complex
How this compensatory strategy causes posterior pelvic tilt
One easy and obvious way to identify hip dysfunction
Common postural cues that actually worsen hip dysfunction

Video 9: Dysfunction of the Hip Complex (continued)

How dysfunction in the hip complex manifests itself in squats and golf swings
How most people sit, and how common postural cues fail to address the real problem
Early signs of an anterior hip position (if not fixed, this can cause labrum tears, and eventually the need for joint replacement surgery)

Video 10: The Integrative Corrective Exercise Approachâ„¢ to Training the Shoulder Complex

The four primary joints that make up the shoulder complex
The only bony attachment of the upper extremity to the axial skeleton
How hyperextension of the rib cage causes scapular dysfunction
What neutral position of the scapula is (how far it should sit from the spine and what angle it should sit at rest)
How the scapula should rotate when the arm moves overhead

Video 11: Biomechanics of the Shoulder Complex

Why people tend to experience scapular winging when lowering the arm from the overhead position
How the scapula should move when you protract and retract your shoulders
What to look for when assessing the shoulder complex

Video 12: Control of the Shoulder Complex and Dysfunction

What muscles are involved in controlling the scapular (these are the muscles you should pay attention to when addressing scapular dysfunction)
The three muscles that pull the scapular down and foward
Common shoulder dysfunction and compensatory strategies that are caused by poor posture, surgery, injury or inflammation in the shoulder area

Video 13: Dysfunction of the Shoulder Complex (continued)

Which exercises can make neck pain and shoulder dysfunction worse
An easy way to tell if your clients are using a harmful compensatory shoulder strategy
Common postural cues you shouldn’t use with clients (these perpetuate poor patterns)
Do your clients suffer labrum tears? What to pay attention to

Video 1 – Postural Assessment – Lateral Alignment

What to look out for when conducting a lateral postural assessment
A quick way to prepare and make sure your client is in the most neutral alignment possible before conducting the assessment
What you typically see in clients who work out a lot
An easy way to help clients determine whether they’re in anterior or posterior pelvic tilt (requires no equipment)

Video 2 – Postural Assessment – Posterior Alignment

What to look out for when conducting a posterior postural assessment
How glutes look when clients have dysfunction
What you typically see in clients who are flat footed

Video 3 – Postural Assessment – Anterior Alignment

What to look out for when conducting a anterior postural assessment
How the hip, knee and ankle should be aligned
Why so many people have IT band, hamstring and arch problems

Video 4 – Postural Assessment – Shoulder Alignment

Where the scapular should sit on the thorax
How the scapular should be angled
Why clients tend to get shoulder issues

Video 4a – Scapular Alignment and Control

Where the scapular should lie in relation to spinal segments
What you shouldn’t see when a client raises and lowers the arms
How the scapula should move in horizontal pushing and pulling movements

Video 5 – Postural Assessment – Seated Knee Alignment

How to tell whether a client’s tibia is externally rotated relative to the femur
Why clients tend to have an externally rotated tibia
What stops the femur and tibia from aligning properly when running, walking and squatting

Video 6 – Postural and Breathing Assessment – Lying Posture and Breathing

What you’ll typically see in clients when they’re lying down
How your clients should be breathing (and how most clients actually breathe)
How to assess rib cage mobility

Video 7 – Lying Assessment of Internal and External Rotation – Hips and Shoulders

How to assess rotation of the hips and shoulders in a lying position
Usual differences in internal rotation of the left and right legs
How far people can usually internally rotate their shoulders
What restrictions people usually have when they suffer from forward shoulder position

Video 8 – Overhead Length Assessment

How to conduct the overhead length assessment and what to look for
A sign that your client has short lats and thoracolumbar fascia
An indication of tightness in the lat and teres major

Video 1 – Developing Optimal Thoracopelvic Canister (TPC) Alignment

How to align the thoracopelvic canister (TPC)
Where to position your client’s leg when helping to align the TPC
The easiest position to get someone to relax when aligning the TPC alignment

