
Hemonx – The Master Series Course – Forging The Next Generation of Marketers

Original price was: ₹29,100.00.Current price is: ₹3,652.00.



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Hemonx – The Master Series Course – Forging The Next Generation of Marketers
For Anyone Looking To FINALLY Gain Control Of Their Paid Advertising Efforts…

“Two 9-Figure Advertisers Reveal Their “Playbook” For Running Ads In The “New Era” – With Clarity, Confidence, Control & Most Importantly… Profit”

Increase Your Ad Profitability, Get Utmost Control Within Your Account, LAP your Competition, And Possibly Even…Break Your Business…
What is The Master Series?

The Master Series is the sum knowledge of two “OG” Advertisers with a combined 27 years of experience managing ads, and $30M+ in ad spend managed in the last 12 months alone – showing YOU how to run ads with strategies and methods that are working TODAY, in the “New Era” – with clarity, confidence, precision and control – delivered via a 7 hour video course.
We achieve this by throwing ALL the hacks, tips, tricks and treats OUT the window – and showing you the CORE fundamentals of what TRULY makes advertising work, by diving deep into conversion psychology, copywriting principles, conversion rate optimization AND our “Decentralized Account Structure & Scaling System” so that you’re never at the mercy of algorithms bumps, platform changes, privacy updates or ANY inconvenience that DESTROYS most advertisers chances of winning.
To be blunt? If you or someone on your team is running paid traffic right now on Facebook and it feels like a rollercoaster… then this is the solution you’ve been looking for, at a price that’s just a downright steal.
“I can tell you personally, Ashton is a genius.”

Dan Henry | CEO of
Your Masters Instructors
Ashton Shanks

Ashton Shanks, AKA “The Savage Media Buyer” has grown and scaled his agency to managing $30M+ in the last 12 months alone across Facebook, Google, YouTube, Snapchat and TikTok for brands you see on your newsfeed every single day. Ashton could be described as “The Lineal Heavyweight Champ” in the world of paid traffic – on his rise to Director of Advertising at Traffic & Funnels, he become known as “the man who beat the man” – going head to head with the kings of paid traffic and taking them down one at a time. Ashton is the CEO of Hemon Media – a paid advertising agency managing north of 7-Figures every month and the CEO of HemonX – his flagship media buying training and recruitment program.
Jonathan Greene

Jonathan Greene is a media buying “OG.” He’s been running facebook ads since “Beacon.” IYKYK. In his career, he’s spent over $50M in ads across Facebook, Google, YouTube, TikTok, and more. He is the Head Instructor of HemonX, responsible for training up the next generation of media buying savages. He’s written three books, managed media for hundreds of brands, and is responsible for developing the “direct response conversion heuristic,” which is a systematic approach to improving any conversion activity.
This Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, Completely Unlike Anything You’ve Ever Heard of Before

This Is Old-School, Tried & Tested Advertising & Marketing Principles, Twisted, Warped & Repackaged For Running Ads In The “New Era”
Dear Future Master Series Owner

From: The laptop of Ashton Shanks

CEO Of The Hemon Media Group & HemonX

Re: Running Ads in the “New Era” (and why this is your only way out)

Let me ask you a question…
The Foundational Tactics, Principles, Strategies & methods Of Two Of The Worlds Highest Regarded & Most Well-Respected Media Buyers.
What would that equal?
Higher ROAS?
Better Profit?
4,578X Returns?
Scaling to the MooOnN?
But let’s be real for a sec – I’m sure you’re sick to the back teeth of hearing claims like that.
So let’s skip those.
I can’t promise you a single thing anyway – UNLESS you take what I’m about to show you and actually implement it.
Agreed? Gucci.
Now, let’s roll…
So, what am I about to show you?
You’re about to get a…
A Peek Behind The Curtain.
A peek behind the curtain to reveal…

