
Digital Marketer – Jumpstart Pack: Funnel Builder

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Digital Marketer – Jumpstart Pack: Funnel Builder
The Funnel Builder Jumpstart Pack
A Carefully Curated “Crash Course” On Everything You Need To Build A Funnel That Turns Total Strangers Into Red Hot Buyers…On Autopilot
What’s Inside The “Funnel Builder Jumpstart Pack”?
The Same Strategy Starbucks and McDonald’s used to Corner the Coffee and Fast Food Markets

Uncover the core concepts of building a funnel and why you start “at the end”
Build a low-dollar Entry-Point Offer (EPO) that pays for your traffic AND gets customers to know, like, and trust you
Discover the different types of lead magnets to build an engaged audience of eager buyers fast
Unleash the power of the “profit maximizer” to pump up profits by increasing your average order value
Easily optimize your core offer to get more conversions from more customers

Crafting Your Offer to Hook Your Audience and Turn Them Into Customers

Author of “Digital Marketing For Dummies” teaches you how to use a Customer Avatar Canvas to turn a mediocre funnel into a high-converting cash machine
Understand the different the types of Entry Point Offers to find the one that best converts your audience
Get the Entry-Point Offer Checklist that proves your entry-point offer is exactly what your customer avatar is looking for (BEFORE you hit publish!)
Craft an Irresistible Lead Magnet that attracts your audience to your list easily & effortlessly
Figure out which traffic source is the best option for you (and learn how to create a network of partners and affiliates)

Get a Process-Driven Blueprint for Constructing a Landing Page that Converts Visitors into Buyers

Learn the 3 types of landing pages you can deploy, and which is best for your offer
The Founder of DigitalMarketer will walk you through exactly how to construct your landing page using the Landing Page Checklist to make sure you hit on all the major points of an optimized landing page
Get the 15 Point Landing Page Audit to review and optimize your existing landing pages

BONUS MODULE!: Optimizing Your Offer By Taking it From Good to Great

How to optimize your payments and add terms with a technique especially effective for higher-priced items ($1,000+)
Get 3 strategies to create urgency to buy using scarcity and deadlines (and how to avoid “fake” urgency)
Create bundles and kits that package services or products together in the same offer for a more expensive purchase

Your Business Only Needs ONE Funnel To Create Scalable Growth
You spend hours working towards your launch—tweaking your copy, making sure the images on your landing page are *chef’s kiss* PERFECTION, and your traffic is ready to break down the door and buy your offer.
You hit publish and go to your payments page…waiting to see the money roll in.
There’s one purchase!
Oh, and another!
You think you’re on a roll…until…
The funnel you thought would bring in 5 or 6-figures for your business seems to be on vacation, which means—YOU’RE not going on a vacation anytime soon. Say goodbye to the palm trees and ocean or the snowy, perfectly ski-able mountain…
You need to sit at your desk and figure out what went wrong and how you can fix it.
But figuring out what went wrong with a funnel is HARD. There are 10+ moving pieces and any of them could be causing failure.
How do you know which one it is—and how do you get your funnel to stop taking so much PTO?
Create Predictable Income From Funnels That Do Their Job
Building a profitable AND predictable funnel is a system.
It’s not something you throw together and cross your fingers will work—it’s a step-by-step system that works for any business across all industries.
It’s the system Starbucks uses to sell $8 lattes and how McDonald’s figured out how to succeed in 100 countries.
How often do you see one of these stores with a “Permanently Closed” sign on them?
Never…not even after 2020!
Knowing how to build funnels that increase customers, average transaction value per customer and the number of transactions per customer is the difference between a business doing their best…
And a business with money in the bank, the confidence of knowing new product launches will hit their mark and a system on autopilot that generates more revenue.
You can either rely on your business—or have your business rely on you.
And it all starts with knowing how to build a funnel that turns your audience into subscribers and customers.
Build Funnels Using Proven Strategies, Templates, And Techniques
You don’t have to spend the next year testing out how to build a funnel that works.
You can launch that funnel next week—and get first-hand experience at how to do it the right way, the first time.
That’s because funnels are a step-by-step process. When you use:

Proven strategies like the Customer Value Optimization process Starbucks and McDonald’s have used for years…
Templates like the Entry-Point Offer Checklist and Ryan Deiss’s Landing Page Checklist…
And Techniques like adding profit maximizers to your funnel…

You’re not peeking fearfully at your sales to see if anything is happening.
You’re hitting publish and knowing your funnel is built on the proven strategies, templates, and techniques of Fortune 500 companies.
Even if you’re still at the stage of working towards your first 5, 6, or 7 figure funnel.
What Is A Jumpstart Pack?
There are three things that make a “Jumpstart Pack” different from anything else we offer at DigitalMarketer…

Best Of The Best
Rapid Consumption
Limited Availability

The “Best of the Best”…Carefully Curated
Jumpstart Packs bring you DigitalMarketer’s most innovative and actionable content and tools collected from our best-selling Certifications, Playbooks, & Live Trainings… All in one place.
It’s like “Cliff’s Notes for Marketers”.

The Customer Avatar Canvas: Figure out what your customers are feeling right now and what messaging converts them to your offer in the moment
The Customer Value Journey: The proven 8 stage value journey that takes total strangers and turns them into repeat buyers for every niche, industry, or field.
Customer Value Optimization Process: The same system Starbucks and McDonald’s use to increase customers, average transaction value per customer, and the number of transactions per customer.
Entry-Point Offer Checklist: Hit “Publish” on your Entry-Point Offer knowing you’ve covered every element needed to get conversions.
The Landing Page Checklist and the 15 Point Landing Page Audit: Create new landing pages and optimize existing ones with the Checklist and Audit that ensure you’re adding the missing crucial elements that are hurting your conversions.