
Quantinsti – Python for Machine Learning in Finance

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Quantinsti – Python for Machine Learning in Finance
Python for Machine Learning in Finance
This course is perfect for those looking to get started on using Python for Machine learning. Learn in a step-by-step fashion to create a Machine Learning algorithm for trading. Evaluate the performance of the machine learning algorithm and perform backtest, paper trading and live trading with Quantra’s integrated learning.

Backtest, analyse the strategy returns and drawdowns, paper trade and live trade machine learning strategy
Describe machine learning and its applications in finance
List and implement common tasks in machine learning such as feature creation, training, forecasting, and evaluation in a step-by-step fashion
Explain and implement accuracy, f1-score, recall and confusion matrix and R-squared
Implement the train-test split for time series data

Machine Learning
Train-test split
Training an ML model
Stats & Maths

Interactive Coding Practice
Trade and Learn Together


No experience is required except for a very basic understanding of financial markets such as how to place orders with your broker. You should be curious to explore the application of machine learning in finance. You can do this course even if you have never coded before. However, to replicate the sample trading strategy shared in the course, you might need to display some code reading and interpretation skills.


Machine learning has myriad applications in various industries, including finance. In this section, you will acquaint yourself with the course structure, and the various teaching tools used in the course: videos, quizzes, and strategy codes. The interactive methods used help you to not only understand the concepts, but also how to implement the strategies.

Course Introduction 2m 38s

Course Structure Flow Diagram 10m

Quantra Features 3m 48s
Machine Learning Overview

In this section, you will understand how machine learning is used to solve problems which cannot be solved by traditional computer algorithms. You will also see its applications in different finance domains.

What is Machine Learning? 2m 48s

Application of Machine Learning in Finance 3m 9s

ML Based Investment Advice 2m

Preference for Machine Learning 2m

Additional Reading 10m
Introduction to Python

This section will help you update your knowledge of Python with simple exercises on implementing functions, and manipulating dataframes using Numpy and Pandas libraries. The Quantra environment ensures that you don’t have to install anything for the Jupyter notebooks to function.

Need for Python 3m 7s

Preference for Python 2m

Functionality of Python 2m

How to Use Jupyter Notebook? 1m 54s

Print Statement 5m

My First Jupyter Notebook 10m

Getting Started with Interactive Exercises 5m

Operations and Functions in Python 10m

Divide Two Numbers 5m

Pandas Dataframe 2m 22s

Function Call 5m

DataFrame Axis Label 2m

DataFrame and Basic Functionality 10m

DataFrame Syntax 2m

Dropping/Deleting Columns 2m

Create Pandas DataFrame 5m

DataFrame Indexing 2m

Print Columns 2m

Access Elements of a DataFrame 5m

Add New Column to a DataFrame 5m

Set Column as Index 5m

Add Values of a Column 5m

Additional Reading 10m
Financial Market Data and Visualisation

An important component of a successful strategy is the data set used. In this section, you will learn how to import the correct data from various web resources, so that you can work on your own unique strategy.

Importing Data 1m 44s

Correct Syntax for Importing Stock Data 2m

Importing Time Series Data 10m

Import Data from Yahoo! Finance 5m

Data Visualisation 10m

Plot Line Graph 5m

Plot Bar Graph 5m

Additional Reading 10m

Frequently Asked Questions 10m
Machine Learning Tasks

Before you start using the machine learning model, you have to train it first. In this section, you will go through the steps in creating a machine learning algorithm and how its performance can be calculated.

Machine Learning Tasks 3m 28s

Order of Machine Learning Tasks 2m

Judging Performance of ML Model 2m
Target Variable and Features

A target variable is something that a machine learning algorithm tries to predict. And in order to do that, it requires input, which are called features. This section will explain the concept of target and features through examples. You will also learn how to create target and features for an ML algorithm.

Target Variable 1m 59s

Choose the Target Variable 2m

Pre Reading Material 10m

Features 4m 29s

Use of Features 2m

Characteristics of Features 2m

Features of an ML Model 2m

Target and Features 10m

Create a Target Variable 5m

Calculate RSI 5m

Calculate EMA 5m

Check for Stationarity 5m

Correlated Features 5m

Additional Reading 10m
Machine Learning Algorithms

There are various types of machine learning algorithms. In this section, you will get an overview of each type of algorithm. You will also gain a basic understanding of which model to use for a particular problem statement.

Machine Learning Algorithms 10m

Model for Predicting Direction 2m

Model for Predicting Price 2m

Model for Computing News Sentiment Score 2m
Train-Test Split

The train-test split is the technique of splitting the data into two parts. One part is used to train the ML model, and the other part is used to evaluate how well the model is making the predictions. You will learn the correct way of dividing time-series data for the train-test split.

