
RY Schwartz – Coaching The Conversion Circle

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RY Schwartz – Coaching The Conversion Circle
Coaching The Conversion Circle By RY Schwartz

CTC Circle
“Dude, the last thing I need is another shitty membership of second-rate courses and “barely there” support.
We get it.
No, really.
Most memberships are a “race to the bottom”.
A limp-wristed cashgrab spurred on by the nudges of some entrepreneur’s overzealous business coach rather than an inspired duty to serve more deeply.
You know what I’m talking about. Heck, you’ve probably suffered from something similar.
Third-rate courses that are really just a “sales pitch in disguise”

An absent leader or creator as they disappear and give the reins to low-paid VA’s

“Barely there” support with less coverage than a Borat swimsuit. (we’ll spare your eyes).


How can we support our ambitious crew of marketers, copywriters and course creators with the ongoing and ever-expanding needs that standalone courses simply weren’t designed to do
Courses can be great.
We build them. We love them. We encourage them.
But without the expert coaching and guidance (which is different than support), you’re kinda left to your own devices.
Ultimately they get abandoned for one of three reasons:

Implementation Confusion

An unclear step that you need ‘just a bit more” hand-holding and custom guidance than is offered in the course.



Even the best courses won’t be 100% spot on for your exact situation. And the second you start watching or implementing something that feels irrelevant to your specific context, you start experiencing a negative return-on-attention. Add up a few of those fruitless sessions, and it’s nearly impossible to recover.



By rule, no “static course” is complete. Why? Because it hasn’t been custom-tailored for your specific needs or goals. There will inevitably be loose threads and gaps. And when those gaps occur, you can either fill them in on your own; or lean on a community to speed up the process.
Further, a standalone course on a single asset or outcome is greeeeeat. But a sales conversion doesn’t happen in a silo.

So much has to go “right” for a marketing campaign or high-ticket funnel to work.
And performance will only ever be as good as its weakest link.
Where there’s a sales page, there’s an email or ad that drove to it.

Where there’s an email sequence, there’s also an automation setup with the right segmentation and tagging structure that made it work with wizard-like magick.

Where there’s a high-ticket offer, there’s a sales call. And an application and booking calendar that made it flow with seamless precision.

A random “tasting platter” of third-rate courses from the back catalogue won’t cut it.
You need the full-spectrum “on demand” courses and coaching to stay in flow and get your high-converting assets in place while inspiration is still hot.
Cos’ by far, the biggest problem with static courses (without constant guidance and feedback) is that:
Downtime is absolutely devastating to your momentum, confidence, and performance
As a copywriter, marketer or leader of a small team, you can’t afford to lose momentum.
Because in your world, a bottleneck isn’t just a bottleneck.
It’s a third Nespresso pod when your adrenals were screaming in submission at number two.
It’s a hazardous 2pm facebook scroll that sucks you into a black hole of low-vibe doom.
And if you’re anything like me…
It’s a defeated Ozark bingefest, a steep drop in confidence, and an uphill battle to get back to your initial starting point.
Lost days are lost cashflow.
(and cancelled weekend plans to make up for it).
Projects need to be in constant motion. Not the dreaded “start and stop” that has you slipping into self-doubt and premature collapse everytime you bump up against an obstacle.
The best marketers, freelancers and business owners are the ones who’ve mastered both the resilience to get ‘unstuck” — and the resourcefulness for doing so.
Still with me?
Let’s take a sec to jam on…
How to be the most resourced, resilient & resolute marketer, freelancer or course creator in your space:
So here’s the deal.
As an in-the-game marketer, freelancer or business owner you need…
Full-spectrum marketing, copy and automation training that orients around a single marketing ethos (rather than patched-together and contradictory training from a dozen different sources)

Timely feedback and expert guidance so that you never stay stuck or go down a 3-hour youtube rabbit hole when all you needed was a simple answer to a simple challenge.

