
Robyn Benson – The Self-Care Solution For Radiant Health

Original price was: ₹89,100.00.Current price is: ₹8,134.00.



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Robyn Benson – The Self-Care Solution For Radiant Health
Over the 49 days of the program, Dr. Robyn will give you important secrets for rebooting your energy – so that you can have the kind of sustained, dynamic, powerful energy that makes life far more enjoyable.
She’ll address fascinating new areas, such as “electro-hygiene,” and share the latest research on how important it is to ground yourself through direct connection with the earth.
She’ll share how you can approach food from the standpoint of “voltage” – eating in a way that sustains your life-force.
You’ll also learn how to create a healthy and life-sustaining environment at a cellular level in your body, as well as clear any limiting beliefs you might have about your health.
The end result is a lifestyle that leaves you with more abundant energy and more radiant health.
The Self-Care Solution for Radiant Health program is perfect for you if you are facing challenges, such as the following:

Decreased energy during the day or after meals
Free-floating stress
Diminished brain function, poor memory or brain fog
Sleep difficulties
Low-level anxiety
Chronic weight issues (or can’t lose the final 5 or 10 lbs.)
Dissatisfaction with your body
Fear of getting cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc.
Decreased libido and sexual energy
Feeling burned out
Mild depression or overall sense of indifference to the joys of life

By learning Dr. Robyn’s holistic approach to self-care, you’ll develop daily habits that address the underlying cause of so many issues involving low energy. You’ll learn:

Secrets for maintaining clear, vibrant energy throughout the day – for work AND play
Techniques to lose weight and maintain your weight loss without yo-yo dieting
Keys to “electro-hygiene” and protecting your subtle energy fields from negative impacts
Ways to ground yourself with Earth frequencies
How to approach food from a standpoint of energy, thereby fueling yourself with more than just nutrients
The fundamentals of cellular health for creating a new baseline of vibrant wellbeing
How to make exercise more enjoyable and effective, without needing to go to the gym
Powerful ways to increase your libido and sexual energy
How to limit and neutralize the stress in your life with less effort
To recognize and shift HIDDEN blocks to feeling your best (they’re not what you think)
Successful approaches for slowing the aging process of your body
Effective ways to save money on health care
Health practices to prevent major diseases – and reduce your worries about them

In this 7-session transformational intensive, Dr. Robyn Benson will guide you to shift personal health habits that prevent you from thriving. You’ll emerge with a deep understanding of the ways you’ve limited your radiant health – and will move beyond them into a life of energy, vitality and pleasure.
Each training session will build harmoniously upon the next, so that you’ll develop a complete, holistic understanding of the practices, tools and principles you’ll need for your self-care to thrive.
You’ll also work with a customized self-care journal to keep you motivated and on track, as well as connect with an accountability partner (if desired) to empower you in ongoing shifts.


To lay the foundation for your self-care lifestyle, you’ll begin by uncovering the most important reason for your commitment to practice radical self-care. You’ll identify your “WHY” underneath your desire to thrive daily, as well as the ways you sabotage self-care and delay the fulfillment of your true calling in life. In this session, you will:

Review your core values, assess how you are living them, and set the stage for your 7-session program with a strategy in place
Connect with your true value, and identify what beliefs or patterns get in the way of your self-care
Learn what it means to “commit to the flip” when it comes to your self-care, and why 100% commitment is the key to success
Understand why now it’s more important to practice self-care than in any other time in history
Feel empowered to be your own self-care advocate, and thereby, avoid illness



Your true health care begins with the self-empowering health choices that you make each day. And, what you put into your body and your mind has the power to heal or destroy. In this class, you will discover the influence your thoughts and food choices have on each and every cell in your body – and find out how they can make up 80% of your self-care solution. You’ll learn how these choices can contribute to a ripple effect that greatly impacts each day of your life, as well as those around you. You’ll also discover the 80,000 medicinal herb/food choices and find out which ones you need to start using.This session, you will learn:

That you are as healthy as your 70 trillion cells (and the powerful role thoughts and food play in your cellular health)
How you can turn your kitchen into a tasty life-promoting “pharmacy”
How to choose the best physical and mental foods
How to detoxify your body safely and effectively (you may be surprised at what NOT to do)
How to have the mindset, energy, focus and stamina to live your life purpose and make your own brilliant impact
The power to revitalize and heal your body with green juicing and whole, organic foods



