
Growth Strategist – The Growth Bundle

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Growth Strategist – The Growth Bundle


Access 50+ Growth Notes and Templates to Streamline Your Online Growth as a Solopreneur, Coach, Consultant or Service Provider… Without Spending Thousands of Dollars.
Get Instant Access to the Following Resources Today…

As a digital marketer, coach, and solopreneur of 13 years, I’ve curated $5000+ worth of my resources to help you streamline your business with the same strategies, tactics, swipefiles and templates used by the best brands online… at a fraction of the cost!
Reduce FOMO of wondering what’s in those expensive courses and masterminds. Filter our the noise and fake guru fads. Level up on the latest strategies in online marketing. Save time. Save money. Increase confidence, credibility and clarity.
These resources make it easy for fellow marketers and entrepreneurs to finish projects fast and with results. These are actionable playbooks, strategies and resources to put your marketing and productivity to the next level.
The Resources…
Create a High Ticket Coaching Course – Growth Notes

We have simplified the key strategies and tactics that marketers and entrepreneurs use to create a high ticket product to sell their knowledge. Allowing you to access the methods to create and structure your own high ticket coaching course… without buying a high ticket coaching course.
This is the holy grail of online income for many people. It’s the one that allows you to package up your passion, knowledge, and experience to make an impact on the world, and scale to 6-7 figures in revenue each month. It’s the one that allows you escape the 9-5 (as they say), to stop selling time for money, and to free up time to live life. It’s how most online entrepreneurs make money.
So, If you want to build a high ticket offer, if you want to see how all the ‘Gurus’ are building their businesses, and what they are trying to sell you… these are the steps to take.
And, they are in note form. No need to spend thousands of dollars and sit through 10 hours worth of video. Just the information you need to quickly get started to create a new income stream.

Email Marketing Mastermind: Growth Notes

Email marketing generates on average 3800% ROI. That’s $38 return for every $1 you invest. It’s the highest ROI of any marketing channel. More than FB ads, Social, SEO etc. It automates sales and creates massive scale… but only if done correctly.
These growth notes give you the inside ‘secrets’ of email marketing that are shared across high ticket courses and masterminds. We also use these tactics to generate millions of dollars in revenue for our clients though email campaigns.
So, if you want to start generating more income for your business, and you don’t want to spend thousands of dollars on an email course, this mastermind level strategy gives you a step by step system to succeed.
From the types of emails to send; campaigns to set up; campaign structure; the secrets to writing email copy; subject lines; optimising opens and clicks; to getting sales… the tactics and supporting templates will empower you to create high performing email campaigns to increase revenues and grow your business in a matter of days no matter how big your list is.

Copywriting Mastermind:

Growth Notes

The proven online and offline copywriting secrets to writing copy that grabs attention, sets you apart, and sells. Split over 3 key phases of: Copywriting Product & Market Secrets, Copywriting Structure & Frameworks, and Copywriting Application. You’ll access:
– Step by step system to create 7 figure sales copy that converts

– How to use art of copywriting to connect with your customers

– The science and frameworks to create copy for any marketing channel!

– The methodology to stand out in a crowded, noisy world

– The philosophy behind world-class copywriting

– The key elements to include in copywriting to persuade your customers to buy!

– Proven templates to create copy fast!

– Proven formulas that improve conversion rates!

– How to write sales pages, ads, emails, and everything in between

– And much more!
A must have resource for any marketer and entrepreneur who wants to set themselves apart from every other marketer by creating world class copy.

E-commerce Mastermind Growth Notes

After scaling an E-commerce brand from $150k to $500k per month 6 months in 2021 and taking another store from £2-5million in rev in 18 months.. we compiled the strategies we used into Growth Notes so you can implement the steps to launch or scale your own store.
Paying a marketer or fractional CMO to develop an e-commerce strategy for you is expensive, and so are the masterminds and $1000+ courses that offer the insider tactics… So we’ve created the key Growth Notes if you want to the information without a 10 hour video course. Condensed into digestible, actionable, affordable notes, you can start and scale your store using the shared methods… without paying the high price, and without listening hours worth of content.
This isn’t for ‘dropshippers’ looking to get rich quick, these are industry known tactics used to run and operate multi-million dollar e-commerce stores.

