Miki Agrawal – MindValley – Zero to $100 Million 2023



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Miki Agrawal – MindValley – Zero to $100 Million 2023
Zero To $100 Million
To the entrepreneur dreaming of being featured in Forbes Magazine:

Deep inside you, there’s an idea worth at least $100 million.
An idea with the power to fuel a brand and business beyond your wildest dreams.
An idea that can transform your life. And even the world.
This idea can become your reality, much faster than you might think.
Even if you’re stuck and overwhelmed. Or just starting out on your entrepreneurial journey.
Miki Agrawal wants to help you find, hone, and own that idea.
A celebrated social entrepreneur and creative luminary, she’s built multiple $100 million brands. Each one based on just one game-changing idea.
And in her debut Mindvalley program, she guides you through her secret formula for building idea-driven breakthrough businesses: quickly, consistently, and free from the common pitfalls of entrepreneurship.
So you too can go from zero – or wherever you’re now at – to $100 million and beyond.
Breakthrough Ideas Don’t Need Fancy MBAs. Or Fat Bank Accounts.

Miki is living proof that a breakthrough idea – and the business it grows into – can come from anywhere and anyone.
She started hers from scratch. Often with virtually zero capital or experience.
And in the Zero To $100 Million program, you’ll discover how you can too.
All through a remarkable business building process that gives you absolute clarity of vision…
Fills you with boundless creative ideas that elevate you far beyond the limiting rules and beliefs about business…
And empowers you to take decisive action in all the right directions.
You don’t have to wait until you’re ready.
Or even until you’ve gathered the skills, time, or resources.
You already have everything it takes to build your $100 million brand.
And the right time to do it is now.
The Curriculum

Explore The Zero To $100 Million Curriculum

Zero To $100 Million is a 7-week online program that guides you through Miki Agrawal’s signature formula for envisioning and building your high-impact brand and business.
Throughout the program, you’ll join Miki in daily 20-minute video lessons encompassing every part of the formula: from developing and refining your idea, to building your brand, and dialing in your marketing, PR, funding, and community building strategies.
By the end of your journey, you’ll have all the strategies, frameworks, and inspiration you need to grow a brand fuelled by meaning and momentum: and that creates vast abundance for you, your loved ones, and the planet.


Finding Your Hit Product

Your journey begins with a key question: what do you really care about, and what urgent need are you going to solve? Here Miki will draw on her vast experience to help you develop a crystal-clear vision of your mission, your product, and your venture’s indispensable place in the world.

Highlights include:

The three sacred questions: don’t even think about spending your time, money, and energy on a business until you ask yourself these questions (this will save you millions of dollars and thousands of hours down the line).
The key to creating Blue Ocean products: instead of wrestling with competitors and market share, follow these steps to emerge as a natural leader and pioneer in any industry.
How to deeply understand your audience: follow these five steps to know your customers as intimately as you do your best friends.
Capturing your product’s soul: discover what your product looks, smells, tastes, and feels like by creating a highly vivid Mood Board (this is crucial to presenting a product people deeply connect with).
And much more.



Turn Your Idea Into a Prototype

Once you’ve dialled in your vision, it’s time to start creating something tangible, something real. Whether you’re developing a digital or physical product, you’ll gain priceless time and money-optimizing guidance for designing, prototyping, and manufacturing your masterpiece.

Highlights include:

Getting the right talent on board: whether you need engineers, designers, or artists to realize your vision – here’s how to find and inspire the best minds to contribute to your mission.
The prototyping to manufacturing blueprint: save your time, money, and sanity with this product development guide that takes you from the A – Z of creating a viable and beautifully working finished product.
The right way to collect feedback: everyone has an opinion – but find out which ones matter most, and how to get them by asking the right questions and performing the right tests.
Assembling your superheroes: discover Miki’s best hiring policies that allowed her to grow a team of rockstars committed to her companies’ mission and growth (hint: don’t always look for people like you).
And much more.



The Secret Sauce Behind A $100 Million Brand

You don’t need an expensive advertising agency or award-winning artists to build a brand people worship. Instead, use these ingenious strategies to design a magnetic, one-of-a-kind identity and aesthetic for your business.

