Marty Morales – Structural Integration – Theory and Gait Assessment



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Marty Morales – Structural Integration – Theory and Gait Assessment
Structural Integration – Theory and Gait Assessment
Structural Integration Theory and Movement Assessment based on the Morales Method®
Have you ever wanted to study Structural Integration Therapy, or thought…
“I wish I could study Structural Integration but the money and time commitment is too great”
“I’ve always felt that my current body of work is moving towards the direction of Structural Integration but I don’t know for sure, I wish there was a way I could know for sure”
Before I studied Structural Integration, I used to think the exact same way
It’s difficult to know if you will truly like something unless you try it. When I was training there was no way of knowing if Structural Integration Therapy was the thing for me. I had to go in blind. Luckily, I found my passion in this work!
You don’t have to go in blind
This is why I created this course. In it you will learn the theory behind Structural Integration from the Morales Method approach and you will see how we perform movement assessment in walking.
From here you will get a sense as to whether or not SI is right for you.
Structural Integration is an art
The world of Structural Integration is constantly conducting clinical research in order to support the work but let’s be clear, SI is an art and a philosophy first and foremost.
Because of this you must experience it and see it in action to understand it.
This online course will help you understand the art and philosophy behind this body of work and help you make the decision to take the next step in your Structural Integration Therapy education.
What happens in this course
In this three-hour course, you will witness my 2018 lecture as I teach Level 1 Structural Integration Theory and Body Reading (Gait Assessment) in Zurich Switzerland.
You will learn about the history of Structural Integration, my lineage in the study, and how I came about taking on a different approach to the work.
You will then learn how we bring together the Stages of Motor Development to create a gait assessment model and then we will be looking at different people walk and addressing the questions we ask ourselves as we see people walk.
SI THEORY AND GAIT ASSESSMENT introduces the manual therapist (Massage Therapist, Physical Therapist, Osteopath, Chiropractor, Athletic Trainer) to the advanced study of SI. Structural Integration is used in order to help clients out of chronic patterns of pain, improving the quality of their posture, and giving the client a different way of being in their body.
Your Instructor
Marty Morales

Certified Advanced Rolfer®, CMT
Founder of the Morales Method® of Manual Therapy & Body Conditioning
NCBTMB and FL State Massage Board (50-31259) approved continuing education provider
Creator of the Morales Method® Academy of Structural Integration
Author: Deep Tissue Bodywork- A New Approach to a Classic Modality, Mastering Body Mechanics, 2nd Ed, and Morales Method® Core Integration Therapy

Teaching since 2006
Marty has taught in California, Nevada, Washington, Florida, Japan, Switzerland, Poland, and Taiwan
In private practice since 2003 with over 10,000 hours of private practice logged
MBA in Finance from Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles

“Learning about the Morales Method® Academy of Structural Integration has changed much more than just my bodywork. The philosophy behind the work is something I have found not only applicable on the table, but also in my daily life! I am a much different bodyworker now that I have completed the course and I am excited to continue the never-ending exploration of Structural Integration!”
– C.M., CMT, MMASI Practitioner
Course Curriculum

Structural Integration – Theory and Gait Assessment Parts A through I
Structural Integration – Theory and Gait Assessment Part A (19:39)
Structural Integration – Theory & Gait Assessment Part B (19:28)
Structural Integration – Theory and Gait Assessment Part C (15:38)
Structural Integration – Theory and Gait Assessment Part D (20:07)
Structural Integration – Theory and Gait Assessment Part E (18:33)
Structural Integration – Theory and Gait Assessment Part F (14:53)
Structural Integration – Theory and Gait Assessment Part G (14:51)
Structural Integration – Theory and Gait Assessment Part H (18:18)
Structural Integration – Theory and Gait Assessment Part I (17:29)