…Strategies, tactics and methods that are working right now – in the “New Era” of online marketing & advertising.
A peek behind the curtain to reveal…
…The “psyche” of TWO media buyers who’ve spent $30M+ on ads in the last 12 months alone.
A peek behind the curtain to reveal…
…the knowledge and insight that comes from spending into the realm of 9-figures on paid traffic.
A peek behind the curtain to reveal…
…what it’s like to run traffic for companies like… ClickFunnels(.)com, Jay Shetty, WarriorBabe, LadyBoss, Steel Supplements, Traffic & Funnels, Dan Henry, Google, Dell, Ryan Stewman, Clients & Community and many, many more 7, 8 & 9-Figure brands.
A peak behind the curtain to reveal…
The CORE Principles We’ve Used To Train 203+ Media Buyers To Date…

Turning them into downright savages, that…
…don’t have to worry about iOS14, privacy changes, algo bumps or platform updates.
…think waaayyy beyond media buying – and actually think like full-stack sophisticated marketers.
…are totally fluent in conversion psychology, copywriting and conversion rate optimization.
…run ads with confidence, clarity, control and most importantly… profit.
…cut CPA’s in half just for fun.
…that never worry about “bad lead quality.’
Folk that were once “stuck” in the matrix – that can now SEE the matrix.
Just Like Ruud, Who Used The Principles In The Master Series A Few Months Ago And Soon After Improved The MER For One Client From 2.85 To 3.25…
And even though getting a 3.25 MER is great, that’s not the best part…
The best part is learning new tips and tricks like shutting off ads on historically bad days to save spend.
That’s right, as a result of this new knowledge monthly ad spend has already jumped to $60K.
And Ruud isn’t the only one either…
And you can BET…
What we teach The Master Series in is unlike any methodology you heard of before…
…This is something completely different, because…
…We don’t focus on “tickling the pixel”
​ …We don’t focus on “HaCking the algorithm”
​ …We don’t focus on “strategies that live young and die fast”
Instead We Focus On MARKETING FIRST… Media Buying Second…

Here’s why:
There are two types of “media buyers” out there.
There are “just” media buyers – the folk who know the ads manager like the back of their hand.
They stay there. They exist there. And they rarely look behind the ads manager.
And then there is the “Savage Marketers” who know how to run ads.
These are the guys/gals armed to the teeth with an extraordinarily high marketing IQ and the ability to pull any and all levers across the board, to increase returns and stability.
They think and see through the lens of a marketer. Not just a media buyer.
And they know that great advertising comes from an unparalleled understanding of consumer psychology.

But the first group? The “just” media buyers?
Their strategy is pressing buttons to solve problems…
And by focusing on this strategy – they spend a ton of time on..
…Endlessly testing new creatives…

…Endlessly testing new hooks, angles & copy…

…Endlessly testing new “hacks,” “tricks” & “treats”…

…Endlessly trying the new “shiny object” being talked about on Facebook…
All of this requires time and energy.
The solution?
The Marketing First Mentality…

That’s right…
I said it, we approach media buying with a Marketing First Mentality… …
…Because that’s how you “win” and avoid going through endless cycles of throwing spaghetti at the wall – hoping and praying something sticks before it’s too late.
No thanks. I did that before and it sucks.
So here’s the deal…
…I explain everything inThe Master Series , it’s a 7 hour course that shows you everything you need to know about advertising in the “New Era”
So Here’s The $30M+ Idea Behind The Master Series
Right now, as you’re reading this very page…
There’s a lot of activity happening in the world of online advertising.
To be quite honest, it’s an absolute…
…Algo bumps.
…Rising Ad Costs.
…Forever increasing competition on platforms.
And all this is causing utmost chaos for MOST business owners, marketers, advertisers and media buyers.
Although we currently have “solutions” for those people at a much higher level – we knew we needed to get an affordable solution out there to help calm the storm.
And thus we decided to do The Master Series.
To SHARE the high-level principles and strategies that we’re currently using – and that some of worlds largest and most well respected brands, rely on us for.
And You Know What? I’ll Stake My Entire Reputation On This One Promise
You can get better returns, better consistency and significantly more profit.
And once you start using everything you’re about to learn in The Master Series…
Feeling in “control” of your advertising efforts isn’t something you ever need to worry about again – or even think about.
Here’s what I want you to do now: set your calendar right now – set it to 4 weeks from this very day.
Because If you implement everything I’m going to share with you in the The Master Series
That’s when you’ll start seeing your first more control, more confidence, more clarity and most importantly… more profit from your paid advertising.
Here’s The Exact 5 “Secrets” Revealed In The Master Series For Running Ads In The “New Era”