If you’re nodding your head in agreement, here’s how we’ll get you there:
Coaching The Conversion Circle By RY Schwartz


The in-the-trenches professional bumping up against daily challenges that require both a full breadth of on-demand training to quickly get unstuck.
The goal is simple:
Eliminate 3+ hours of confused, overwhelmed and stressed-out “downtime” per month while layering in proven profit-generating playbooks at every juncture of your campaign or funnel.
Without guesswork.
Without being left solely to your own devices.
And without feeling like the mountainous pressure of that impending launch or client deadline rests solely on your shoulders without anyone to help support you through it.
All-Access Pass to 7+ Premium Courses aka the Coaching the Conversion canon
Nothing held back.
With the exception of our Automated Intimacy coaching and mentorship program and our Engineering The Enrollment sales suite, you’re getting EVERY recorded training, tutorial and template we’ve committed to digital ink.
Meaning, when it comes to writing high-converting launch sequences and sales pages, and tying them all together with pro-level automation systems…
We’ve got your back.
And while you’re getting access to 30+ hours of content, dozens of templates, and a stack of “one click” automation uploads…
The goal of our community is to make sure you ONLY invest time and energy in what will yield a positive, “damn that was quick” ROI for your given situation.
The programs in this stack alone have been responsible for tens of millions in client results; and you’ll be in a position to quite literally 10x your monthly investment with a single email send off of a single template found inside a single program.
Yes, we’re aiming for a 10x ROI on about 1% of the material available to you.

And then the most lucrative “rinse and repeat” you’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing from a low-cost membership.
Here are all the premium programs you’ll be getting instant access to

as soon as you join:
Program #1

CTC Launches

(to master your launch and funnel sequences)
10X Launches is the first copywriting program fully engineered to speed up the execution and amplify your results of your emails no matter what kind of funnel or launch strategy you’re rolling out.
It’s built not only for best-in-class launch copywriters…
But for coaches, consultants, course creators, and ANYONE who stands to benefit from nailing down their launch and funnel copy faster and with more genuine impact.
2 “Core” Modules

That will initiate you into the “Coaching The Conversion™ method, and how to leverage a new, more empowering definition of “direct response” that opens up the floodgates to greater intimacy, empathy, and conversions.
5 “Launch” Modules

breaking down every single phase of your launch or funnel in full detail (including some you didn’t even know existed). You’ll learn exactly what’s at play during the Segmentation & Confirmation, Pre-Launch, Launch, Sales and Closing phases of your funnel and how to quickly craft the messaging that coaches your prospect into the final conversion in a powerful, non-sleazy way.
25+ Email Templates

None of that BS “plug’n’play” or “swipe and deploy” stuff that shoehorns your message into lifeless boxes that robs it of all life and power.
Instead, you’ll get FULL breakdowns and walkthroughs of the go-to templates I turn to over-and-over again in 6 and 7-figure launch campaigns.
Meaning, you get to craft your OWN high-converting launch emails in about 25 minutes flat and fire them into ConvertKit, ActiveCampaign (or wtv you’re using) while your coffee’s still hot.
And yea, folks kinda dug it…
“Ry’s templates convert like whoa!”

“10x Launches has helped me by providing a framework for every time I need to engage my prospects online. And the themeplates convert like whoa!”

“Your course is a game-changer”

“I just got 10x Launches, and I’m already blown away by the content. I’m running a launch for a client next month, and your course is a game-changer. Just wanted to say thanks, and keep doing what you’re doing!”

“I helped Teachable make 500k using this sequence”

“I 10xed my client’s investment (I helped Teachable make $500k using this sequence). I 10xed my hourly rate. I 10xed my available daylight hours. (Seriously, I now charge $500 per email and using Ry’s templates it now only takes me ~1 hour to write.)
So yeah. Don’t take this course. I don’t want my clients to know I’m not actually special at all.”

Program #2

CTC Sales Pages

(to master your long form sales page)
This is it.
It’s where the best paid copywriters, coaches and course marketers on the planet earn their keep.
It’s where the conversion either happens or it doesn’t. In cold hard numbers that don’t care how many Clif bars you stress-ate in the process.
It’s where the most admired online business owners transform interest, desire, and engagement and into what you actually want: Sales.
So what is “it”?
It’s your long-form sales page.
And the truth is… most copywriters and marketers avoid long-form sales pages like the plague… treating it like a close-talking lepper with coffee breath… instead of the 24/7 salesperson your sales page – that final step in your marketing funnel – should be.
So why do marketers (and even pro-level copywriters) avoid sales pages?

