
Cat Howell – FATC Membership 3 Niches

Original price was: ₹89,100.00.Current price is: ₹7,470.00.



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Cat Howell – FATC Membership 3 Niches
Get Mind Blowing Support And Build Up Your Expertise for Your FB Ad Campaigns.
…PLUS Hands On Experience, Comprehensive Training & Freelancer & Agency Listing!
Here’s a story that might sound familiar…
But what if you could…

Have access to handpicked EXPERTS across all niches: So that you can get their advice on setting up campaigns, optimizing, scaling and troubleshooting.
 Get hands on experience: So that you don’t have to feel like a fraud messing around in an account.
Develop your skills and expertise: So that you can crush campaigns and earn word of mouth referrals.
Tap into a framework: So that you can cut all the work in half by systematizing the set up and management of your clients campaigns?
 Increase the number of months clients stay with your business: So that you can spend time GROWING YOUR BUSINESS rather than scrambling to keep it afloat.
 Deliver exceptional results WITHOUT it needing to take you years of experience to become the expert.
 Make Money:  For clients and yourself.

THIS is my mission – to arm you with the unwavering confidence & skills to deliver on client expectations! 
FATC (Facebook™ Ads That Convert):  A monthly membership where you have access to HANDS ON SUPPORT (AKA your dream team) to help fix your ad campaigns.
PLUS comprehensive training and access to a replicable framework for setting up, launching, managing, and scaling your FB Ad campaigns and achieving positive ROA within a couple weeks.
I’ve spent the last three years building out this framework and it’s based off of hundreds of ad accounts I’ve personally worked on or helped troubleshoot.
The process is one we developed exclusively in the agency – it’s made up of three phases, and at the end of it you will come away with a campaign not only delivering you cheap leads and sales, but extremely high quality leads as well!
Which means one happy client!
Now Just Imagine…

 Knowing and being able to attract the most lucrative types of clients, and how to pitch for your services to land clients willing to pay your fees…
 Being able to onboard your clients with the right expectations (and how to see if their stuff will even work)…
 How to setup the campaign that will save you hours of time and budget, AND easy lead wins for your client…
No more having to rely on Facebook Support – unlock your own Dream Team and never stress about your client campaigns again!   
The membership is like unlocking your very own box of private consultants and world-class experts ready to lift up their sleeves and help fix & troubleshoot YOUR campaigns! And the best bit – it’ll cost you a FRACTION of what it would cost to lose a client or hire private consultants!  

6 Common Freelancer/Agency Pitfalls
pitfall #1:  
A membership costs too much
Considerthe cost of losing just one client.
Assuming you’re charging at least $1500/month for that client… (***which you absolutely should be!) The loss of that client will cost you at least $1500 while you scramble to find a replacement.
With that money you could have your very own dream support team for all your client campaigns for months!
How much more would you charge, how many more clients would you onboard, and how much more would your business thrive if you had unfaltering faith in you or your team’s ability to deliver on client expectations?
Bypass the heartache and stress and avoid costly campaign pitfalls, ensure maximum campaign ROA, and solve sticky situations in a fraction of the time by tapping into your very own Dream Team!
pitfall #2:  
I’m doing just fine myself
Don’t you want to be MORE than just ‘fine’?
With all the changes Facebook™ makes to the algorithm, what’s working with FB ads changes on a week to week basis.
And if you’ve ever spent any real time inside of ads manager, you know that Facebook™ doesn’t always behave the way that “it should”…
Doing ‘just fine’ will cost you clients!
Get inside a community to see what’s ACTUALLY working on a week to week basis.
With FATC you can get cutting edge insights from FB ad experts who are responsible for millions of dollars per year in ad spend.
The membership is like unlocking your very own box of private consultants and world-class experts ready to lift up their sleeves and help fix & troubleshoot YOUR campaigns!
pitfall #3:  
I will just pay for a consult 
And where to from there?
You’ll be left with a million and one unanswered questions and nothing tangible to move forward with.
Not to mention the cost of a consult which can range between $300/hr up to $1500/hr for a highly sought after expert.  Plus the money that gets wasted or clients that walk while you wait to get on that experts books.
Do you really think you can troubleshoot or optimize an entire campaign in just ONE hour??
Save those dollars for a week on the beach.  Tap into experts at your fingertips right when you need them!
pitfall #4:  
There are plenty of free online courses out there… 
Wading through numerous blog posts and free online webinars is not only frustrating but time-consuming! Time is precious and it’ll cost you. Don’t spend your days, weeks, life searching for the right pieces to the puzzle.
Besides, those having success with FB ads are constantly testing, optimizing and troubleshooting.
This is not something you can learn from an online course or a YouTube video.  There’s actually a systemized process AKA FRAMEWORK that will guide you through these steps.
This framework is key and only available inside FATC.  Don’t waste your time and life searching.  Get access and move forward!
pitfall #5:  
I’ve already spent money on other programs…
Well if you are reading through this my guess is that program didn’t quite work!
Which is all too common these days.  Managing FB ads is a very dynamic process.  It’s not about setting up one ad campaign then making millions.
And although you get access to step by step training in FATC, it’s really the hands on support that is helping 100’s of other FB marketers succeed.  By NOT tapping into that support, you will continue to fear taking on new clients.  And you will continue to loose clients because they are not getting the results they want.  That right there is money LOST!
pitfall #6:  
I just need one more client…
Ah yes just one more client and then syndrome.
You wouldn’t go out and buy all new furniture for your house before it’s built would you?  Then why would you go out and try to land a bunch of new clients before you had a foundation and support in place?
Look one more client is not going to change your life…yet.  And even if you did get that next client, how long before they leave?  Or worse ask for a refund because they feel taken advantage of.
Best to learn the framework and have support in place first.  Then wow your clients and get lots more!
So What’s Actually Inside 
Request live support and get a FATC team member to  help with your campaigns

