
Digital Marketer Lab – All Access Bundle 2020

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Digital Marketer Lab – All Access Bundle 2020
Today’s Marketers Have To Be More Agile Than Ever Before.
Before reading any further, there are 2 terms you should know…
Generalists: those who can do a little bit of everything. (I.e. your typical “Jack of all trades, master of none.”)
Specialists: those who choose a single specific route and focus their work only in that area.
Now that you know them, I want you to FORGET about becoming either of them…
…because one thing is certain in marketing today:
Generalists & Specialists Are Extinct
If that seems harsh, consider where your customers or clients are coming from:
Because they can only speak to their particular skill, specialists are limited in their abilities.
And generalists, while capable of leading marketing teams through campaigns, don’t have time to keep up with new strategies and test-worthy trends emerging every day.
So what’s the happy medium?
Someone who’s able to link the core areas of digital marketing with expertise in about 1-3 of them, and can create a holistic strategy.
What exactly is a “T-Shaped” Marketer?
Every single facet of digital marketing can be used to inform the marketing strategy of another.
For example, you can use:

Facebook Ads to build a larger email list…
Email to encourage people to join your community, and…
Community conversations to inform your content calendar.

In fact…
There are endless ways to connect all the skills in digital marketing:
A content marketer has perfected the art of growing an audience through organic traffic strategies.
But a T-shaped content marketer can take their content and use it to build a full-fledged marketing plan by incorporating…

Keyword research to determine which blog post topics to rank for
Data and optimization tactics for updating content and staying relevant, and
Social media sharing to build authority and brand awareness

In another field, a copywriter is tasked with writing promotional copy for email, paid ads, and products.
But a T-shaped copywriter knows the exact language that reaches their intended audience by understanding…

Email Marketing best practices
The stages of the Customer Value Journey
Community Management

And that’s where the picture starts to get a little bit clearer.
As a marketer, you already know what you’re especially good at or passionate about (this is the bottom of your T).
You might even have a broad idea of each digital marketing discipline (the top of your T), but not enough confidence to build a full marketing plan or offer those services to clients.
But T-shaped marketers have a competitive edge because they combine the strengths of generalists and specialists.
So that you can be a “Jack (or Jill) of all trades,” and master of whatever you choose!
And that’s why we created…
Digital Marketing Mastery
This course is hands down, the most comprehensive digital marketing training in the industry today.
We start by making sure you get crystal clear on the most important part of any digital marketing plan:
Your customers.
And to do that, we kick things off by mastering 3 foundational topics:

The Customer Avatar Canvas – WHO your ideal customers are
The Core Message Canvas – WHAT your business offers to your customers
The Customer Value Journey – HOW your customers interact with your message

Then, with instructors who are T-shaped marketers themselves, we’ll take an in-depth look at the core digital marketing competencies, including:

Content Marketing
Email Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Community Management
Digital Advertising
Data & Optimization
Search Marketing

Furthermore, the instructors relate each specialty back to the stages of the Customer Value Journey so that you can see how all areas of digital marketing do their job of attracting, converting, and ascending customers.
Not just once, but as a machine that turns your prospects into leads, and leads into customers.
After earning your Digital Marketing Strategist Certificate you’ll have the tools to effectively reach your (or your clients’) target audience through a full-scope marketing strategy.
What Will I Learn?
Module 1 Overview

Core Concepts of Digital Marketing

Learn the role of digital marketing and how to leverage it in today’s business world.
Lesson 1: The Goal

Lesson 2: Traditional v. Digital

Lesson 3: Role of Digital Marketing

Lesson 4: Critical Disciplines

Lesson 5: 3 Tools for Modern Marketer

Lesson 6: B2B v B2C
Module 2 Overview

Knowing Your Customer

Build out a Core Message Canvas and Customer Avatar Canvas and finally get clear on who you’re selling to.
Lesson 1: Knowing Your Customer

Lesson 2: Customer Avatar Canvas

Lesson 3: Customer Before & After

Lesson 4: Building Your Before & After

Lesson 5: Before & After in Action

Lesson 6: Core Message Canvas
Module 3 Overview

Customer Value Journey

Discover the steps in your marketing plan that seamlessly moves a person from lead, to paying customer, to raving fan.
Lesson 1: Mapping The Customer Value Journey

Lesson 2: Awareness

Lesson 3: Engagement

Lesson 4: Subscribe

Lesson 5: Convert

Lesson 6: Excite

Lesson 7: Ascend

Lesson 8: Advocate

Lesson 9: Promote

Lesson 10: Optimizing Your Value Journey

Lesson 11: Call To Action
Module 4 Overview

Content Marketing

Learn which types of content to use to attract your audience and leverage content marketing strategies to grow your business.
Lesson 1: Content Marketing: Introduction

Lesson 2: What is Content Marketing?