Because writing a long-form sales page is intimidating AF.
It’s the Night King of the Whitewalker army.
It’s the Beef Wellington on Hell’s Kitchen.
It’s the Lord Voldemort of your marketing funnel – aka the funnel asset that shall not be named.
A long-form sales page is where you’ll spend dozens of hours writing THOUSANDS of words that will either confirm your claim as a top player in your space…
Or will tell you with Gordon-Ramsay-esque candor that your marketing wasn’t as good as your business coach told you it was.
There’s real pressure in that.
But there’s even real-er payoff in being able to do it faster – and more profitably – than anyone else in your industry. A payoff that even affords you the right to make up words like real-er
Confronting, yep? Conquerable. Absolutely.
In CTC Sales Pages, you’ll go through the exact process I’ve used to write over twenty 6 and 7-figure sales pages for the likes of Amy Porterfield, Copyhackers, and many more.
And yea, folks kinda dug this one too…
“Priceless, inspiring and empowering”

“I’m on Track 2 of 10x Sales Pages. How you have blended the psychology, marketing, coaching, mentoring and passion into this training is so priceless, inspiring and empowering. Thank you for preparing this course. I practically get goosebumps as I think about the possibilities. Thank you.”
“Nothing compares to the transformation of my message as a result of this training”

“I used 10x Sales Pages to help me create a sales page and webinar for a program I’ve been offering for nearly 2 years.

I knew that the only thing keeping me from

reaching more people was how I was selling it.
10x Sales Pages Track 2 is absolutely phenomenal and I feel so empowered after spending the past week doing all the exercises and creating the sales page and the webinar. This Friday I am presenting the new material to over 100 people and even though I’ve presented the program to 1000s in the past, NOTHING compares to what just happened to the transformation of my message as a result of this training. Ry Schwartz – you ROCK! Even though I am not a copywriter, this has been life changing – so excited to see what happens next!”


“I’m not only using it with clients, but also for my own programs and products”

Having a proven process and understanding the psychology behind why we do certain things, everything from the introduction to the lead and the guarantee, plus all of these little sections that in the past were pretty easy to just skim over. But now I can come at them from a much more strategic place.
I followed their process so closely, to the point that if it didn’t convert, I’d question the offer, not the copy. I just love 10x Sales Pages. I’m so happy to have it as a resource.
I’m not only using it with clients but also for my own programs and products. Right now, I’m writing a sales page for my quiz program, and I’m definitely using everything that Ry teaches.”

Program #3 & #4

Six Figure Emails & Seven Figure Emails

(for even more email conversion badassery)
Welcome to the “Johnnie Walker Blue” of our email template series.
This is the premium blend for more advanced marketing palates.
All pulled straight from my highest-performing launches for industry titans like Amy Porterfield, Todd Herman, Traffic & Funnels, and Copyhackers.
What you’re getting are 13 advanced email templates that you can use in a pinch when you need to write a standalone sales email, a webinar invitation, a post-webinar replay, downsell, or flash sale.
To be clear, these aren’t those sketchy and lifeless “swipe and deploy” templates you may have seen swimming around the shadier parts of the online marketing cesspool.
These are loose, flexible templates that guide you through deep-dive masterclasses teaching you the advanced psychology behind each one.
Meaning, you actually understand WHY they work, and are fully empowered to engineer them to best serve your audience.
Program #5

Minimum Viable

Launch 2.0

(to quickly rock profitable and

lean email launches)
We’ve taken the single most impactful part of 10x Launches; the part that countless students have credited with producing game-changing ROI in record time…
And given it a fresh-for-2022 facelift.
Not only will you be getting access to a stack of NEW templates that we’ve added to the stack based on repeated tests and real-world results.
But we’ll be offering you the one-click automation uploads to bring the whole sequence straight into your ActiveCampaign to save you and your team about 5+ hours of heavy-duty integration time.
“Making me feel excited about launch”

“Watching it right now & it’s making me feel excited about all things launch copy/strategy again. Thank you.”
“It’s phenomenal”