Highlights include:

The brilliant branding starter kit: explore the building blocks of a world-class brand that commands attention and devotion, and magnifies your capacity for growth, revenue, and impact.
More than nice words and pretty pictures: rapidly master the art and science of producing beautiful, highly effective copywriting, graphic design, and imagery – each piece unmistakably belonging to your brand.
Creating the world’s best website: social media trends come and go, but your website is eternal. Discover how to build one that drives sales, looks incredible, and captures the essence of your brand.
Making sense of the numbers: discover how to collect and make sense of key analytic metrics that offer invaluable insights into your online marketing campaigns (and how to adjust accordingly to skyrocket your sales and conversions).
And much more.



Your Market Domination Plan

Next, it’s time to build a marketing plan worthy of your product and brand. So strap up, and join Miki on a crash course covering every fundamental of marketing mastery: from winning strategies, to beautifully optimized funnels, to the most profitable platforms, and more.

Highlights include:

The 6 stages of customer devotion: use this step-by-step funnel creation framework to transform cold leads into red-hot, raving customers who buy from you over and over.
Winning with weirdness: here’s how to turn boring copy-paste marketing messages into magnetic attention grabbers that stand out, and get everyone talking.
The email marketing cheat sheet: an email strategy done right is one of the closest things to your very own money printing machine. Follow these five proven steps to nail yours.
The right way to engage (and retain) customers: from gathering glowing testimonials to delivering world-class customer support – discover how to set up touchpoints that keep them forever loyal and happy.
And much more.



Get Featured On Every Mainstream Publication

PR – when done right – is an invaluable goldmine for free publicity and brand dominance. Here you’ll get everything you need to effortlessly drum up buzz for your brand – often without ever having to beg a single media outlet to show up at your next event or launch.

Highlights include:

The event nobody could ignore: how to craft event invites, care packages, and brand stories that leave the media scrambling to show up, get in, and lavish you with free coverage.
Turning rockstar editors and writers into allies: discover how to find and connect with the voices in the media that matter most, and get them excited to make yours matter too.
How to influence influencers: find out the best ways to connect with the biggest influencers relevant to your brand, and turn their reach and platforms into your own.
And much more.



Raise Millions in Funding

Your brand’s growth never needs to be tied to what’s left in your bank account. Discover how to attract the right investors and partners to help you expand, explore, and diversify towards your fullest potential.

Highlights include:

Your perfect business partner: these are the five must-have characteristics to look for in the person who’ll be your no. 1 ally.
The $100 million business pitch deck: use Miki’s rigorously tested 10-slide formula to amaze and convert even the most skeptical investors and partners.
The irresistible pitch: master the art and science of presenting your brand in a way anyone can understand and fall in love with.
The top 5 methods for raising limitless funds: focus on these five generous sources of cash, and you’ll never run out of it.
And much more.



Creating a Loyal Community That Drives Your Growth

In this final step, you’ll master the skill of building the lifeblood of your brand: the community that loves and supports it. You’ll go far beyond customer support and satisfaction, and discover what it really takes to nurture a loyal tribe.

Highlights include:

From nowhere to everywhere: use these community-building tools and strategies to nurture a loyal local and even global tribe with speed, integrity, and minimal cost.
Leveraging your community for brand growth: trace these steps to transform your relationship with customers into a mutually beneficial dynamic where everyone helps everyone grow.
The $100 million wrap-up: discover the best way to merge everything you’ve learned in the program into one unified game plan that makes your $100 million brand inevitable.
And much more.