Video 2 – Developing Optimal Three-Dimensional Breathing

How to help your clients optimize abdominal breathing
What to do if clients can’t relax their hips
How to help your clients optimize lateral breathing
Why people may feel dizzy and light-headed when working on three-dimensional breathing
How to help your clients optimize anterior-posterior breathing
How many times you should get your clients to practice new breathing strategies each time

Video 3 – Developing Optimal Three-dimensional Breathing (continued)

What order to work on each breathing dimension (anterior-posterior, lateral, abdominal)
What good three-dimensional breathing should look like
Mouth-breathing vs nose-breathing—which to use during these exercises

Video 4 – Developing Optimal Control – Incorporating the Psoas

How teach clients to use the psoas without over-activating the superficial hip flexors
Cues to activate the psoas without using the hip flexors
How to tell whether the psoas is activating properly

Video 5 – Developing Optimal Control – Psoas Activation

How many sets and repetitions to do when performing the exercise

Video 6 – Developing Optimal Control – Modified Happy Baby Pattern – Level I: Alternate Leg Lift

Conducting the alternate leg lift
What to look out for in the alternate leg lift
How many sets and repetitions to do

Video 7 – Developing Optimal Control – Modified Happy Baby Pattern – Level II: Leg Suspension with Three-dimensional breathing

Cues for the leg suspension exercise
What to look out for in the leg suspension exercise
How your clients should breathing throughout the exercise

Video 8 – Developing Optimal Control – Modified Happy Baby Pattern – Level III: Dead Bug Progression

How to cue your clients as they move their arms and legs in the dead bug progression
How many sets and repetitions to do

Video 9 – Developing Optimal Control – Modified Happy Baby Pattern – Level III: Pullovers

How to load the modified happy baby pattern
What to look out for when conducting the modified happy baby pattern pullover

Video 1: Introduction to Mindful Release and Self Myofascial Release

Which muscles people with low back pain typically grip with
Which muscles people with shoulder issues typically grip with
Which muscles people with hip, knee and ankle issues typically grip with
The difference between foam rolling and the mindful release technique
The three steps that make up the mindful release technique

Video 2: Foam Roller Release of Lower Extremity

Where people tend to get tight
Which muscles to release to help people suffering from knee problems
How to roll the glutes, hamstrings and calves
Which part of your leg you SHOULDN’T foam roll

Video 3: Mindful Release for the Hamstrings

Why people tend to have short, tight hamstrings
What effect short, tight hamstrings have on posture and movement
How to conduct mindful release of the hamstrings
How much of a stretch people should feel when doing mindful release of the hamstring

Video 4: Mindful Release for the Latissimus Dorsi and Teres Major

What muscles to release in people who have forward shoulder position
The best position to release the lats and teres major
How many repetitions to perform
How to target either the teres major or lat by changing hand position
How to breathe during mindful release of the lat and teres major

Video 5: Mindful Release for the Pectoralis Minor

The effect a tight pec minor has on posture
How to conduct mindful release of the pec minor
How the scapular should move during the exercise

Video 1: Muscle Activation Strategy: V.I.P.B.â„¢

The V.I.P.B.â„¢ method for activating inhibited muscles
Examples of coaching cues to tap into the deep myofascial system and create new movement patterns
What strategy to use to improve movement learning and programming

Pattern Videos

What each exercise helps teach and improve
How to perform the exercise
Coaching cues for the exercise
What to watch out for during the exercise
How to modify the exercise according to common client needs
How many sets and repetitions to perform