Episode 1 – Developing The Mindset Of A World-Class Marketer
Episode 2 – How To Crush Even The Biggest, Most Fearsome Competitors In Your Market
Episode 3 – The 3 Most Important Cash Generating Letters You Must Know
Episode 4 – How To Decentralize Your Ad Accounts For Maximum Scale & Control (Without EVER Fearing Algorithm or Platform Changes)
Episode 5 – Statistics & Test Construct For Split-Testing In Conversion Marketing

Those are the 5 elements you MUST master if you want to run ads with clarity, confidence, precision AND control.
All of this is revealed over the course of FIVE episodes (7 hours) within The Master Series.
Would you like MORE juicy details on what you’ll discover inside?
Here. You. Go…
Here’s What Else You’re Going To Discover In The Master Series

Mastering The 3 MOST Common Traits That The Most Uncommon Marketers Possess
How To Conduct Customer Research On “God-Mode” And Gain Unparalleled Insight Into Your Ideal Customer’s Psyche (And Our Top Tools To GAIN This Insight As Fast As Humanly Possible)
The Singular Most Common Reason That 94.6% Of Advertising Campaigns Fail To Perform & How To Make Sure You Strike Gold, First Time, Every Time.
A Little Known Secret That Allows You To “Flip On Your Creative Switch” And Bang Out The Most Creative Ads (Even If You’d Describe Yourself As The Polar Opposite Of Creative)
How To “Biohack” Your Brain Into Creating The Sharpest, Most Compelling Ads Known To Mankind
How To Stalk Your Competitors And Create Ads So Good (And So Much Better Than Theirs) That They’ll Furiously Despise You Forever
How To Take Your Research And Turn It Into The ONE Thing That Your Ad Campaigns Will Live And Die By (Hint: It’s What The World’s TOP Ad Men/Women Are Paid Handsomely For)
How To Peel Apart Your Ideal Customer’s Brain And Articulate Your Message In A Way That Appeals To Their Most Primal Instincts
3 Ways To Create A “MOAT” Around Your Business And Ensure Your Competitors Can’t Even Get Within Arm’s Reach Of Your Ideal Customers
How To Rack & Stack Your Ideal Customer’s Pain Points And Using Our Proprietary “Hook Generator” – Turn Them Into “Grab-Em-By-The-Throat” Marketing Hooks
How To Leverage Our Timeless & Universal Conversion Heuristic To Analyze Every Single Piece Of Conversion Material – Ads, Emails, Sales Pages & Landing Pages [M = (V-C)A]
Using Our Conversion Heuristic – Become An Absolute Wizard At Identifying The Biggest And Easiest Lever To Pull On ANY Ad, Email, Landing Page, Or Sales Page, To Elevate Conversions
3 Heuristic Breakdowns Of Our Top Highest Converting Ads Of All Time (Based On $150M+ In Adspend)
Two Universal And Time-Tested Principles From “The GodFather Of Advertising” Twisted & Refined For The Modern Advertiser To Instantly Enhance The Appeal Of YOUR Products And/Or Services
Discover The THREE Different Types Of “Costs” Associated With Marketing Your Products/Services In The Eyes Of The Consumer (And How To Minimize Them To Make BUYING… Effortless)
Discover How The Old Way Of Media Buying (Still Used By 97%+ Of Media Buyers) Is The REAL Reason Why You Can’t Get Consistent & Predictable Returns
Discover Our “Marketer-First” Approach To Media Buying That Will Bring Total Clarity & Stability To ANY Ad Account With Extremely Efficient Data Flow And Optimization
You’ll Discover How We Use Simple “Decision Enhancers” Pre-Built Into Our Ad Accounts To Bring Total Clarity And Show You Exactly What The Highest Leverage Point Is To Improve Performance
Discover Our “3-Phase Account Structure” That Is Slowly Becoming The Gold Standard For Media Buying (And Is Currently Used By “The Big Boys” In The World Of Paid Traffic)
How To Conduct Split Tests Effectively To Enhance Conversions (Based On 3042+ Split Tests)
You’ll Discover How 97.1%+ Of Marketers Are Carrying Out Split-Testing Incorrectly And How It’s Costing Them THOUSANDS Of Dollars Due To False Conclusions
You’ll Discover The Sole Purpose Of Split Tests In A Conversion Marketing Environment (And It’s Not Necessarily Increasing Conversions)
Our Two Simplest & Most Effective Tools For Conducting Fast And Efficient Analysis On Your Split Tests
How To Eliminate The Two Major Error Types Within Split Testing That Result In Significant Wasted Time & Money