The Growth Strategy

We have taken the frameworks, processes, hacks and ‘secrets’, the templates, tools and resources that are shared throughout the ‘inner circles’ of the leading marketers and brands in the world… we’ve put it in one place for easy access and easy action.
From start to finish we’ll give you the flow of a Growth Strategy, from Branding and Business Intelligence frameworks, to Facebook, Sales Funnels, and Content strategies. We cover the main facets of growth marketing you need to have covered.
We sell customised versions of this strategy to clients for thousands of dollars. Now, we’ve compiled the steps for you to take and apply yourself without spending thousands of dollars. See below for contents…
Inside the Growth Strategy…
Facebook Ad Strategy
What do the worlds biggest spenders on Facebook do to generate results? What are the inside secrets?

​​Advanced tactics taken from the worlds leading FB agencies managing $5m+ per month budgets
​Insider campaign structure, tactics, & templates to set up and scale
​Ad creation swipe files & templates to capture attention and to reduce CPAs

Sales Funnels
You know what Sales Funnels are, here’s how we summarise the information to clients and managers to get them to invest…

Swipe the framework we use to demonstrate to clients & CEO’s how they need to grow… and how you’ll help them do it
Swipe files, hacks, and maps in one place
​Checklists and resources to build out funnels for clients fast

Email Marketing
Email is not dead. Streamline your process of setting up email campaigns and remove the guesswork…

Examples and swipe files that have made businesses and brands millions of dollars
​Insert your own information, edit where necessary… generate sales on autopilot
​Save hundreds of dollars in copywriters and set up fees

Paid Traffic
It’s not all just Facebook and Instagram. There are big opportunities for growth and scale across other paid platforms…

The other paid traffic channels to capture targeting leads and Sales
​The YouTube strategy to lock in clients and managers into new campaigns
​Using Linkedin, Adwords, and Retargeting to complete the funnel

The Content Strategy
How to build a content ready brand. The tactics, the strategies, the tools to capture attention in today’s online world…

​Content Creation System that is generating brands and businesses millions of views and followers
​Position your client or business for long term, exponential growth
​Examples action points, ideas, and scripts for multiple content platforms

Social Media
Mastering social media to grow your following and build a community. Imitate the best practitioners in the industry…

The distribution model to create and manage your social campaigns to amplify content across all channels
Strategy, action points and resources for clear execution
​Easy to digest structure to demonstrate to clients the need for social media management services

Conversion Rate Optimisation
Are landing pages converting? Is the checkout process optimised? What can we do to improve?

The fastest, cheapest way to increase sales without spending more money
​Get quick wins for your clients to build trust and credibility
​Checklists, hacks, and CRO best practices to massively increase conversions and profits

Build the Brand
The most successful brands all spend a lot of time (and money) on building and sharing their core story…

Cut out the expensive branding consultants and create your own foundation of growth
​Access the insider framework to create and clarify your own story that will take a business to new levels
​Generate months and years of sales content that you can share with your customers in multiple forms!

Business Intelligence
Most businesses miss this out, but these steps are crucial in shaping your whole Growth Strategy…

​The formula to create a vision and purpose to attract, motivate and inspire customers, staff and investors​
Skip the high consulting fees to go through the same process (or charge the high consulting fees to your clients)
Intelligence exercises to asses clients current financials and goals, with tools, and metrics to position them for growth

Competitive Intelligence
Why spend thousands of dollars and years of testing when competitors have already done the heavy lifting and spending?

​Reverse-engineering competitors business models and strategies to build opportunities for your client
​Go behind the scenes of their advertising campaigns, sales funnels, landing pages and emails
​Ethically steal competitors traffic and their customers

Your Customers
The difference between good businesses and world-class businesses with high conversion rates starts here

The short process to build out a hyper targeted customer profile
​How to use this simple exercise to fuel your product & content marketing strategy
​Get the psychological questions to hack sales and growth

Analytics & Reporting
Are the right metrics being tracked to give insights to develop your product and service, to optimize marketing campaigns?

​The metrics we track to ensure clients and growth campaigns are data driven
How we automate the reporting process to save hours of time each week
Swipe the tools and resources used to make sure your marketing campaigns are tracked correctly

Automation & Scaling
Can you do it all yourself? Want to free up time? Want to build a specialist team? A remote team?
We’ll share the fundamentals to scaling a business to new levels to go to $1million, $10million and even $100million in revenue.
Growth Hacks
In addition to the Growth Strategy, we’ll share with you additional Growth Hacks and how to spot those opportunities.
We’ll provide case studies, tests, and ideas. and also expel growth hacking myths.

Get clients and managers/CEO’s excited.
Get the overview/summary of the growth strategy so you can use as a quick reference and checklist to start executing on
Remove analysis paralysis, remove indecision and confusion… make progress…

get results.