Video 1a: Modified Dead Bug – Level 1: hook lying
Video 2: Modified Dead Bug – Level 2: legs lifted
Video 3: Modified Dead Bug – Level 3: with heel drop
Video 4: Lying Ball Curls – Level 1: isometric hold
Video 5: Lying Ball Curls – Level 2: ball curl
Video 6: Modified Clam Shell
Video 7: Modified Side Lying Hip Abduction with Leg Slide
Video 8: Hip Hinge Bridge
Video 9: Hip Hinge Bridge – Progression
Video 10: Marching Bridge
Video 11a: Single Leg Bridge
Video 11b: Supported Squat
Video 11c: Squat – Bodyweight
Video 11d: Squat Pattern – Depth Considerations
Video 11e: Hip Hinge
Video 12: Prone Lengthening
Video 13a: Modified Quadruped
Video 13b: Modified Quadruped with Elbow Extension
Video 14: Modified Wall Plank
Video 15: Modified Wall Plank with Arm Slide
Video 16: Modified Wall Plank with Rotation
Video 17: Lying Arm Slides

What each exercise helps teach and improve
How to perform the exercise
Coaching cues for the exercise
What to watch out for during the exercise
How to modify the exercise according to common client needs
How many sets and repetitions to perform

Core (Thoracopelvic Canister) Patterns
Video 1a: Lateral weight shift
Video 1b Lateral weight shift with Band Resistance
Video 2a: Chop Pattern – High to Low Chop
Video 2b: Chop Pattern – Low to High Chop
Video 3a: Squat Pattern with Isometric Band Hold
Video 3b: Split Squat with Isometric Band Hold – oblique
Video 3c: Split Stance with Isometric Band Hold – overhead
Squat Patterns
Video 1: Split Stance Position into the Split Squat (front view)
Video 2: Split Stance Position into the Split Squat (side view)
Video 3: Split Stance Position – Common Dysfunction and Correction
Video 3a: Split Stance Position – Common Dysfunction and Correction
Video 4: Split Stance Position – Knee Considerations
Video 5: Split Squat – Dumbbell Loaded
Video 6: Split Squat – Elevated Rear Leg
Video 7: Goblet Squat
Deadlift Patterns
Video 1: Stiff Legged Deadlift
Video 2: Traditional Deadlift
Video 3: Deadlift – Common Dysfunction and Correction
Step out Patterns
Video 1: Lateral Step Out
Video 2: Lateral Step Out with Band Resistance
Video 3: Lateral Band Walks
Step Patterns
Video 1: Step Down/Step Up
Video 2: Step Up
Video 3: Lateral Step Off
Pushing Patterns
Video 1: Overhead Dumbbell Press
Video 2a: Overhead Dumbbell Press Corrections
Video 2b: Overhead press with Band Resistance
Video 3: Suspended Fallouts
Video 4: Suspended Fallouts – Common Dysfunction and Corrections
Video 5: Suspended Fallouts Progression
Video 6: Push Up
Video 7: Push Up – Common Dysfunction and Corrections
Video 8: Dumbbell Chest Press
Video 9: Dumbbell Chest Press – Common Dysfunction and Correction
Video 10: Dumbbell Chest Press – in Happy Baby Position
Video 11: Standing Chest Press with Band Resistance
Pulling Patterns
Video 1: Reclined Pull Up
Video 2: Reclined Pull Up – Common Dysfunction and Corrections
Video 3: Dumbbell Row
Video 4: Band Row – Bilateral and Alternating Patterns
Video 5: Band Row – Unilateral Patterns
Video 1: The Components of Program Design – Introduction

The three components of program design
Exercise progressions for each of the fundamental movement patterns
Examples of training programs
How to alter programs depending on the time available you have in each session and how many times you train the client each week
How your training program structure will change as your client advances
Where metabolic work fits in program design

Video 2: The Components of Program Design – Designing the Session

The three things to consider when designing a program
The 3-step program design process
How to structure a 60-minute session
Program design case study: 75-year-old coming in for one 30-minute session a week

Video 3: The Components of Program Design – Designing the Session

Program design case study: 42-year-old female with a painful left knee, able to come in for 2x 45-minute sessions per week in addition to daily exercise

Video 4: The Components of Program Design – Designing the Session

Program design case study: 35-year-old male with upcoming fight in 8 weeks. Has right shoulder issue and is able to come in for 1x 60-minute session a week in addition to daily training sessions


How most people sit and what it does to the spine
Cues to help your client sit properly
How reset the femoral head when seated
How many times an hour your clients should get up out of the chair

In this PDF, Dr. Osar shows you how he would use this unique system to develop a complete program that you can use as your model for training.