If running & scaling ads with confidence, clarity, precision, control and profit is what you seek, this is the ultimate guide on how to get it.
Plus I’m Going To Give You Our Empathy Map & Hook Generator Template
With our Empathy Map & Hook Generator Template you’ll be able to effortlessly craft winning ads first time… every time.
This template will help you get into the deepest realms of your ideal customer’s psyche – rate their pain points – and craft hooks that give them no choice but to stop, read, and CLICK your ads.
And Before You Download The Master Series …I Want You To Know That There’s No Catch!
You’re Also Getting Decentralized Account & Scaling Structures Cheat Sheet
You’re about to unpack A LOT within the Master Series – and one of the juiciest being…
Our Decentralized Account & Scaling Structures.
You will learn how to essentially remove ALL the volatility that comes with paid advertising by turning your ad account into… a machine.
And that machine has quite a lot of critical components.
So within this “cheatsheet,” you will be able to see at a glance how to set up and structure an ENTIRE ad account – with our 3 Phase System.
…what campaign structures to use.
…testing time periods.
…budget breakdowns.
…creative testing formulas.
…targeting options.
It’s all in their in a handy, dandy, pretty PDF.
Also yours… free.
Here’s What’s Included In The Master Series…

The Singular Most Common Reason That 94.6% Of Advertising Campaigns Fail To Perform & How To Make Sure You Strike Gold, First Time, Every Time.
How To Peel Apart Your Ideal Customer’s Brain And Articulate Your Message In A Way That Appeals To Their Most Primal Instincts
How To Leverage Our Timeless & Universal Conversion Heuristic To Analyze Every Single Piece Of Conversion Material – Ads, Emails, Sales Pages & Landing Pages [M = (V-C)A]
Discover Our “3-Phase Account Structure” That Is Slowly Becoming The Gold Standard For Media Buying (And Is Currently Used By “The Big Boys” In The World Of Paid Traffic)
3 Heuristic Breakdowns Of Our Top Highest Converting Ads Of All Time (Based On $150M+ In Adspend)

Included Bonuses
Empathy Map & Hook Generator Template 

With our Empathy Map & Hook Generator Template you’ll be able to effortlessly craft winning ads first time… every time.
This template will help you get into the deepest realms of your ideal customer’s psyche – rate their pain points – and craft hooks that give them no choice but to stop, read, and CLICK your ads.
Decentralized Account & Scaling Structures Cheat Sheet

You will learn how to essentially remove ALL the volatility that comes with paid advertising by turning your ad account into… a machine.
And that machine has quite a lot of critical components.
So within this “cheatsheet,” you will be able to see at a glance how to set up and structure an ENTIRE ad account – with our 3 Phase System.