It’s very difficult to sell in the noisy world we live in. Conversion rates are decreasing, but video is the saving grace if done well. Here, classic sales copywriting principals and frameworks are integrated with digital video to create a high converting Video Sales Letter that will consistently increase sales and lead conversions…

Use the proven 12 step formula to quickly develop video sales letter scripts
​Constructed by psychological triggers, time-stamps, themes, and cues…
Control customers attention to deliver the right words at the right time
​Sell or deliver to your client and simply enter in their copy to boost sales!
​An invaluable tool to save time and money, and to increase earnings and conversions


Online growth is hugely dependent on how we sell the products and services. Having the sales pages designed and built is just the first part… now we convert the customers with a persuasive sales page. You’ll access…

The principles and structure from the best sales copywriters in the industry
​The framework to build out your clients or your own businesses sales pages fast
​Easily create strong, high converting sales pages for customers and clients
​Save money on expensive copywriters
​Increase conversions and sales!

Grow Your LinkedIn Following

Get the step by step system to optimize your profile, create content, and grow your brand on LinkedIn to increase customers.
Automate Processes & Systems

Get the frameworks required to spend more time working ‘on’ the business instead of ‘in’ the business with the scale & automate playbook.
Social Media Mastermind

The latest strategies for the most popular social platforms that will help you set up and manage campaigns to drive organic traffic and sales
Paid Media Mastermind

Creating, managing, and optimizing paid media campaigns across multiple channels to scale your revenue channels.
Hey, It’s Luke, Founder of… let me give you a little background on how I got here…
Over the last 14 years, I’ve launched, invested in, and worked with a number of startups, SME’s, and large corporations across tech, media, health, and sports industries.
My first startup in football/soccer media funded my trip around the world when I was 23. My second led me to San Francisco which resulted in consultancy roles for eBay on their first foray into influencer marketing…
I then went into freelance consulting where I’ve worked with leading agencies who boast clients that include Adidas, Wrangler, Levi’s, & Spotify… Now, I work with athletes and businesses including 2x NBA MVP Steve Nash and multiple online businesses in different industries.
I work from my Laptop, either from Los Angeles that is currently home, or while I’m traveling the world with my wife… all while using my experience, knowledge, and passion to help people creatively grow their brands and business.

My goal is to make the information that is often hidden behind expensive courses and mastermind groups, more accessible. Without the hype of it being ‘magic’ and without the over promise of it making you rich without having to do anything.
The Problems…
If you are anything like me, and every other genuine digital marketer, entrepreneur and business owner out there, you’ll likely relate to these thoughts, questions and pain points while you build or work with an online business or client at any level, from startup to million dollar company…

“Sales funnels – I need to build one fast… How shall we optimise for conversions? Which landing page type should I use? Which software? What’s the best way to build it?”
“Video ads need to be created – What’s the best script to use? What’s the best structure? The best format? Where and how should we promote it?”
​”What is everyone else doing? What are all the Marketing experts advising?
​”We don’t have time! We don’t have the budget!”

You get it!
As marketers, we always need to be on the look out for the latest info, tools and resources so we can perform well. And so we can manage our time efficiently.
I’m personally an ‘idealist’ by nature too, so I’m always looking for the best way to do things. The most effective, efficient way. I hate wasting time. I hate wasting money. I want to do what works and I want to do it fast.
The Solution
I decided to gather all of the strategies & tools that provided the solutions to the common problems above. I put them in one place to streamline my workflow, to make my life easier as a marketer and coach, to give myself and clients direction, to save us time, save us money, and ultimately make us more money.
I use the resources to make millions of dollars in revenue for my clients, one of which I’ve recently taken from $3-$5 million revenue on a part-time, remote basis, in just over 12 months, before leading them to a 7 figure acquisition.
And I run my own coaching business and my wifes coaching business too… all while we we raise our amazing daughter!
Now I’m sharing everything I use so you can swipe it all.
Here’s a reminder of what’s included:

High Ticket Course Creation Growth Notes 
​6 Figure Coaching & Consulting Systems Video Workshop 
​​Copywriting Mastermind Growth Notes 
​Email Marketing Mastermind Growth Notes
​The Growth Strategy 
​​Video Sales Letter Script / Template 
​Sales Page Copywriting Template
​YouTube Video Ad Template and Script 
​Email templates and scripts 
​Branding & Business Intelligence Frameworks 
​​Social, Content, Paid, Sales Funnel, CRO Strategies
​​And more

These resources will add significant value to your services as a soloprenuer, coach or service provider. Use them to win clients, retain clients, manage effective campaigns and grow online businesses efficiently, without spending thousands of dollars on the same information elsewhere.
I’m excited to share them with you.