
Guthrie Sayen & Brian Jaudon – Coaching for Self Leadership – An Introduction to Internal Family Systems

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Guthrie Sayen & Brian Jaudon – Coaching for Self Leadership – An Introduction to Internal Family Systems
Now you can join master IFS practitioners Brian Jaudon & Guthrie Sayen, PhD, PCC, in our self-study online course Coaching for Self Leadership: An Introduction to Internal Family Systems.
This course was developed for experienced coaches who are new to the IFS Model. You will learn the foundations of IFS – working with the parts or subpersonalities of our inner worlds and how to access Self, the calm, confident and creative core of every human.
What is IFS Coaching?
Many coaching models ignore or even try to annihilate parts, especially those that are not aligned or on board with clients’ stated goals and aspirations.
This form of shaming leaves clients with unresolved inner conflict and unmotivated for change. The IFS Coaching method honors rather than marginalizes clients’ resistant parts. By welcoming whole system alignment in support of any change initiatives.
Without this holistic approach, clients tend to find themselves stuck or disempowered and sabotaging any stated goals.
IFS coaching provides a roadmap for clients to practice Self leadership and live from a more integrated Self.
When we have greater awareness of what parts are and what might be influencing them, we can navigate more effectively and not operate out of an extreme aspect of our inner system.
We can find ways to unblend and separate from our extreme parts and get to know them and learn their positive intent. When we create space for our core Self which carries no burden or agenda we can allign for inner and outer connectedness. This course shows us how we can become Self led.
You will learn practical and effective ways to integrate the core principles of the Internal Family Systems model into your work. You will be provided with methods, strategies and tools to apply immediately.
By the end of the course, you will learn about:

The importance of systems thinking, in recognizing that the parts, or subpersonalities, react to each other in patterned ways, that a change to one part ripples through the system.
The wisdom of the client’s system, that the coach’s job is to acclimate to the client’s inner world and find the most respectful way to collaborate with system’s natural propensity to heal and fulfill its potential.
The centrality of Self, the enlightened core of every human being, which is calm, confident, curious, and compassionate, naturally whole, wise, loving, and good.
The reality of multiplicity, that the human psyche naturally possesses many parts or subpersonalities, each of which has a range of functions, behaviors, emotions, and strategies to meet needs.

And be able to apply the following skills:

Identify parts, that is, notice and acknowledge which subpersonalities are present at any given moment.
Unblend parts, that is, separate or differentiate parts from the seat of awareness so that the client can come into healing relationship with their parts.
Befriend parts, that is, make friends with all parts, especially those that clients believe are causing them problems.
Support exiles when they arise, that is, know how to hold compassionately young vulnerable parts when they appear.
Introduce clients to Self, their true nature, the seat of their awareness, the place where they have access to wisdom and creativity.

Giving you more confidence in working with all aspects of the client!
Overview of the Course Sessions
Multiplicity: We Have Many Parts

Explore Multiplicity of the Human: We Have Many Parts
Experience a parts mapping exercise applying the model for a conflict or decision
Introduction to unblending – raising clients Self awareness

Self and System

Examine Self and the System
Overview of healthy systems – balance, harmony, Self leadership, Development
Explore the 3 part ecology of systems under stress
Experiential exercise identitying activated parts and understand intention

Unblending and BeFriending Protectors

Introduce the 6 -F’s
Explore unblending and beFriending protectors through 2 examples of client demonstrations


Explore burdens and their impact on the client system through case study
Experiential practice identifying a burden
Discuss safe ways to work with exiles without deeper training

IFS Methods and Techniques

Explore main methods of working with clients parts: Direct access, and In-sight
Examine both methods through demonstration
Discuss other techniques

Integration and Application

Discussion of learnings from the field: reports of using IFS with clients
Examine implicit and explicit application of the model

How Can an IFS Approach to Coaching Improve My Practice?

You’ll be equipped with a proven step-by-step coaching method used by professionals to achieve real results for your clients.
You’ll learn an IFS-Inspired coaching model that will help you stand out as a specialist and in a crowded coaching marketplace.
You’ll discover new ways to help your clients unpack limiting belief systems to effectively navigate the complexities of daily life with greater clarity, ease and success.
You’ll gain confidence and credibility in the eyes of your clients.
You’ll be able to help business owners and entrepreneurs who want to grow their businesses.
You’ll get the tools and techniques to successfully influence key players and high-profile clients in their personal and professional lives.

About the Presenters
Guthrie Sayen, PhD, PCC
Guthrie Sayen, PhD, PCC, has been training coaches in IFS since 2013. He created and leads Parts Work, a yearlong training in IFS for coaches, offered through Leadership That Works, a coach-training school accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF). He created and leads Coaching with Spirit, a yearlong ICF-accredited program that integrates IFS and is offered through The Graduate Institute. He has also designed trainings in IFS for various ICF chapters.
Guthrie has trained coaches through the True Purpose Institute and has trained most of the coaching faculty at Leadership That Works, where he is a senior trainer. He designed and delivered many trainings for the ManKind Project, a global organization initiating men into mature masculinity and empowering them to live missions of service.
Over the years, he has mentored hundreds of coaches at all stages of their careers, from beginners to seasoned masters. He helps coaches to respectfully enter another person’s inner world and collaborate with the natural wisdom of that person’s system.
In his practice, Guthrie works with wounded healers, helping them do for themselves what they are called to do for others. He also helps seekers come into the presence of the Divine, so that they can live their soul’s purpose. His mission is to end suffering on this planet by bringing the light of love to all parts and to all people.
Brian Jaudon
Brian Jaudon is an executive coach who works with leaders at companies in multiple industries throughout the United States and Canada. His work focuses primarily on the development of Self Leadership which is the practice of leading with clarity, courage and curiosity in any given moment or situation. Brian draws upon his extensive training in the Internal Family System as well as other models such as Bert Hellinger’s Constellation work, Daniel Goleman’s Emotional Intelligence framework and his own innovative model for gift (natural ability) development. Brian lives in San Diego and Brevard, North Carolina, with his partner Megan
Brian’s complete training background:
• Two years of intensive training with the IFS Institute (formerly the Center for Self Leadership) in the Internal Family Systems model
• Trained with the Barrett Values Centre in the Seven Levels of Organizational Consciousness model and Cultural Transformation Tools used to build strong, healthy organizational cultures
• Training with Dr. Susan Trout of the Institute for the Advancement of Service in Leadership and Organizational Design
• Everything DiSC model of assessing and leveraging diverse personalities and work styles.
• Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team model and assessment (based on the work of author and thought leader Patrick Lencioni)
• Presence-Based Coaching model developed by Doug Silsbee (author of The Mindful Coach and other companion books)
• Self Leadership With Emotional Intelligence training with Thomas and Inge Dietz integrating five different modalities for organizational transformation
• Training in the Appreciative Inquiry model with Sallie Lee and Cheri Torres
• Open Space Technology meeting facilitation model
• Training with Elmar Dornberger in the Systemic Constellations model.