How to establish yourself as a corrective exercise specialist
How to qualify and develop rapport with your client
How to set clear and reasonable goals and expectations with your client from Day 1
Which healthcare and fitness specialists you should have on your team and in your network


The key drivers of shoulder and hip dysfunction
Key regions of dysfunction within the shoulder and hip complexes
The shoulder and hip assessments


Three key reasons why people lose thoracic mobility and three strategies to restore thoracic mobility

This is a 30-question exam that is worth 0.7 CEUs (7 contact hours) from the NASM and NSCA.
Evan Osar’s Integrative Corrective Exercise Approach is a comprehensive course for fitness professionals who want to learn the principles of corrective exercise, and more importantly, learn how to apply it to their clients’ programs.
The online course is a lot cheaper than in-person workshops, certifications and courses, some which can cost $1,000 and up. If you’re a self-starter and learn well on your own, this is a great option that will allow you to study and review at your own pace.
Some people learn better in live environments, however, and prefer the option of being able to ask questions and interact with others. If that’s you, this may not be the best option.
The course is comprehensive without getting bogged down in theory. If you’re looking for something more textbook-level, this may not be for you. The course is really geared toward fitness professionals aiming to apply corrective exercise to their clients’ programs. You’ll get plenty of coaching cues, tips, progressions, exercises and drills in this package.
The video hosting site can be a bit laggy at time, and it would have been nice to have mp3s and PDF transcripts for further review. But since the course does require a lot of visual demonstrations of drills, exercises, assessments and cues, it’s understandable that these were left out.
Overall, if you’re interested in learning how to use corrective exercise and write programs that improve postural and movement dysfunction, this course should definitely be near the top of your buy list.
Plus, it comes with a one-year money-back guarantee. If you buy it and don’t like it, you always have the option of returning it.
We’re pleased to offer some special bonuses for On Target Publication readers buying Evan Osar’s Integrative Corrective Exercise Approach.
When you buy Evan Osar’s Integrative Corrective Exercise Approach using the special link below, you’ll be eligible to get the following bonuses from On Target Publications:
In Improving Human Movement, Evan Osar covers the three principles that govern movement and will tell you strategies and techniques that can be used to improve human movement.

The three principles that govern movement (these are the same whether you’re doing pilates, kettlebell, crossfit, Feldenkrais or yoga)
The three primary reasons why people suffer from movement dysfunction
How the cues “Stand up tall. Pull your shoulder blades down and back. Squeeze and tuck your butt under” can cause dysfunction
What corrective exercise is and what its goal is
Why you shouldn’t cue everyone to pack the neck and shoulders
What people with low back pain usually struggle with compared to pain-free people
A better alternative to the cue “pull your shoulder blades back and down”
Why sitting causes so many disc problems
How to determine neutral pelvic position


How common postural and movement dysfunctions lead to suboptimal performance
A strategy for developing an improved efficiency and stabilization of the thorax
How a bodyweight squat will differ from a barbell squat in terms of movement strategy
The most common problem Evan sees in his clients
Why a competitive powerlifter was able to regularly squat 500 to 600 pounds during workouts, yet experienced low back pain when sitting or lying down for more than 15 minutes
Two main reasons people aren’t able to tap into their deep myofascial system (this is key for efficient movement and posture)
Common dysfunctional strategies
Strategies to help clients develop a more optimal breathing pattern

In Key Concepts in Corrective Exercise, Chief StrongFirst kettlebell instructor Brett Jones shares seven key concepts to help you get better results with corrective exercise

The main goal of the Functional Movement Screen
How to tell whether a drill is a conditioning drill or corrective drill
The difference between a challenging exercise and a difficult exercise (and which you should be giving to clients)
How to tell whether you are targeting a dysfunctional movement pattern by monitoring the heartbeat

When it comes to optimizing performance and preventing injuries, knowing anatomy and kinesiology is important, but so is understanding how the body works in movement. In Developing a Movement Philosophy, physical therapist Gray Cook describes the brain, muscle and joint input and output, and explains how these come together to drive movement. He then tells us how to identify the driver of poor movement quality, and how to balance correction with stress in order to improve movement quality as well as physical performance.