Weekly live calls for support
Get support around ROA, scaling, audiences, tracking, funnels, DPAs, etc.

 Private Facebook Support Group

Hands on support inside a private FB group
Hand picked experts at your fingertips
 Peer group feedback

Getting Prepped To Run Ads 
Like A Boss!

 How to make your funnels compliant (including GDPR)
Thinking like the algorithm
 Estimating Results
 Audience Mapping
 Tools used
 Industry Stats and more!

How to set up, manage and optimize campaigns

 Prepping the account
Minimum viable funnel
 Rapid Fire Testing
 BOF retargeting

Step by step standard operating procedures for campaigns

How to calculate results
Mapping out your funnel
 Setting up naming conventions
 How to setup reporting columns
How to setup BOF
 How to setup retargeting and more!

Use my money to gain real-world campaign experience 
(and case studies!) 

Gain experience working on live campaigns
Each month 12 students will be selected to work with 6 businesses
 One month of supported hands on campaign management
 Opportunity to “pitch” on going services

Get in the Top 1% of FB Ad Experts! 

Hit targets and benchmarks and we’ll certify you as being one of the top 1% of FB Ad specialists!
 NEVER worry about where the next lead or client is coming from again!
 **A six month membership is required to unlock the certification

Land new Clients!

 Get listed on an Exclusive Freelancer Database
 NEVER worry about where the next lead or client is coming from again!
 **A six month membership is required to unlock database
Get EVERYTHING you need to deliver 
on client expectations!
You’ll get the full Framework, SOP’s, step-by-step instructions, live coaching calls, and the most support you’ve ever received in any course or membership program.
LIMITED MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE  If memberships are all taken you will be redirected to a waitlist page. If we feel you are a good fit for the program we will be in touch within 30 days.
The Framework – valued $493
Weekly Dream Team Support Call – valued $497
Private Facebook Support Group – valued $99
Campaign SOP – valued $2997
FATC Certified – valued  $1997 
Live Campaign Experience – Priceless

How It Works
Step 1:
Choose Your Niche.
If interested in ecommerce, online physical goods, then
If interested in local services lead generation, then
If interested in coaches and online programs, then
Step 2:
Join FATC Membership
Step 3:
Fill out welcome form
Step 4:
Get access to training
Step 5:
Join private FB group
Step 6:
Hop on coaching calls
Step 7:
Change your life!
BONUS #1 [valued $497]
1 x additional support call/wk

Can’t make one of the weekly Dream Team support calls? No worries – you’ll have two opportunities each week with an additional support call!
BONUS #2 [valued $1,297]
Agency  Lead Gen Funnel
Get leads and clients on TAP using the very same funnel that generated us over $197,000 in new business!
BONUS #3 [valued $47]
Facebook Ads Calculator

Download and access the calculator to determine how much ad spend clients will need to dedicate to achieve targets. This little puppy is also a gem to bring into your sales calls with you and will help you close deals!
Which FATC Is Right For Me?

 You have clients selling online physical goods
 You are running ads to an online storefront like Shopify, Woo Commerce, 3DCart, BigCommerce or similar
 You have a client dropshipping
 You are generating sales through a funnel selling a physical product
 You are generating sales for subscription boxes


 You are generating leads for a local business
 You are working with a Chiropractor, Dentist, Realtor, Mortgage Broker, Gym, Plastic Surgeon or similar
 You are generating new customers for a restaurant, spa, hotel, car dealership and the like


 You are working with an online coach or consultant selling a high ticket program
 You are working with a client selling a digital product
 You are list building for a client who is launching a program or digital product
 You are generating new members for a continuity program

Private Facebook Support Group

Hands on support inside a private FB group
Hand picked experts at your fingertips
 Peer group feedback