
Digital Marketer – Jumpstart Pack: Fill Your Funnel

Original price was: ₹28,500.00.Current price is: ₹1,826.00.



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Digital Marketer – Jumpstart Pack: Fill Your Funnel
The Fill Your Funnel Jumpstart Pack

A Carefully Curated “Crash Course” On Everything You Need To Fill Your Funnel With High-Converting Paid Traffic And (More Importantly) Drive Sales & Conversions
What’s Inside The “Fill Your Funnel” Jumpstart Pack?
The TOFU | MOFU | BOFU Method To Turn Ice Cold Prospects Into Red Hot Buyers

Learn the 3 types of campaign objectives you need if you’re ever going to break even or better on your ROI
Discover how to “nail the first date” and make sure you have the RIGHT content, at the RIGHT time in front of your prospects
Swipe our “Ultimate Ad Template Library” that we used to increase our conversion rates and get more results with less wasted spend

What Every Online “Ecosystem” Needs To Grow With Paid Ads

Discover the 8-step “ecosystem” checklist to build your brand, stay compliant, and scale your offers
Leverage our fill-in-the-blank “Traffic System Planning Canvas” to identify exactly what campaigns you need to get the most out of your ad spend
Learn how to use the “71% platform” you probably aren’t using to get your product or service in front of millions of eyeballs (HINT: it’s not Facebook)

How To Hook Prospects & Drive Sales with High-Converting Creative & Copy

Learn the “3 Rules of Selling” you should be following (and why heeding these simple rules will practically write your copy for you)
Follow our proven 6-step creative process to quickly craft eye-catching, engaging, and highly effective ads
Discover the science behind crafting your ads and how to “stop the scroll and get the click”

A Process-Driven Blueprint for Maximizing the Performance of Your Ads

Leverage the 8 “laser-targeting” research questions you need to nail your audience targeting from the start
Learn the “but no one else would” trick to effectively target cold traffic (without overpaying)
Stretch your advertising dollars by leveraging Google Display Network + YouTube to bring in massive traffic to your site

BONUS: The Future of Facebook Ads: What iOS 14 Means For Your Business.
Master The Most Sought After Skill In All Of Marketing…In Just 3 Hours

You probably already know that you need more traffic, but between…

Figuring out where to spend your money…
Figuring out how much to spend to get results…
Knowing the difference between cold, warm, and hot traffic (and how to get the RIGHT ads in front of them)
Making sure you stay compliant so your account doesn’t get shut down…
Crafting high-converting copy & creative…
Knowing when and how to use “paid” versus “organic”…
Choosing the “right” platform between Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, YouTube, and the like…

Paid traffic can be confusing.
And since it’s often the most expensive part of the marketing budget, it can also be intimidating…
You don’t know where to start and you want to make sure that you are spending your money wisely.
The problem is most people start with the wrong traffic, and then they wonder why they’re not getting results.
But how do you know what kind of traffic is best? And how can you get started without a ton of money in your account?
You’re not alone…we know what it’s like to be in your shoes.
It can seem overwhelming at first and there are a lot of options out there for paid traffic that can make things even more confusing.
But don’t worry, we’re here to help you figure it all out so you can get back to running your business and making money!
Paid Traffic has been a game changer for our business and it’s helped us grow faster and more consistently than ever before.
But we didn’t always know how to do it well (or at all). And the first time we tried, it was a total flop. We learned A LOT from those mistakes and want to make sure you don’t repeat them!
That’s why we created the Fill Your Funnel Jumpstart Pack…A “Crash Course” In Filling Your Website and Funnels With The Perfect Customers.
This training will walk you through everything we wish someone had told us when we started using paid traffic, including…

What NOT to do (and why)!
The core ad-buying funnel: TOFU > MOFU > BOFU and how it all works together.
How to expand your audiences and convert to cold traffic
How to craft ad copy and creative that actually works
“Laser-targeting” research question to find which audiences convert best
How to leverage platforms that AREN’T Facebook, including Youtube and Google.
PLUS some “traffic secrets” for when you can’t crack the paid traffic code.

And by the end, you’ll know how to talk, think, and execute like a paid traffic pro.
Paid traffic is an essential lever to pull when filling up your funnel and growing your business.
But you don’t have to spend a lot of money on paid advertising (and it doesn’t make sense if you aren’t sure which type will work best).
This training will take away all the guesswork and confusion surrounding paid traffic so that you can get started today!