Lesson 3: You Are Here

Lesson 4: Voice

Lesson 5: Content Strategy

Lesson 6: Content Options

Lesson 7: Monetize Content

Lesson 8: Content Marketing KPIs

Lesson 9: Content Tools

Lesson 10: Call To Action

Lesson 11: Copywriting: Introduction

Lesson 12: Content Writing v. Copywriting
Module 5 Overview

Social Media

Gain a basic, clear understanding of how to use social media to build real relationships with your audience.
Lesson 1: Social Media: Introduction

Lesson 2: You Are Here

Lesson 3: Social Channels

Lesson 4: Targeting Your Audience

Lesson 5: Creating Content

Lesson 6: Social Media KPIs

Lesson 7: Goals of Social Media

Lesson 8: Brand Management

Lesson 9: Call To Action
Module 6 Overview

Digital Advertising

Dive into paid traffic strategies, landing pages, copy and ad design elements, and how these functions work together to bring prospects to your pages.
Lesson 1: Digital Advertising: Introduction

Lesson 2: You Are Here

Lesson 3: Paid Traffic: Overview

Lesson 4: Why Use Paid Traffic?

Lesson 5: Landscape Overview

Lesson 6: Planning

Lesson 7: Creative: The 3 Core Elements

Lesson 8: Budgeting

Lesson 9: The 3 Pillars of Paid Media

Lesson 10: Optimizing Your Paid Media

Lesson 11: Reporting

Lesson 12: Paid Advertising Wrap-Up

Lesson 13: Call To Action

Lesson 14: Data & Optimization/Landing Pages: Introduction

Lesson 15: Landing Pages

Lesson 16: Landing Page Copywriting

Lesson 17: Design Elements: Introduction

Lesson 18: Design Goals

Lesson 19: Ad Creatives

Lesson 20: Design Resources

Lesson 21: Call To Action
Module 7 Overview

Search Marketing

Use SEO strategies to generate better rankings on search engines, and free organic traffic to your site.
Lesson 1: Search Marketing: Introduction

Lesson 2: You Are Here

Lesson 3: What is SEO?

Lesson 4: Technical SEO

Lesson 5: On-Page SEO

Lesson 6: Off-Page SEO

Lesson 7: SEO KPIs

Lesson 8: Call To Action
Module 8 Overview

Email Marketing

Learn how to create email campaigns that get opened, get clicked, and convert passive list subscribers into active customers.
Lesson 1: Email Marketing: Introduction

Lesson 2: You Are Here

Lesson 3: Tools & Tactics

Lesson 4: List Hygiene

Lesson 5: Actionable Metrics & KPIs

Lesson 6: High-Value Segmentation

Lesson 7: Broadcast v. Follow-up

Lesson 8: Call to Action

Lesson 9: Email Copy

Lesson 10: Elements of Email Copy

Lesson 11: Call to Action: Using Social Media to Practice Copywriting
Module 9 Overview

Community Management

Go in depth into how to build a thriving online community that positively impacts your business’ bottom line.
Lesson 1: Community Management: Introduction

Lesson 2: You Are Here

Lesson 3: Why Communities?

Lesson 4: Creating Your Community

Lesson 5: Launching Your Community

Lesson 6: Sense of Community

Lesson 7: Community Metrics

Lesson 8: Call To Action
Module 10 Overview

Data & Optimization

Discover the data and optimization tactics to find which marketing techniques work best for your business and customers.
Lesson 1: You Are Here

Lesson 2: Data Purpose

Lesson 3: Lagging vs. Leading Metrics

Lesson 4: Top of the Funnel Metrics

Lesson 5: Middle of the Funnel Metrics

Lesson 6: Bottom of the Funnel Metrics

Lesson 7: Optimizing Using Data

Lesson 8: Identification

Lesson 9: User Research

Lesson 10: Hypothesis Construction

Lesson 11: Prioritization

Lesson 12: Running & Reporting a Test

Lesson 13: Call To Action
Meet Your Instructors
Ryan Deiss

Ryan is the Co-Founder & CEO of DigitalMarketer. A marketer turned entrepreneur turned investor (but still mostly a marketer), Ryan is the creator of the “Customer Value Optimization” methodology and has introduced and popularized many of the digital selling strategies that modern companies now take for granted. He quite literally wrote the book on marketing while also founding multiple companies employing hundreds around the globe. According to Shark Tank star, Daymond John, “His companies practically own the internet.”
Richard Lindner

A sought-after executive leadership expert, working with some of the world’s most exciting brands, Richard has helped start 13 companies from scratch, fund (or acquire) a dozen more, and has directly advised hundreds of CEOs and entrepreneurs on how to grow and scale their companies…oh yeah, and he’s managed well over a BILLION email sends (in multiple markets), created & implemented strategies to overcome major changes in Yahoo, Hotmail & Gmail algorithms, tripled email open rates, doubled email clickthrough rates and generated over $40MM in revenue from email marketing alone!
Kasim Aslam

Kasim (rhymes with “awesome”) is the founder and CEO of Solutions 8, one of the world’s top-ranked Google Ads agencies, Solutions 8. Recipient of the Arizona Interactive Marketing Association’s 2017 TIM Award for Person of the Year, Kasim was also named one of the Top 50 Digital Marketing Thought Leaders in the United States by The University of Missouri in 2020. His book, The 7 Critical Principles of Effective Digital Marketing, was featured as one of the Top 100 Digital Marketing Books of All Time by Book Authority.