“Thank you both so much for this! I’m going through MVF 2.0 this morning and it’s phenomenal – no surprise there!
Program #6

Application Funnel Amplifiers

(for creating powerful pre-call

enrollment experiences)
Fact: The enrollment experience begins the moment your prospect books a call.
If you mail it in for those 12-72 hours between when they book the call — and show up to it, you’re missing a golden opportunity to begin coaching the necessary transformations.
In this brand new program, you’ll learn how we to consciously engineering your entire application experience to pre-empt objections, create magnetism, and stack the odds in favor of having a successful enrollment conversation
You’ll get practical answers to:
When you should be transparent about your pricing BEFORE a sales call

How to strategically structure your application questions in a way that actually coaches your pre-customer into your program (yes, the questions are copy)

What to put on your booking confirmation page to create incredible momentum and a “point of no return” into your program

What tools and systems we use to create a seamless application and booking experience

Program #7

Next-Level Automation & Optimization Stack

(upcoming and ongoing automation tutorials)
As the CTC Membership evolves, our resident Wizard, Philip Powis will be actively adding a library of importable one-click automations (into ActiveCampaign), leveraged software playbooks, and a running list of the most advanced (and cost effective) tools and systems that he recommends for fast-scaling course and coaching businesses.
“Shifted the entire business in a huge, huge way.”

“Working with Phil, we’ve shifted the entire business in a huge, huge way. I started to work with Phil because I realized there were some things holding me back…he’s helping me to fulfill my mission in a way that is huge, reaching people in a powerful way, but is also incredibly authentic”.


Coaching The Conversion Circle By RY Schwartz

More reclusive than Salinger on a rainy day, Ry Schwartz has been deep in the trenches for dozens of 6- and 7-figure product launches and evergreen funnels.
He’s written for and/or consulted with top online entrepreneurs and trainers like Amy Porterfield, Todd Herman, London Real, Josh Shipp and Dan Martell just to name a few. And he’s done it all without writing a single line of “copy”.
Instead, he developed the Coaching The Conversion Method™ as a faster, more natural and intuitive framework for crafting launch and funnel copy that connects deeply with your prospects, and “coaches” them into being the perfect buyer.
Ry has used his signature CTC processes to generate a combined revenue of $75M+ for his partners and clients.
Raise your hand if you’ve spent more than 90 minutes in tech hell this month?
If so, how awesome would it be if you could get straight answers to (big or small) problems that have kept you stuck for longer than you’d like to admit?
Few things are more frustrating than mapping out (and writing copy for) a world-class funnel… only to see your automations misfiring and leaving your audience with a subpar or even brand-damaging experience.
On these clinics, Phil Powis will be in full wizard mode, dropping tech and system recommendations, solving the seemingly unsolvable, and getting your launches and funnels flowing with epic precision.

Coaching The Conversion Circle By RY Schwartz

Building his one-man consulting firm to north of 6 figures/month, Phil Powis has quietly become one of the most sought after marketing wizards in the online coaching and education space; partnering with the likes of K.C. Carter (This Epic Life), Jonathan Fields (Good Life Project) and Leo Babauta of Zen Habits.
As a marketing strategist and partner for 6 and 7-figure brands across industries ranging from healthcare,

e-commerce, and transformational coaching, he cares deeply about the work he undertakes with clients all on a mission to create positive impact in the world. Phil is committed to providing unwavering support to your incredible mission in the world.
“The copywriting genius behind five separate multi-million dollar sales pages for my digital course launches”

“Ry Schwartz has been my not-so-secret weapon for six years. He’s the copywriting genius behind five separate multi-million dollar sales pages for my digital course launches. In my early years, way before I could afford to hire Ry, I invested in learning how to craft my own copy. I knew that copy was the lifeblood of any business and when you know what to say and how to say it, you instantly connect with your audience. Copy creates connection and connection creates conversions. I learned that from Ry.”

“I helped Teachable make 500k using this sequence”

“I’ve worked with Ryan on numerous successful launches and

his ability to write email copy that gets someone to buy is second to none. You would be crazy not to grab anything

he puts out on the subject.”