No one escapes trauma in life…but we don’t have to be victims of it. You can release your past, along with chronic illness and long-term unhealthy habits. You’ll discover essential self-care strategies to let go of what is no longer serving you – and learn ways to bring yourself back to wholeness, while connecting fully into your WHY and purpose (from Module 1). In this session, you will:

Experience renewed energy, more clarity and a focused mind as a result of identifying what is holding you back
Understand the power of resiliency, and learn how to cultivate this state
Discover how to transform a health crisis into a life-transforming opportunity
Understand how depression, anxiety and sleep difficulties are symptoms of deeper issues – and what you can do about them
Experience the part oxytocin can play in living with, and managing, chronic pain
Learn powerful practices to honor your body, mind and spirit through prayer and breath


It is common knowledge than 90% of all doctor visits are stress related (which is at the root of many diseases). However, you probably continue to live your life full-throttle, overwhelmed, breathless and out of balance. This class will be dedicated to helping you understand the incredible make-up of your nervous and hormonal systems, and learning how your self-care can bring balance between your “get up and go” side (yang/sympathetic nervous system) and your rest and digestive side (yin/parasympathetic nervous system). This is the key to a long life, with optimal health, that is free from depression, anxiety and accelerated aging! In this session, you will:

Learn several self-care strategies to reduce your stress immediately
Discover how chronically elevated levels of stress hormones, including cortisol, lead to accelerated aging – and what you can do about it
Understand the difference between moods, emotions and happiness
Learn about the best stress-defying herbs and foods on the market
Discover how hormones can be the cause, as well as the result, of stress and what you can do about it
Understand the critical role your adrenals play in your daily life


Did you know that you are an “energy being,” first and foremost – and that healthy energy sources “turn on” your biology and body chemistry? In order to thrive, you must reconnect to the earth’s health-promoting energetic frequencies daily. At this point in your self-care journey, we’ll be focusing on your own personal environment and connection to the earth and your surroundings – and how it is either supporting or sabotaging your health and wellbeing. In this grounding session, you will discover:

The secrets to health in our electronic world (which include being barefoot!)
What Dr. Robyn considers the most important “ah-ha!” moment in her 22 years of treating her patients – and how it will help you
Which electromagnetic devices in your home or workplace may be secretly making you ill – and how to heal from their effects.
How to be free from many hidden causes of fatigue, digestive disorders, anxiety, depression and insomnia
Your unique relationship with the earth and your personal ecosystem
How growing your own organic food contributes to health for us and our planet


In the second class, you learned how to heal your body using good foods and healthy thoughts. Now, we turn to your body’s ability to heal itself through movement and adequate hydration. You are designed for regular movement – and regular exercise, when done right, will ensure your healthy future. If you’re eating well and implementing other positive strategies, but still find yourself feeling tired and unmotivated, you’ll want to join this class to find out all of the fun and simple ways exercise can be integrated into your busy life. You’ll also discover a huge difference in the way you feel when you discover how to absorb water into your cells. In this session, you will learn:

Special ways to exercise that can transform your health and outlook in just 10 minutes a day – and get you beyond the “I don’t have time” mindset
All about yoga from a medical perspective – and its role in healing and strengthening the body
Why you’ve had minimal or no results even though you’ve been exercising for months – and how to break through the plateau
How to hydrate properly to turn on your cellular health and vitality
The role that structured water and water from natural springs can play in your health



In this session, you will have the opportunity to open your heart, breath and soul even more, as we explore the best ways to benefit from a meditation and mindfulness practice. In this class, you will learn about sustainable wellness by developing a life practice grounded in the cultivation of awareness. Life is a constant series of adjustments, so learning self-care mindfulness practices will help match your inner being with your outer doing – thus, cultivating a more fulfilling life. In this session, you will learn:

How a meditation and mindfulness self-care practice can add years to your life – and certainly life to your years
The power of effective breathing – how to use your breath to feel aligned and live consciously
The many ways to meditate – and choosing the right way for YOU
Minimal practices that will allow you begin meditating easily
How to implement daily positive rituals that bring you more happiness, prosperity and connection
Teachings from guest meditation master, Kevin Snow CHt, BA