When the rules of exercise don’t apply and when you need to refer out to a clinician
The wrong assumption most people make when they see a poor movement pattern
Why hamstrings often stay tight no matter how much you stretch and roll them: the anatomical reason
How the core is designed to operate—the opposite of the way most of us train it
The place of isolation work: do you need it?
In which stage of training the greatest strength gains are typically made
What two systems you need to separate to appropriately diagnose and apply therapeutic measures
What deeper issues tight hamstrings might signal
When muscles really gain a mechanical advantage over gravity that allows athletes to accelerate fast and become highly efficient
One of the biggest components of reduced thoracic spine mobility when rotating the shoulders left and right
The wrong way most people train the core
Why asymmetries have caused more complications in athletes over the past 60 years
Does the FMS seek to completely eliminate asymmetries?
In which part of the body asymmetries are more acceptable
Three potential drivers for movement
The three components correctives can be directed toward
The minimum time to spend on correctives if your clients have a mild asymmetry
Where to put correctives in your training session
The minimum score you should strive for on the FMS
A summary of Gray’s movement philosophy

This is a talk given by Gray at the CK-FMS 2013 conference. In it, he goes through—

The difference between a principle and a method, and how this helps keep your focus on the goal of helping your client
How 0s and 1s on the FMS should inform your programming
Clear the confusion about the arguments surrounding the FMS by learning the 10 principles guiding the screening system
Are people moving poorly because they’re in pain, or are they in pain because they’re moving poorly? What to do to find out the answer. pg.2
How to recover from a Grade I ankle sprain. pg.2
Sprained your ankle? Which muscle an ankle sprain can cause to shut down, and which FMS test will reveal if it has changed movement competency. pg.2
Why Gray and Lee started developing the FMS back in 1995. pg.2
The one thing that sets kettlebell organizations apart from the rest, and helps them reduce injuries and get people stronger, quicker. pg.3
Is VO2 max overhyped? Why some athletes have great cardio on one platform, but can’t display the same performance on another. pg.3
How to increase an elderly person’s endurance without doing cardio. pg.3
A simple no-equipment test you can do while standing to see if you have the necessary strength to do a squat. pg.3
Moving beyond physiology and biomechanics—the third piece of information that helps predict who is more likely to get injured. pg.3
Which two movements your clients need to score 2s in the FMS before being cleared to deadlift. pg.4
The clearest path if you want to get somebody deadlifting. pg.4
Good exercises to help people relearn correct shoulder movement
The important difference between corrective exercise and rehabilitation. pg.4
How kids learn to throw balls, run and ride bikes. And how you can use the same principles to learn and relearn movement patterns. pg.5
Gray’s performance pyramid: How to improve skill in sports skills by working on the underlying qualities skills are built upon. pg. 5-6
What to work if the lunge is really bad and everything else is good. pg.6
Which pattern to work on to improve the ability to cut, turn and decelerate on the field or on the court. pg.6
Which FMS test can reveal problems in running mechanics. pg.6
The alignment cue mistake most people make when trying to stay tall. pg.6
Do not add a corrective if you’re not willing to do this. pg.7

These are some great resources that will complement what you learn in Integrative Corrective Exercise Approach.
All you need to do to get these bonuses is to click on the button below, where you’ll be taken off our website, to the sales page for Integrative Corrective Exercise Approach. Simply buy through that page and email the receipt to us at [email protected] once you’re done.
Once we confirm that you’ve bought through our special On Target Publications link, we’ll set up your bonuses.