Day by Day Schedule
Lesson 1 – 7

Lesson 1 Uncover What You Truly Care About

Lesson 2 3 Big Questions to Discover the Potential of Your Business Idea

Lesson 3 How to Create a One of a Kind Product

Lesson 4 Create Your User Persona

Lesson 5 Shape Your Grand Mission & Vision

Lesson 6 Create Your Product Vibe with Mood Boards

Lesson 7 How to Feel Safe & Sane When You Start a Business
Lesson 8 – 14

Lesson 8 Part #1: Recap & Review

Lesson 9 Where to Find Brilliant Designers for Your Product

Lesson 10 Going from Iteration to Prototyping

Lesson 11 Going from Prototyping to Testing

Lesson 12 How to Ask Your Customers for Feedback

Lesson 13 Navigate Legalese

Lesson 14 Assemble Your Dream Team
Lesson 15 – 21

Lesson 15 Part #2: Recap & Review

Lesson 16 Build a $100 Million Brand

Lesson 17 The Power of Visuals and Aesthetics

Lesson 18 Write Copy that Captivates

Lesson 19 The Imagery of Your Brand

Lesson 20 Create a High Performance Website

Lesson 21 Apply Data & Analytics for Smarter Decisions
Lesson 22 – 28

Lesson 22 Create a Trademark for Your Business

Lesson 23 Part #3: Recap & Review

Lesson 24 Devise Your Marketing Strategy

Lesson 25 Inbound & Outbound Marketing

Lesson 26 Create Emails People Love

Lesson 27 8 Steps to Get Started with Digital Advertising

Lesson 28 How to Get Glowing Testimonials & Referrals
Lesson 29 – 35

Lesson 29 Build Loyalty with Excellent Customer Support

Lesson 30 Part #4: Recap & Review

Lesson 31 How to Get PR

Lesson 32 Find Editors & Writers

Lesson 33 How to Leverage Influencers

Lesson 34 Part #5: Recap & Review

Lesson 35 Ingenious Fundraising Methods
Lesson 36 – 42

Lesson 36 How to get people fascinated in your business

Lesson 37 The perfect business pitch deck

Lesson 38 Perfect Your Fundraising Plan

Lesson 39 Find Your Dream Business Partner

Lesson 40 5 Fundraising Methods for Your Business

Lesson 41 Part #6: Recap & Review

Lesson 42 Build a Supportive Community Around Your Business
Lesson 43 – 44

Lesson 43 How to Turn Customers Into Devotees

Lesson 44 Plan for a Bright Future
About Miki Agrawal, Creator Of Zero To $100 Million

Miki Agrawal is a high-impact, highly unorthodox social entrepreneur known for building game-changing multi-million dollar businesses through creativity and disruptive innovation.
She is the founder of the period-proof underwear company THINX, alternative pizza company WILD, and TUSHY, a revolutionary bidet company that’s changing the way Americans use the toilet: all with a collective valuation of $200+ million.
Miki’s business and philanthropic ventures have transformed tens of millions of lives, and earned her an endless list of accolades for entrepreneurship, leadership and creativity: including from Fast Company, Inc. Magazine, Time Magazine, and the World Economic Forum.
She is also a bestselling author, a former professional soccer player, and a magnetic stage speaker with glowing endorsements from many of today’s leading business visionaries: including Bill Clinton, Mark Hyman, and Wholefoods founder John Macker.
Through her debut Mindvalley program, Miki’s goal is to uplift entrepreneurs of all levels with the realization that through the right steps and guidance, anyone can envision a revolutionary idea that grows into a transformational brand and business.
What Students Say About This Program
“This quest has it all From the beginning to the end How to start From mission to the vision”

Before the program, I didn’t saw any other quest that makes you ready to publish all the elements of being able to start a new company, develop product ideas.
This quest has it all From the beginning to the end How to start From mission to the vision Production On technical support Development I believe all of the people that will go through this material with being ready to start with the courses, develop ideas from start, and be a step further from all the other people. Love it Thank you, Miki and Midvalley for this wonderful quest !

Ana Sroka

Photographer and Life coach
Gdansk, Poland
“This map, step by step guide for starting a business is amazing”

The idea for an educational tool for children with special needs lingered in my mind for a very long time. When I saw this quest I knew, I had to go through it. I knew Miki before from media and she is an amazing woman. I also knew, that she will have a lot of wise stuff for us, if I might say it like that. But never in my mind I imagined she would give me so much! This map, step by step guide for starting a business is amazing, invaluable!
I started taking the steps she describes and now the educational tools are not just an idea anymore. It is happening, it is in the making, i am proud of myself and so grateful to Miki for the inspiration and for showing me, that starting a business, creating a product from scratch, isn’t as terrifying as I pictured it to be. The work I put in seems like no work at all, because I am enjoying the steps towards realization of my longtime dream. Thanks!

Tanja Hrovat

Special education teacher, Head of school for children with intellectual disabillities
Radovljica, Slovenia
“Miki lit a fire under my tushy and now things are moving forward again”

My start up project has been in the back burner for a few months now. Miki lit a fire under my tushy and now things are moving forward again. Hoping for the best ?

Key learnings:

1. Don’t make DiY the norm, get other people involved asap. The ‘Rule don’t run’ philosophy.

2. Don’t let anyone push you around. You will always know your business better than everyone else.

3. Don’t be afraid to do out of the box or weird things in your marketing.

4. Always go to the blue oceans.

5. Create products or services that cause a behavioral shift or solve a major problem (ie: look at the sustainable/millennium development goals) and you have to care about it in a major way.

Pio Granada