
QuantInsti – Value Strategy in Forex

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QuantInsti – Value Strategy in Forex
This course is highly recommended for Forex traders looking for new techniques in quantitative trading. Learn to create a value strategy based on fundamentals such as Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER). Continue to build upon new strategies using free FX data on our backtesting platform.




Explain macroeconomic factors affecting the forex market
Explain and analyze various forex valuation methods
Create and backtest a forex value strategy based on REER in Python
Implement strategies in the live markets and analyze the performance


This course is a part of the Learning Track: Algorithmic Trading in Cryptocurrency and Forex

Forex Trading using Python: Basics


Value Strategy in Forex
Crypto Trading Strategies: Intermediate


Crypto Trading Strategies: Advanced

Introduction to the Course

This section discusses how different macroeconomic factors such as inflation, balance of trade, etc. affect the forex market.

Introduction to the Course
Quantra Features and Guidance
Macroeconomic Factors Affecting Forex Market
Balance of Trade
Effect of Interest Rates
Carry Trade
Effect of Inflation

Valuation of Forex
This section helps you understand different Forex valuation methods such as Purchasing Power Parity (PPP), Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER) and Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER).

Purchasing Power Parity (PPP)
Exchange Rate Using PPP
Valuation Using PPP
Relative PPP
Compute Exchange Rate
Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER)
Nominal Exchange Rate
Real Exchange Rate
Nominal and Real Effective Exchange Rate
Calculation of REER
REER Formula

Forex Value Strategy: Logic
This section explains the working of the strategy and provides the logic behind it.

Forex Value Strategy
REER Data Source
Strategy Logic
Valuation Methods
Trading Signal Based on REER

Forex Value Strategy: Implementation
After learning about the strategy logic, this section moves on to explain the Python code for implementing it and demonstrates the returns from it. It also provides the downloadable Python code for the strategy.

Code the Forex Value Strategy
Download REER Data
How to Use Jupyter Notebook?
FX Value Strategy in Python
Read the Data
Generate Trading Signal
Fill NaN Values
Compute Strategy Returns
Plot the Strategy Returns
Course Summary

Run Codes Locally on Your Machine
Learn to install the Python environment in your local machine.

Python Installation Overview
Flow Diagram
Install Anaconda on Windows
Install Anaconda on Mac
Know your Current Environment
Troubleshooting Anaconda Installation Problems
Creating a Python Environment
Changing Environments
Quantra Environment
Troubleshooting Tips For Setting Up Environment
How to Run Files in Downloadable Section?
Troubleshooting For Running Files in Downloadable Section

Live Trading on IBridgePy

Section Overview
Live Trading Overview
Vectorised vs Event Driven
Process in Live Trading
Real-Time Data Source
Code Structure
API Methods
Schedule Strategy Logic
Fetch Historical Data
Place Orders
IBridgePy Course Link
Additional Reading

Paper and Live Trading
In this section, a live trading strategy template will be provided to you. You can tweak the strategy template to deploy your strategies in the live market!

Template Documentation
Template Code File

Downloadable Resources
You can download the Python strategy codes at the end of the course.

Python Codes and Data


Gain more in less time
Get taught by practitioners
Learn at your own pace
Get data & strategy models to practice on your own