Train-Test Split 10m

Perform the Train-test Split 5m
Training & Forecasting

The model is trained on the training data and then it is used to make forecasts. In this section, you will learn how to use the training and testing data with a machine learning model. For illustration, we implement a Random Forest classification model in Python and use it to make predictions.

Model Training and Forecasting 10m

Training a Model 5m

Make a Prediction 5m
Metrics to Evaluate Classifier

Backtesting is used to separate good strategies from bad ones. In this section, you will learn how to analyse the performance of your strategy on the historical data through backtesting. You will also learn to develop and backtest a trading strategy in Python. You will further calculate certain metrics like strategy returns, annualised returns and Sharpe ratio.

Evaluating Classifier Model Effectiveness 4m 27s

Accuracy of ML Model 2m

Interpretation of Accuracy 2m

Meaning of Confusion Matrix 2m

Interpreting Confusion Matrix 2m

Predicting Wrong Values 2m

False Positives in Confusion Matrix 2m

Beyond Accuracy 4m 2s

Description of Precision 2m

Predicting Correct Signals 2m

Description of Recall 2m

Calculation of Precision 2m

Calculation of Recall 2m

Calculation of f1 Score 2m

Inference of Performance Metrics 2m

Metrics to Evaluate a Classifier 10m

Confusion Matrix 5m

Classification Report 5m

Additional Reading 10m
Introduction to Backtesting

Backtesting is used to separate good strategies from bad ones. In this section, you will learn how to analyse the performance of your strategy on the historical data through backtesting.

What is Backtesting? 2m 22s

Backtesting Technique 2m

Does Past Reflect Future? 2m

How to do Backtesting? 2m 24s

Steps in Backtesting 2m

Evaluate the Performance of Backtesting 2m

Need for Backtesting 2m

Drawbacks of Backtesting 2m

Strategy Backtesting 10m

Strategy Returns 5m

Annualised Returns 5m

Sharpe Ratio 5m

Additional Reading 10m
Live Trading on Blueshift

This section will walk you through the steps involved in taking your trading strategy live. You will learn about backtesting and live trading platform, Blueshift. You will learn about code structure, various functions used to create a strategy and finally, paper or live trade on Blueshift.

Section Overview 2m 21s

Live Trading Overview 2m 41s

Vectorised vs Event Driven 2m

Process in Live Trading 2m

Real-Time Data Source 2m

Blueshift Code Structure 2m 57s

Important API Methods 10m

Schedule Strategy Logic 2m

Fetch Historical Data 2m

Place Orders 2m

Backtest and Live Trade on Blueshift 4m 5s

Additional Reading 10m

Blueshift Data FAQs 10m
Live Trading Template

This section includes a template of a trading strategy that can be used on Blueshift. The live trading strategy template is based on the strategy discussed in the course. You can tweak the code by changing securities or the strategy parameters. You can also analyse the strategy performance in more detail.

Paper/Live Trading Random Forest Strategy 10m

FAQs for Live Trading on Blueshift 10m
Metrics to Evaluate a Regressor

Along with the classifier model, you can also use the regression model to predict the target variables. In this section, you will be given a brief on linear regression and also how to analyse its performance by using the goodness of fit metric.

Goodness of Fit 4m 10s

Why Goodness of Fit 2m

Error of a Good Model 2m

R-squared Value 2m

Residual Plot 2m

Pattern in Residual Plot 2m

High R-squared Value 2m

R-Squared 10m

Calculate R-squared 5m

Limitations of R-squared 2m

Assumptions for Linear Regression 10m

Highest R-squared 2m

Linearity 2m

Not an Assumption for Linear Regression 2m

Autocorrelation 2m

Residuals 2m
Run Codes Locally on Your Machine

Learn to install the Python environment in your local machine.

Python Installation Overview 2m 18s

Flow Diagram 10m

Install Anaconda on Windows 10m

Install Anaconda on Mac 10m

Know your Current Environment 2m

Troubleshooting Anaconda Installation Problems 10m

Creating a Python Environment 10m

Changing Environments 2m

Quantra Environment 2m

Troubleshooting Tips For Setting Up Environment 10m

How to Run Files in Downloadable Section? 10m

Troubleshooting For Running Files in Downloadable Section 10m
Course Summary

In this section, you will go through the different concepts you learnt throughout the course. You will also be able to download all the strategy notebooks as a zip file. You can use these notebooks and modify their contents to create your own unique strategy.

Course Summary 3m 16s

Next Steps 10m

Python Data and Codes 2m


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